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"Accidental Traffic" idea, but, as usual... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : "Accidental Traffic" idea, but, as usual...

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August 20, 2009, 10:08 AM
OK -- here's what happened a few minutes ago...

I'm watching a national news show on tv. Story comes on about a flower shop in IL who is getting 150 calls a day on their 800# for CASH FOR CLUNKERS because their # is very similar to the NATIONALLY ADVERTISED help line for cash for clunkers.

I immediately did some research -- I found that edmunds.com offers an affiliate program. The idea would be (of course) that, instead of just having the UNprofitable annoyance of 150 wrong #'s a day, it could be turned into (at least) SOME profit, potentially. Send the wrong callers to an easy to remember website which would have the affiliate link on it.

I called the owner of the store -- explained all this -- and, due to my stellar selling prowess -- she didn't really get what I was trying to explain, said thank you, and went right back to getting national attention for being annoyed by wrong numbers.

In other words, I did not sell her on the idea.

Yet another example of trying-to-help-people-with-win-win-marketing-ideas, ending up in total waste of time, energy, + thought.


-- TW

PS: If you'd like to try (it on her), pm me -- I have all the info.

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