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The Entrepreneur's Hotsheet... is back! [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
March 13, 2014, 03:53 PM
I must have received an email from your old list, Dien.

And almost clicked the "Spam" button, but something told me to open it!

Good to hear from you again and I hope you increase your distribution schedule for the Hotsheet. Once every five years is a bit too long...
Thanks Tom,

I'm glad your senses told you to open it! :)

Things are re-building here... There are a LOT of people in the background. We've had the most views we've had in a long time... But hey, that's the problem of forums. It's kind of like, nobody wants to be the first on the dance floor... ;)

Best wishes,


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