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Here is a scientifically proven way to increase your creativity... [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Here is a scientifically proven way to increase your creativity...

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Dien Rice
June 4, 2014, 11:21 AM
Honestly, maybe this is one of the reasons that we start pacing when we are trying to come up with a solution to a problem or are stressed out? Perhaps our bodies (or our brains rather) are actively trying to get us to move and stimulate our brains without us realizing it. Thanks for the share!
Hi Juan,

I once thought I could work very well if I had a kind of "tray" I could carry around, perhaps with shoulder straps, with a laptop on it, so I could walk and work on my laptop! I even researched it (there are such things available)...

Of course, knowing my luck, just as I hit an amazing "brainwave" I'd probably fall into a manhole or something... So, it might not work too well. I still haven't tried it yet... :)

Best wishes,


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