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Here is a scientifically proven way to increase your creativity... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
May 8, 2014, 10:48 AM
Wanna increase your creativity?

Researchers at Stanford University did some research, and came up with a simple answer. Just start walking!

Apparently, your creative output increases 60% when you're walking, compared to when you're sitting down.

Hmm... Could be some other benefits too...

Apparently, it doesn't matter if you're walking outdoors, or indoors on a treadmill either. It's the walking itself, not where you walk, that seems to matter...

Hmm... I should have written this post while walking. (I'm sitting down now - guilty as charged... Must do more walking and writing, somehow...!) :)

Stanford study finds walking improves creativity

- Dien

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