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Dien Rice March 23, 2011 08:36 AM

Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?

I just saw the movie "The Social Network" (on DVD)... I love "entrepreneur" movies. They're not made that often, and in the last decade, of the few that have been made, many have been about "dot com" businesses... Such as

- (documentary about an imploded tech company,
- e-Dreams (documentary about another imploded tech comapny,
- The Social Network, based on the true story of how Facebook got started... (How true? Depends who you listen to!)

But what makes it look like we could be in a new dot-com boom are the rise - and high valuations - of a number of new "dot-coms"... companies like

- Facebook - supposedly worth $50 billion+
- Groupon - supposedly worth $15 billion+
- Twitter - supposedly worth around $10 billion
- Zynga (they make the game "Farmville" and "Mafia Wars" on Facebook, plus others) - supposedly worth around $10 billion

And some of them (like Groupon and Zynga) have grown unbelievably fast! (Groupon was started just over 2 years ago!)

What do you think? Are we in the middle of a new "dot-com" boom, as I'm starting to wonder in this post? Your opinion, you know, is of interest!

- Dien

Ankesh March 24, 2011 01:50 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?
Thanks Dien.

1. I think Zynga and Groupon both are solid businesses based on their revenue. They don't have ballooned valuations as far as I can see. Twitter - I have my doubts. Can it create an advertising program that would earn them that much revenue? I have my doubts. But they certainly do have traction.

2. Unlike the first dotcom boom and bust, this time we're not seeing IPOs. Not even facebook has come up with an IPO yet. We're mainly seeing private money. And mergers and aquisitions by bigger companies before a company goes public. (Intuit buying Mint. All the companies salesforce has bought.) So unlike last time, we won't see the masses lose a lot of money within days.

3. Saying that, the number of startups being funded is insane. I know 1 incubator called something like the startup fund - invests in 500 startups a year! Ycombinator - one of the more popular incubator invests in about 80 startups a year. Overall, we're seeing north of a 800-1000 companies who are receiving seed money to start off - every year - and this only from North America. Obviously a majority of them will fail. So in that sense, yes there is a boom/bust situation going on. When investors fund a 1000 new companies, you know that many of them will be full of fluff. But these failures have low monetary risks for the angels and vc's who invest in the startups (most of them receiving only about $20,000). So we won't see the widespread bust as we saw before.

Phil March 24, 2011 01:54 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom? Groupon clones offer Glimpse of the Future! ...
Hi Dien,

Good to see you're doing well...

Enjoying "entrepreneur" movies, Life and Posting... :)

Excellent movies... Especially "The Social Network", Some Great business lessons Worth picking-up...

Quick Answer to you Question(s)...

What do you think? Are we in the middle of a new "dot-com" boom, as I'm starting to wonder in this post? Your opinion, you know, is of interest!

Definitely! ...

Those who Study “Group Buying 101”... And Re-work the Overall concept(s) Intelligently... SowPubbers included...

Will Find lotsa Fresh new “intriguing” Ways & Possibilities of Cashing in-On Group Buying! ...

Even without doing a Copy-Cat Groupon Clone related site...

Something Different...

Keep your "Eyes" wide Open for All the Up & Coming Fresh new (Niches) selling like Hotcakes! ...

Dig-Up those Start-up Problem(s) or that "One" missing (link) idea(s)...

Go for it! ... Take a Risk... You just Never Know if you don't Simply Try! it ...

"Niche" Group Buying Hotsheets? ... Especially Locally! ...

Groupon related Affiliate program(s) revenue sharing... Joint Ventures, referrals, CPA offers, University/College student billboards, desks & chairs etc. etc! ...

With an Advertising business model "Spin" to it... Who Knows...

Get to Work...

Fresh new Groupon(s) micro-niches to get into including Groupon Nightmares...

“Do not make Recession your Obsession, Just remember to forget it and you’ll be OK” -

Part Three: Group-buying
Groupon clones offer glimpse of the future... ;)

A Blast from SowPubs... “Circa” 2003! ...

The Key is Getting the Message out There in Some Unique way...

“Think” YouTube and Company! ... 8 Years later...

Students Today, Love this kinda stuff, for the Fun of it! A Good Party time Fun way of meeting... Free for all and Great Publicity for your Brand(s) & ideas! ...

Flash Mobs, the Internet, and Publicity...

8 Years later... :cool:

Once again...

Endless Opportunities & possibilities...

Making $100,000+ a year from YouTube


Ankesh March 25, 2011 07:34 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?
And just as I wrote this post - Sequoia and others invested $41 million in!

More than they did in Google. So who knows - maybe we are in a unsustainable boom.

Dien Rice March 25, 2011 06:12 PM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 28112)
Thanks Dien.

1. I think Zynga and Groupon both are solid businesses based on their revenue. They don't have ballooned valuations as far as I can see. Twitter - I have my doubts. Can it create an advertising program that would earn them that much revenue? I have my doubts. But they certainly do have traction.

2. Unlike the first dotcom boom and bust, this time we're not seeing IPOs. Not even facebook has come up with an IPO yet. We're mainly seeing private money. And mergers and aquisitions by bigger companies before a company goes public. (Intuit buying Mint. All the companies salesforce has bought.) So unlike last time, we won't see the masses lose a lot of money within days.

3. Saying that, the number of startups being funded is insane. I know 1 incubator called something like the startup fund - invests in 500 startups a year! Ycombinator - one of the more popular incubator invests in about 80 startups a year. Overall, we're seeing north of a 800-1000 companies who are receiving seed money to start off - every year - and this only from North America. Obviously a majority of them will fail. So in that sense, yes there is a boom/bust situation going on. When investors fund a 1000 new companies, you know that many of them will be full of fluff. But these failures have low monetary risks for the angels and vc's who invest in the startups (most of them receiving only about $20,000). So we won't see the widespread bust as we saw before.

Hi Ankesh,

I agree with you, that various things about this "dot-com boom" are different from the one around 10 years ago...

As you've pointed out, many of the companies are profitable this time around - unlike 10 years ago! (Twitter might be the exception in the companies I listed - but I'm pretty sure that Facebook, Zynga, and Groupon are all generating large profits.)

Also, there are no big IPOs yet (that is, none of these companies are yet listed on the stock market)... so the general public has no chance (so far) to participate in this latest boom. The beneficiaries are pretty much limited to company founders, early employees (who may get stock), venture capitalists, and angel investors.

If you are generating a lot of profits, you probably have less "need" to "cash out" through an IPO...

However, some people criticize the lack of IPOs, since, as I said, the general public can't share in the profits this time. At least not yet.

A third difference is that many of these are "Web 2.0" companies, and are specifically about creating or exploiting online social networks...

It's good to know about these things - so we can also figure out how to profit, too - as well as see where the "trends" are headed!

Thank you, Ankesh, for your insights!

By the way, just out of curiosity, is there a similar "Start Up" frenzy in India, to your knowledge, with venture capital, angel investors, etc.?

Best wishes,


Dien Rice March 25, 2011 06:23 PM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom? Groupon clones offer Glimpse of the Future! ...

Originally Posted by Phil (Post 28113)
Quick Answer to you Question(s)...

What do you think? Are we in the middle of a new "dot-com" boom, as I'm starting to wonder in this post? Your opinion, you know, is of interest!

Definitely! ...

Those who Study “Group Buying 101”... And Re-work the Overall concept(s) Intelligently... SowPubbers included...

Will Find lotsa Fresh new “intriguing” Ways & Possibilities of Cashing in-On Group Buying! ...

Even without doing a Copy-Cat Groupon Clone related site...

Something Different...

Keep your "Eyes" wide Open for All the Up & Coming Fresh new (Niches) selling like Hotcakes! ...

Thanks Phil for those valuable, entrepreneurial brain-stimulating links!

Part of the reason for bringing up this topic is that there are many huge opportunities here...

As - of course - you have also pointed out!

Thanks! :)

Best wishes,


P.S. Thanks, also - your post inspired this new post from me, with new info on how some people are making big money from YouTube...

Dien Rice March 25, 2011 06:30 PM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?
By the way, this doesn't mean we're not in a "down" economy... In every economy, some sections of the economy do better than others.

Some businesses are also "counter-cyclical" businesses, these businesses do BEST in the down times. (For example, a depressed economy is like a big money-making party - if you're a bankruptcy lawyer...!)

At present (as I posted about earlier), profits from these new "dot-com boom" businesses are closed to everyone except for a few... (like the founders, early employees who get stock, venture capitalists, and angel investors)...

But there's still opportunity here, too!

(E.g. one opportunity is to think of "selling shovels to gold miners"...)

Best wishes,


Phil March 26, 2011 01:16 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom? Groupon clones offer Glimpse of the Future! ...

Glad some Can see those "Huge" misc. opportunities Just waiting to be Discovered and Developed into Fresh new ideas...

One more Quick one! ...

Food for thought... From Google & company... As you Get Ready to Launch...

Your Fresh “Unique” B2B/B2C Group Buying concept...

The relevance of a "keyword rich" domain name May be becoming less important...

Watch Matt Cutts, the head of Google's Webspam team, as he clearly answers this question...

Short video... Dated March 7, 2011...

Actually! ... Matt... Doesn't really Fully answer Completely...

Highly recommend Going... the Dual purpose... Multiple domain name(s) route...

How important is it to have keywords in a domain name?

Better Yet! ...

Jeff Schneider's comment below the Blog post Explains it almost Perfectly...

According to Matt Cutts and his definitions our website name is perfect. We wonder what he would be willing to offer us for it ?
It has always been apparent to us that the best of all worlds would be to have a .COM Business Addresses that has High Brandability along with Key Words. Our Business Address has all three. What a confirmation !
Great Post !
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

Interesting Take on Things! ...

Date: Monday, August 7, 2000, 12:00am EDT
Area e-biz consultant: There's Gold in that Alphabet... ;)
Little Known Industry Secret

More "Golden" YouTube related ideas & opportunities in the Near Future! ...


Ankesh March 26, 2011 02:06 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com" boom?

By the way, just out of curiosity, is there a similar "Start Up" frenzy in India, to your knowledge, with venture capital, angel investors, etc.?

India is definitely seeing a lot more startups popping up too. But its not as frenzied as North America.

Lack of money and resources: Not as many angels and VCs are there in India. And there is a big gap in the middle where startups are past the angel stage and need to raise about $50,000 to $500,000. In USA, there are investors who specialize in that money bracket. None in India.

Marketing problem: No startup blog or magazine like techcrunch that has mainstream acceptance. There are lots of startup focused blogs in India - but none having a readership of over a few thousand people.

Legal problems: It still takes 30-60 days to incorporate in India. Getting a merchant's account to accept credit cards is a really painful process. Even if you get a merchant's a/c - you can't charge cards on a recurring basis. If you sell a plan that has monthly billing with it, you have to ask the client to fill in their credit card details every month. (Thats why, most tech Indian startups create something that can be sold globally - and accept PayPal or get a US based merchant's a/c.)

What is working for India however is the people.

Lots of people who were working for software outsourcing companies are starting their own ventures. Many of them are taking a concept thats worked in USA and replicating them in India. But there are quite a few very innovative ideas coming out too.

So things are changing. And rapidly. But the ecosystem is still no where close to that of Silicon Valley.

waynerhoton March 26, 2011 02:42 AM

Re: Are we in a new "dot-com boom"?
I think mini sites are booming hard!

You can (relatively easily) make at least a thousand a month or more with

Google Adsense
Youtube (same concept)
Or making any mini site and selling ad's yourself instead of using something like adsense.

Hmm now that I think about it, advertising is whats booming, and the internet is becoming the best way to advertise!

There are even companies doing Video Email ads!

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