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Old January 3, 2007, 04:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The "Power" of "words"!

Sandi and Millard you are right on!

I have been on the receiving end of several cold calls myself.
Not once have I NOT heard "I can save you X $, or We can tripple your blah blah blah."

This reminds me of a guy trying to pick up a girl using a line like
"Are your feet tired? .............."
For those that may not have heard the lame line before the conclusion is
"They must be because you have been running through my mind all night!"

I agree it is real lame and has been told 1 million times before and this is the reason it is not your best IN.
I can almost guarantee that if a guy tried that line on a girl, she would turn her back before you even finished!

However the guy that takes a REAL interest in the girl and talks about her instead of him will have way better odds of getting and keeping her attention.

It only takes a couple seconds to engage a "gate-keeper" and befriend them vs. talking past them just like every other clown that wants to see the big dog.

I would also like to state that I like to under promise and over deliver.
If I would tell a customer that " I can double or tripple your referrals" I had most certainly do it or the program is dead in the water before I would even have to to make it something worth mentioning.
The cleint WILL remember that I told him I will double or tripple his referral business.
After a few thousand dollars to me and this doesn't happen, I will be told to go fly a kite!
Not to mention any other promotion I try to sign them up for will be a big NO!

Best wishes in 2007!
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