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Old December 13, 2011, 09:41 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default CEO Son/Daughter/Wife Magic Party Referral System

Thanks Matt,

Quite a coincidence - I used to work with a Magician named Matthew.


Dunno what kind of magic you do.


A current magic client does Magic for VIP House parties.
(THAT is his Sales System)

We've borrowed an idea from David Copperfield - and moved him up to
Bigger Gigs with ideas that combine Magic Stories, Illusion and EGO.

In other words - his Magic Show Guarantees to Move the CEO toward
his quarterly Bonus - by mixing Magical Entertainment with business.

Company Magic Shows Happen AFTER a Home Magic Party.

Start with a Small B-Day Party Referral Program for his family alone.
The kids and mom don't KNOW it's a Referral System - of course.

THAT gets us In the Budget for the Larger Gigs.

Each CEO has a spoiled son, daughter, wife Who Expects Bigger and
wilder Surprises for their B-days, Anniversary, Holidays...

NATURALLY the CEO would rather DELEGATE and Pay us to do that
Work - FOR HIM or her.

We research the CEO's family - with his or her Help. (Usually their
Executive Assistant helps out.)

If the kid is a World of WarCraft nut... We use that in the Gags and
the set of the staging.

If the wife has a favorite designer or book author or color - we adapt.

Anticipation is one of our UNIQUE Differences.
We start before the magic show. (Digital technology helps)

Perhaps - A full size cut-out of a WOW - MONSTER appears on the wall
at the home front door...

OR -

For the wife - Maybe A Series of Glass Diamonds designs show up
under the her pillow.

They also get measured for outfits.

We Create a one act PLAY with Magic. (THAT is the idea we borrowed
from Copperfield.)


P.S. - OF course if you do regular b-day parties or stage magic - then we have to discuss projects done for other clients.
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