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Old December 31, 2011, 02:59 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Designed toilet paper covers... the next home decorative trend? :)

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
I think I've got a sure loser in 2012.

But then I thought it was silly to buy covers for cell phones to match
my outfits. Silly me.

Toilet Paper is a 10 billion industry in the USA.

Cottonelle wanted to get a leg up on their competition.

So they hired a designer.

Have started Pre-selling Designer TP ROLL COVERS for toilet paper

If twer me.

I'd have done lots of Testing on the QT - 1st.

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for linking to that site...

It's interesting - since when you start reading it, it's full of humorous "mock" news - all designed to promote their product...

For example, under the headline "Ice fishermen add roll covers to their must-have gear this season", it says...
The sport of ice fishing has seen many improvements this season, most prominently the inclusion of roll covers in the facilities. Mick Reynolds, superintendent out at Moon Lake, gave us the reason behind the big push to improve the bathroom amenities. "Some of these men are out here from the time the lake freezes to the time it melts. The quality of the commode matters," he said. "So we switched to Cottonelle and brought in those designer roll covers for the spares."

Fisherman John Timber is happy to see the changes. "Your toilet paper can see some hard times out there in the elements. The last thing you want is a frozen sheet."

It’s been a pretty good season for nearly everyone out on the lake, with a high count of perch, walleye and respected rolls.
If you click on "About Our Town" - you'll see it's all about a (fictional) town called "Where The Sun Don't Shine"!

I don't know how successful this promotion of theirs will be... But the website is an interesting example of (humorous) copywriting!

(From what I've read, "humorous" copywriting can be dangerous... Since you might entertain, but never get around to really "selling" the benefits of the product, or making a strong "call to action"!)

Very interesting, though... Who knows, a year from now, toilet paper covers could be the "thing to get" to keep up with the Joneses...!

Best wishes!

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