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Old April 10, 2015, 09:00 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Gary Halbert's take on... Castration

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
I was fortunate enough to know Gary and do business with him and learn some KEY Marketing stuff from him.

One thing not many people know is.....Gary got "overly rambunctious" with one project and had to spend 2 yrs in the slam. While there he wrote a sort of "Marketing Journal", jotting down everything he knew about Sales, Marketing & Promotion.

He did this to give to his son when he got out.....called "The BORON Letters".

Gary gave me a copy and I've referred to it often.
Hi Don,

There's no doubt, Gary Halbert was very talented! A marketing genius, even!

And he could certainly "suck you in" with his writing... And hold you till the end!

You know what? Everyone can read "The Boron Letters" for free!

Go to this page...

and scroll down around halfway to the end of that very long page. You'll see a bunch of headlines,

"Boron Letters - Chapter 1," "...Chapter 2," etc.

(Yes, it's legal - that's Gary's website, now run by his sons.)

You can also buy a copy at Amazon, too.

Gary used a number of techniques... I've experimented with what I've learned. However, I've lacked something... What's that? I haven't yet had the fearlessness to use a headline like,

like Gary did!

Best wishes,


P.S. Gary Halbert once posted to Sowpub. The original is still in the archives (I've got to get those up to date), but I reposted it here... The psychology he mentioned in his post is quite brilliant!

(Unfortunately, he didn't reveal the legal way he figured out how to do what he was talking about in that post...)
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