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Old March 6, 2017, 08:00 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default My big toast-related business mistake...

Originally Posted by RgrPett View Post
there's Bimbo Toasted Bread.

Available at your local grocer's or from Amazon (no affiliate)
Thanks Roger,

Pre-toasted bread... Why not cut out the toaster?

By the way, this is a bit of a tangent, but...

As some of you know, I've been involved in shipping products to West Africa. (My business partner is still there, running the business... We set up a store there.)

People want kitchen items, right? So kitchen items should sell... But we made one huge mistake.

We packed a lot of toasters in our shipping container to sell there. At least 50 toasters, I'd say. Good profits, right?

But we made a big error...

Apparently, West Africans don't toast their bread! They just eat their bread un-toasted... (Toasting it is not part of their culture!)

As far as I'm aware, we still have a huge pile of unsold toasters, in the store room of our shop...!

(Know any West Africans who want a toaster? )

Hmm... A good (and expensive) lesson on why you should know the local culture...!

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : March 6, 2017 at 08:47 PM.
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