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Old August 25, 2017, 11:40 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Wink can be a rabbit hole of over education...unless you keep this

Originally Posted by SecretAgentMan View Post
Within a few minutes of hearing this information, my mind was completely blown.

It really does seem simple, but the way Gordon will give you this information comes with a nuance that makes it very far-reaching indeed.

What Gordon has taught me so far has changed the way that I looked at the world, myself, and others, in the blink of an eye. And he continues to give me information in this vein that is extremely revealing about people and their hidden mechanisms.

It's like suddenly realizing that the emperor is naked with all of this persuasion stuff, and you can pull the same kinds of feats of persuasion that the likes of Dan Kennedy is pulling off. Super powerful.

I thought I knew sales and persuasion before, but this is like pulling the top off of the bottom of the vault and delving into a whole "back room" of hidden secrets with Gordon.

If you are interested in mastering the hidden machinery of persuasion and fast-tracking your ability to make money, then look no further. You've found the "secret" door.

in mind:

The problem with secret doors, as Daenerys Targaryen found out in the tower of the undying...they can lead to great distraction.

I went down the rabbit hole of persuasion/influence/SELLING 57 years ago, and even as a 10 year old, I wanted RESULTS from the use of my "magic words".

I leave the research, studies and academic pursuits to the Robert Cialdini's of the world and take their conclusions and tweak to get RESULTS for myself and others.

It begins with WHAT DO YOU WANT?

And at 10, I wanted to get some cash in my hand for all that magic.
My results:

80 cents for 15 mins of selling (using magic words: Spiders, snakes, mice)

followed by 45 mins of hard, hot, sweaty labor of Wax On/Wax Off car polishing for a quarter...

let's see. 15 mins TALKING = 80 cents vs. 45 mins of LABOR for 25 cents.

Is it any wonder I'm such a blabber mouth? Ah, what we learn at 10 to 12 stays with us a lifetime, eh?

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