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Old December 15, 2012, 04:18 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default WHY Jim Straw's School Principal Advised Him to Quit School

Happy Holidays,

The REASON WHY I'm writing this Sowpub Thread Is -

To Celebrate The Positive Impact Jim Straw and his 700 Info Products
have made on all our lives as Small Business Marketers.

(And to Test an idea for a new INFO Product.)

I'm sure Jim wrote this down somewhere. But I swapped ideas with Jim
and got it in an email.

It seems Jim never went to college because the Principal of his high
school called him to the office one day.

The Principal had seen Jim's car in the parking lot. KNEW it was worth more than his.

The Principal knew Jim Made more munny as a teenager than The Principal
of the entire school made.


"THE REASON You go to college is to train for a 25,000.00 job. You Already
make more than that. A lot more. So my advice to you is to QUIT school.
Make a lot of munny and HIRE a bunch of college grads to work for one of
your companies. That is how you can contribute the most to your country."


Many of my Mentors say there is MORE to it.

Richard Branson funded a Study of all self made billionaires in The UK
And Europe. Discovered 9 of 10 NEVER finished School.

I Am Convinced The Public Education System in The USA is BUSTED too.

A - You sit in a room -
the Teacher Talks -
you take notes -
You Read the same book the teacher is giving a speech about -
MEMORIZE details and facts.
Then get Tested about what you remember.

ALL of WHICH You Forget in 48 hours!

Which is a GOOD THING - because the Text book is DECADES out of date.

B - In The REAL WORLD Of Shiny New Ideas We Have to TEST Our
Facts and Ideas - Because the Pace of Change UNDER OUR Feet MEANS
what worked Before Will Mostly FAIL Today.

TEST is a Spoon-Full-of-Sugar Word for FAIL.

FAILURE is Guaranteed Unless we constantly make Lots and Lots of Cheap
Low Cost - NO COST Mistakes.

Yet Our Schools Punish us for making Mistakes!

C - I May Be Making a HUGE PUBLIC Mistake here on Dien's Forum. Perhaps
my Effort to Entertain you with "Funny Mistakes that Make Munny"
will FAIL.


I - Testing might turn my mistake into a Success.

II - I've learned to be Kinda' Humble because of my Tests. I Always Guess
WRONG. The Headline or Product Idea I think will be Popular NEVER Wins
in the Voting.

III - You guys and Gals might Make a Suggestion or Comment that TWEAKS
the whole thing into the WIN Column.

Which makes my Point.

Full circle.

Do You THINK Steve Jobs came up with each of his BIG WINNERS in a

No Testing?
No Mistakes?
No FAILURES before Product Launch?


The Apple Company Juggernaught is a Testing Machine.

THE BIG QUESTION for investors is this.

What happens to Apple when they run thru Steve's List of TESTED New Product ideas?

Glenn Osborn
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