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Old December 30, 2019, 02:04 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Bah, Humbug! is for Christmas, NOT the New Year.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions...

Maybe that's dumb of me... a chance to better myself, missed!

What do you do?

Should I have some resolutions for 2020?

I honestly have never done it... Am I missing out on something?

Or is "Bah, humbug" the right approach...?

I'm seriously asking...

Best wishes,


It is like driving your car and suddenly you stop in the middle of the highway and check your GPS.

Days into weeks, months and years but all a continuum of a life. I'm sure there are tribes in New Guinea for example which don't wear watches of have calendars. How do they know it is a NEW YEAR?

My point, just a check point on the journey. Either to check the map, the vehicle, the conditions, just a check point.

Resolutions, represent in my mind, a change of direction. Most of us, don't need or want that.

But I find it useful as a general check up, like a yearly visit to the doc, and taking your car in for a tune up.

Or as Professor Irwin Corey said, "If you don't change directions soon, you're going to get where you are going."

Most of us don't need to change directions, but maybe refuel, and check our maps.

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