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Old July 12, 2020, 12:40 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Something I forgot to mention...REPEAT BUSINESS...

This past week, Steve got another LOCAL PROMOTIONS card put together, but what I forgot to mention was...

he presents them as a ROTATION marketing system, he shows a map of their zip codes, and then the zones around them where the cards will go, on a quarterly basis. Although Steve does not have them do a contract, he accepts the verbal COMMITMENT to go on all the cards for a DISCOUNT.

By offering the space for a lower price, it makes doing the card much faster, doing one a week should be doable for almost anyone, and if you have a heavy business area, like those strips of businesses, then doing two or three could happen quickly too.

Steve's ROTATION marketing system, lets him do a zip code, move to the next one, and some may have many zones (a zone being approx. 2500 mail addresses).

IF they don't want the discount, the one off deal, a bit more expensive, but gives them a chance to test it out and some prefer that way.

Anyhow, I forgot to mention the idea of ROTATION marketing, which keeps cards flowing in a Zip Code for many months at a time.

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