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Old December 21, 2017, 12:03 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default The selling of the SQ1.

About a month ago, a new member contacted me, confused about the SQ1. He read a lot about it in our archives, vistited it

But didn't get it. I asked if he had DONE IT. As I had instructed, did he write it out by hand and make his own. NO, he hadn't. So, I told him to do that, post it for me to see, and then we'd talk.

About a week later, he contacts me, all excited, he had written it out and had several light bulb moments, and now had a ton of questions. Which I taught him to ask the SQ1, and tell me the answers it gave to him. Another few days and then he had to talk to me. So, like 1001 other people, I gave him my phone number and we talked.

I now have the first official SQ1 AFFILIATE, in the world, he being granted exclusive rights to teach it in his country. It will take us about 6 months to get all the workbook materials ready. He is, I believe to be the only person who actually wrote them out, asked questions, and rather than just reading, he GOT IT. I'm excited for him.

More on this later. Maybe today, I'll ask if anyone else is interested in teaching it. But I have to go out now, much last minute Christmas shopping to do and I want to get it done before the weekend.

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Old December 21, 2017, 12:56 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Teenagers, YIKES!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
About a month ago, a new member contacted me, confused about the SQ1. He read a lot about it in our archives, vistited it

But didn't get it. I asked if he had DONE IT. As I had instructed, did he write it out by hand and make his own. NO, he hadn't. So, I told him to do that, post it for me to see, and then we'd talk.

About a week later, he contacts me, all excited, he had written it out and had several light bulb moments, and now had a ton of questions. Which I taught him to ask the SQ1, and tell me the answers it gave to him. Another few days and then he had to talk to me. So, like 1001 other people, I gave him my phone number and we talked.

I now have the first official SQ1 AFFILIATE, in the world, he being granted exclusive rights to teach it in his country. It will take us about 6 months to get all the workbook materials ready. He is, I believe to be the only person who actually wrote them out, asked questions, and rather than just reading, he GOT IT. I'm excited for him.

More on this later. Maybe today, I'll ask if anyone else is interested in teaching it. But I have to go out now, much last minute Christmas shopping to do and I want to get it done before the weekend.


My shopping companion had a family emergency, seems she has a lot of those lately, with 3 teens in her house. SIGH> anyhow, we'll hit the mall in the morning and get it done, hopefully, before the teens get out of bed.

Well, that frees up my afternoon, do some more Amazon/Google shopping.

OH, to get back to a couple of things, first the CREED, having had several new people pick it up this morning, I want to say this...

It isn't any big secret. It has to do with mindset, and after 30 days of continuous repitition of the CREED, you will be able to ask better questions of your products and services and how they are fulfilling the concepts of the CREED. It takes the I out of what you want, and puts the U in success.

Then, back to the SQ1. I've had offers over the years, almost completed a couple of transactions, but thankfully they fell through at the 11th hour.

There is no more magic in the SQ1 than you will find in Tony Robbins, or Wayne Dyer, Barbara Sher, Eckert Tolle, or any number of IM gurus. But it does take the personality out of self help. It isn't about me, it is all about you.

Which is why I make you write out your own, rather than follow instructions on how to do this, or manifest that, or take these steps as outlined by Tony, Barb, Wayne, et al., which are general in nature and

OFF THE RACK ideas, which you must fit into.

The SQ1 is customized, one of a kind, no two Master PictoGrigms are alike because you create yours from YOUR experiences, and this seems to make them unique and different in the world of self help.

Now I'm familiar with all the above and 101 others, as I've written about for decades. I struggled with some of this self help stuff back in the 60's, it just didn't seem to fit my personality.

I tried to DO the visulalizations, the self hypnosis, the planning processes...but I found myself on one of the first exits, as explained on the POA. IF those things work for you, if you love Tony Robbins and have spent tens of thousands of dollars attending his workshops, or even hundreds on his books and courses, then GREAT for you, I'm glad it is working for YOU.

Unfortunately, I know too many people who have spent thousands of dollars on many self help gurus and they continue to spin their wheels. I don't know why that is for everyone who is stuck in their own mud...

but I do believe many people just don't fit into OFF THE RACK SUITS, they need some custom tailoring in their lives, for any number of unique reasons.

It may not be THE reason so many followers of gurus (pick any of them), do not get the results they were hoping for, yet are reluctant to blame their guru, who has very cleverly woven the fabic into his veil of mystery, that if you fail, it is on you, not him/her. Great lesson.

The SQ1 places responsibility on YOU also, but without the need to follow THEIR way of doing, thinking or acting. You must follow your own way, and understand yourself and where you came from, and where you want to go.

Which the SQ1 does, without ME involved, telling you to walk on hot coals, or jump off of cliffs or out of planes to overcome any fears, it is a look at where you are at.

HOW you got to this point, WHERE you want to go, and the What to do which takes you there. It really is, all about you and what you know, not about my 50 years of experience and study, and secrets I've picked up from gurus over the years.

It is self examination. Self scrutiny, and self acceptance and solving your problems in the direction of YOUR goals, getting you to where you want to be, and doing it YOUR way, YOU be Frank Sinatra and sing it...

You get to do life YOUR way. If you know what you want.

So that is the power of the SQ1 tools. The POA, the MasterPictogrigm, all the PictoGrigms and Diagrigms are tools for you to customize to suit your life.

Which is why I don't offer them as a part of the Gordon way to do things. I haven't sold them, or packaged them, or put them in a course, but have freely offered them and allowed people to either do them, learn something or go buy some more of Tony Robbins' stuff, so he can continue to live in his castle and fly his helicopter. Do what you want to do.

But if your life isn't as you hoped, or you aven't gotten whatever success you seek, then perhaps another look at the SQ1 will do you some good.

As my new friend in S. Africa found out, their efficacy comes from DOING, and customizing them to suit your situation. NOW he gets it, and is ready to help other South Africans learn to use the SQ1 for themselves.

It will take a little time to put it together in a work book, or work shop form, but once it is, then he has a lifetime business, because the SQ1 is the GO spot, it is first base. It is the beginning, once you DO them, and you can answer the question of what do you want and why, then you have to formulate a plan and take action so as a teacher, he will continue to have back ends and lifetime value to his students which will create active and passive income as he grows his SQ1 business in S. Africa.

He NOW understands how the SQ1 becomes the well which will give him water for a lifetime. I'm very excited for him, for his students and for the beginning of the SQ1 tool shed to be taken around the world.

GordonJ Alexander

PS. Give it a visit, especially if you have read the CREED recently, and ask the SQ1 what comes next. It may have the answer you are seeking.

Last edited by GordonJ : December 21, 2017 at 01:24 PM.
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