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Old May 9, 2019, 08:46 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Overcoming aphantasia, the one 'Secret' to THE SECRET.

Aphantasia is when one does not possess a "mind's eye" and cannot visualize.

Yet, in the arcane archives of Magik, Manifestation, Law of Attraction, The Secret, etc., etc. the subject is about 95% of the HOW TO.

See yourself as you want to be. Cut out pictures and visualize yourself driving that new car, living in that ocean front beach house, imagine you getting the reward, the dough, the girl.

In sports, like in golf or basketball, SEE yourself hitting the perfect shot, visualize the ball going in (Maxwell Maltz famous example from Psycho-Cybernetics, players actually shooting foul shots vs. ones who VISUALIZED).

BUT, for some of us, we can't visualize. It isn't new, was a condition written about by Francis Galton in 1880, the word is new...we didn't have aphantasia back in the day, we just had "CAN'T VISUALIZE".

Some of this might be to emotional blockage, or it may be just how your brain functions.

IF you have problems seeing things in your mind's eye, there is a round about...another way, and that is to FLOOD your brain with positive energy.

And FEEL, rather than see.

Usually, only sociopaths or psychopaths lack feelings. The rest of us, well, we live a lot of our life wrapped around how we feel.

Now there are some techniques and methods for helping one to visualize things, maybe VR (virtual reality) will be a good choice.

Real Estate is using more and more 360 degree movies, so you can walk into a house and look around as if you were there.

Back to manifesting. Your future. Guess where it begins?

You get a cookie if you said, KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHY.

If you can't SEE things, either in your future or in your past, you can evoke feelings, which are the real keys to it all...and the big LAW of so-called manifestation is to see it as it already exists.

Maxwell Maltz gave some good ideas.

Frank Rudolph Young taught FDB, feel divinely blissful. Hundreds of others have given us tools of the manifestation trade.

If you suffer from aphantasia, then dream boards may come in handy, and a technique to FLOOD your brain with the right chemical formula, ON DEMAND, and as the need arises. We already have the FREEZE, FLEE OR FIGHT reaction built into us. With PRACTICE, YOU can flood your brain with other chemicals which make life easier.

One way is to have a reminder, something like a POCKET GUIDE, or better yet, a "coach" in your pocket to help you release the feelings you need at the right moment. If only there were such a thing, eh?


Last edited by GordonJ : May 9, 2019 at 09:54 AM.
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Old May 19, 2019, 11:42 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Posts: 1,266

Thanks Gordon,

(This might seem to be OFF YOUR TOPIC a Bit Gordon. But When you Flirt Tip
Using The DIRECTIONS BELOW. You Will Find Yourself Getting a Bit More Excited
And P*AYING IT FORWARD more often. Because Your Flirt-Results Are
UNPREDICTABLE. Uncertain. So This
Might be a FUN way to INTENSIFY Your Positive Emotions. With the GOAL of
Practicing the ***Golden Rule of Reciprocity*** REGULARLY. Give to Get.)

As You Know We have a Self Made B*illionaire Watching Club.

We Recently Found HERDS (More than a dozen) of Billionaires
Adding LEGAL DRUGS to their Biz Ventures.

Food You Cannot Stop Eating - (Brain Chemicals)
WackyWeed (Which I Predict will be Legalized in Every State Cuz the Taxes on
a TRILLION D*ollars are too good for the Gummn't to pass up.)

I Did some Research on B. F Skinner and His "Skinner Box" Pigeon and Rat
Experiments - from the 1940's and 50s..

After 1000's of Tests Skinner Discovered a Simple way to TRIGGER MASSIVE
EMOTIONS in Test animals. Make Pigeons Peck the REWARD BUTTON 15 Times
a Second for 10 Hours. Make Rats GO BERSERK
hitting the Food Button.


As Gomer Pyle used to say...


Casino's use Skinners Discovery to ADDICT people
State Lottery - Same
Fortnite - Uses It too. F-r-e-e Video Game that made 2.4 B*illion in 2018

ALL Use Skinners Idea
to Trigger "Arousal" in the LIMBIC BRAIN.

Mad testing Scientist That
I Am I've Started Golden Rule
The Skinner Principle.

RATHER THAN TELL YOU Skinner's Big Discovery.

I'm Going to SHOW YOU
How to Experience it Yourself.


Recipe Ingredients:

#1 - Get a few 1.00 Instant Scratch off LOTTO tickets

#2 - Get a Small Bag of Chocolate M & M's - or Chocolate Kisses

#3 - Get Some 1.00 Bills

#4 - Get Some Flashing LED Glasses ( - cheaper than 1.00 each)


#5 - Get a pack of Fake Munny with Donald Trumps Face on it (amazon)



To Trigger The SKINNER-EFFECT. Alternate The Legal Drug Tips
with the Non-Drug-Tips. Like so...

Step I - When Waiter or Waitress Appears YOU ASK, "Is it Ok if I Start Tipping You Now? Before The meal?"

(They always say, "YES".

Step II - You Hold Up Two Legal Drugs in The Waitress Face. Lotto ticket in one hand. Chocolate Kisses in the other hand. Then say, "Which one do you WANT
as a Tip?"

Step III - She Picks one. Then Leaves and Comes Back with Ice Water.

Step IV - You are Now Holding Up A Lotto Ticket And Donald Trump
Funny munny. And You Say, "Pick One as A Tip."

Step V - She Chooses One. Goes away and Returns with Your Soup or Salad.

Step VI - You Now Hold Up a LOTTO Ticket and the LED BLINKING
Plastic Glasses. "You say, "Please Pick One."

The Longer
You Do This.

The Bigger and Wider The EFFECT.


Your Waitress Starts Smiling and Skipping back and forth to the Kitchen.

Because -

YES - Brothers and Sisters - CHURCHES Use This Too.

Will Influence Your Waiter, Other Wait Staff, Men, Women, Children at
nearby Tables, the manager. And A Cook or Two May Show Up too.

By Alternating LEGAL DRUGS
with Other Tips You Are Activating the Limbic Brain PLEASURE Center.

Arousing and Pumping Endorphins
into Your Waiters (And Watchers) Brains.

How CASINO's do it - Machines always come up ONE LEMON Short of a Win

LOTTO tickets - You Only Miss By One

Fortnite - When You Lose a Battle. Your Opponent ONLY BEATS YOU by a hair.
Each and Every time. Has only 1% of his "Health" Remaining. So you Try Again. LOOK UP and it's 5Am)


P.S. - I use this as SELF DEFENSE and REVENGE on Tightwad Restaurant owners.

AND to Get MORE FOOD. I ordered Asparagus Recently And Ended Up Paying
ONE DOLLAR PER SPEAR! 3 Bites of Applesauce for 3 bucks. Tiny portions.

So Now I Ask, "How many Cooks In The Kitchen today?

Send 3 LOTTO tickets Back with the Waitress. And Involve The Cooks In The

RESULT? Big Piles of food on each plate!

Not Always. The Results are UNCERTAIN. But Often.

SERVICE from 2, 3 , 4, 5 Waitresses and Waiters. AND the manager.

PEOPLE At Nearby Tables JUST
START TALKING to you like a Friend of 20 years.

P.P.S. - Email me ([email protected] ) Your Results and I'll Share OUR NEWEST RESULTS.
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Old May 19, 2019, 12:42 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,506
Default Perfect timing Glenn. The last? of my PictoGrigms.

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Gordon,

(This might seem to be OFF YOUR TOPIC a Bit Gordon. But When you Flirt Tip
Using The DIRECTIONS BELOW. You Will Find Yourself Getting a Bit More Excited
And P*AYING IT FORWARD more often. Because Your Flirt-Results Are
UNPREDICTABLE. Uncertain. So This
Might be a FUN way to INTENSIFY Your Positive Emotions. With the GOAL of
Practicing the ***Golden Rule of Reciprocity*** REGULARLY. Give to Get.)

As You Know We have a Self Made B*illionaire Watching Club.

We Recently Found HERDS (More than a dozen) of Billionaires
Adding LEGAL DRUGS to their Biz Ventures.

Food You Cannot Stop Eating - (Brain Chemicals)
WackyWeed (Which I Predict will be Legalized in Every State Cuz the Taxes on
a TRILLION D*ollars are too good for the Gummn't to pass up.)

I Did some Research on B. F Skinner and His "Skinner Box" Pigeon and Rat
Experiments - from the 1940's and 50s..

After 1000's of Tests Skinner Discovered a Simple way to TRIGGER MASSIVE
EMOTIONS in Test animals. Make Pigeons Peck the REWARD BUTTON 15 Times
a Second for 10 Hours. Make Rats GO BERSERK
hitting the Food Button.


As Gomer Pyle used to say...


Casino's use Skinners Discovery to ADDICT people
State Lottery - Same
Fortnite - Uses It too. F-r-e-e Video Game that made 2.4 B*illion in 2018

ALL Use Skinners Idea
to Trigger "Arousal" in the LIMBIC BRAIN.

Mad testing Scientist That
I Am I've Started Golden Rule
The Skinner Principle.

RATHER THAN TELL YOU Skinner's Big Discovery.

I'm Going to SHOW YOU
How to Experience it Yourself.


Recipe Ingredients:

#1 - Get a few 1.00 Instant Scratch off LOTTO tickets

#2 - Get a Small Bag of Chocolate M & M's - or Chocolate Kisses

#3 - Get Some 1.00 Bills

#4 - Get Some Flashing LED Glasses ( - cheaper than 1.00 each)


#5 - Get a pack of Fake Munny with Donald Trumps Face on it (amazon)



To Trigger The SKINNER-EFFECT. Alternate The Legal Drug Tips
with the Non-Drug-Tips. Like so...

Step I - When Waiter or Waitress Appears YOU ASK, "Is it Ok if I Start Tipping You Now? Before The meal?"

(They always say, "YES".

Step II - You Hold Up Two Legal Drugs in The Waitress Face. Lotto ticket in one hand. Chocolate Kisses in the other hand. Then say, "Which one do you WANT
as a Tip?"

Step III - She Picks one. Then Leaves and Comes Back with Ice Water.

Step IV - You are Now Holding Up A Lotto Ticket And Donald Trump
Funny munny. And You Say, "Pick One as A Tip."

Step V - She Chooses One. Goes away and Returns with Your Soup or Salad.

Step VI - You Now Hold Up a LOTTO Ticket and the LED BLINKING
Plastic Glasses. "You say, "Please Pick One."

The Longer
You Do This.

The Bigger and Wider The EFFECT.


Your Waitress Starts Smiling and Skipping back and forth to the Kitchen.

Because -

YES - Brothers and Sisters - CHURCHES Use This Too.

Will Influence Your Waiter, Other Wait Staff, Men, Women, Children at
nearby Tables, the manager. And A Cook or Two May Show Up too.

By Alternating LEGAL DRUGS
with Other Tips You Are Activating the Limbic Brain PLEASURE Center.

Arousing and Pumping Endorphins
into Your Waiters (And Watchers) Brains.

How CASINO's do it - Machines always come up ONE LEMON Short of a Win

LOTTO tickets - You Only Miss By One

Fortnite - When You Lose a Battle. Your Opponent ONLY BEATS YOU by a hair.
Each and Every time. Has only 1% of his "Health" Remaining. So you Try Again. LOOK UP and it's 5Am)


P.S. - I use this as SELF DEFENSE and REVENGE on Tightwad Restaurant owners.

AND to Get MORE FOOD. I ordered Asparagus Recently And Ended Up Paying
ONE DOLLAR PER SPEAR! 3 Bites of Applesauce for 3 bucks. Tiny portions.

So Now I Ask, "How many Cooks In The Kitchen today?

Send 3 LOTTO tickets Back with the Waitress. And Involve The Cooks In The

RESULT? Big Piles of food on each plate!

Not Always. The Results are UNCERTAIN. But Often.

SERVICE from 2, 3 , 4, 5 Waitresses and Waiters. AND the manager.

PEOPLE At Nearby Tables JUST
START TALKING to you like a Friend of 20 years.

P.P.S. - Email me ([email protected] ) Your Results and I'll Share OUR NEWEST RESULTS.

Thanks Glenn.

For me, you always arrive just in the nick of time. I wanted 16 PictoGrigms to do the work of 1,000 books, as far as imparting useful, practical, applicable information.

I think maybe 8 will work. What is missing from the POA of the SQ1 (Plan of Action from Square One Workshops) ARE the people.

From a starting point of vision, to belief, to action and adjustment, we don't see the interactions with others which have to take place on our journey from here (today) to there, the goal arrived at.

We know from the POP, the PictoGrigm of PERSUASION of the Pre-occupations (PO), and the knowledge we bring with us.

The intersection is fluid, and calls for the rope-a-dope of a Muhammad Ali with the tap dancing of James Cagney. The fancy footwork of distraction.

So, now I have applied operant conditioning to add to the mix. Which I think will NOW be focus of studies of success.

We don't live in a vacuum and our success, or goals come true, except for hermits in the woods, ala Thoreau...

so our interactions with others must be one key factor.

Maybe a bell and a Kiss for the symbol? Or a bell and a chocolate bar to avoid all TM problems.

Thanks Glenn, just what I needed.


PS. Harvey Brody uses the metaphor of a giant magnet under the table to control the iron filings we SEE on top of the table, and your covert use of practical psychological ploys does work just as well on those doing BIG deals, where millions of dollars exchange they do to fill your stomach to your heart's content.

I have to incorporate OC (operant conditioning) into the PictoGrigms.
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Old May 20, 2019, 05:29 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,386
Default This is an ingenious way to apply that principle!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post

Recipe Ingredients:

#1 - Get a few 1.00 Instant Scratch off LOTTO tickets

#2 - Get a Small Bag of Chocolate M & M's - or Chocolate Kisses

#3 - Get Some 1.00 Bills

#4 - Get Some Flashing LED Glasses ( - cheaper than 1.00 each)


#5 - Get a pack of Fake Munny with Donald Trumps Face on it (amazon)



To Trigger The SKINNER-EFFECT. Alternate The Legal Drug Tips
with the Non-Drug-Tips. Like so...

Step I - When Waiter or Waitress Appears YOU ASK, "Is it Ok if I Start Tipping You Now? Before The meal?"

(They always say, "YES".

Step II - You Hold Up Two Legal Drugs in The Waitress Face. Lotto ticket in one hand. Chocolate Kisses in the other hand. Then say, "Which one do you WANT
as a Tip?"

Step III - She Picks one. Then Leaves and Comes Back with Ice Water.

Step IV - You are Now Holding Up A Lotto Ticket And Donald Trump
Funny munny. And You Say, "Pick One as A Tip."

Step V - She Chooses One. Goes away and Returns with Your Soup or Salad.

Step VI - You Now Hold Up a LOTTO Ticket and the LED BLINKING
Plastic Glasses. "You say, "Please Pick One."

The Longer
You Do This.

The Bigger and Wider The EFFECT.


Your Waitress Starts Smiling and Skipping back and forth to the Kitchen.

Because -

YES - Brothers and Sisters - CHURCHES Use This Too.

Will Influence Your Waiter, Other Wait Staff, Men, Women, Children at
nearby Tables, the manager. And A Cook or Two May Show Up too.

By Alternating LEGAL DRUGS
with Other Tips You Are Activating the Limbic Brain PLEASURE Center.

Arousing and Pumping Endorphins
into Your Waiters (And Watchers) Brains.

How CASINO's do it - Machines always come up ONE LEMON Short of a Win

LOTTO tickets - You Only Miss By One

Fortnite - When You Lose a Battle. Your Opponent ONLY BEATS YOU by a hair.
Each and Every time. Has only 1% of his "Health" Remaining. So you Try Again. LOOK UP and it's 5Am)


P.S. - I use this as SELF DEFENSE and REVENGE on Tightwad Restaurant owners.

AND to Get MORE FOOD. I ordered Asparagus Recently And Ended Up Paying
ONE DOLLAR PER SPEAR! 3 Bites of Applesauce for 3 bucks. Tiny portions.

So Now I Ask, "How many Cooks In The Kitchen today?

Send 3 LOTTO tickets Back with the Waitress. And Involve The Cooks In The

RESULT? Big Piles of food on each plate!

Not Always. The Results are UNCERTAIN. But Often.

SERVICE from 2, 3 , 4, 5 Waitresses and Waiters. AND the manager.

PEOPLE At Nearby Tables JUST
START TALKING to you like a Friend of 20 years.

P.P.S. - Email me ([email protected] ) Your Results and I'll Share OUR NEWEST RESULTS.
Thanks Glenn... I had read about BF Skinner's "uncertainty" experiment - but I had forgotten about it (until you mentioned it)!

This approach is ingenious!

Man, I love how your mind thinks...

I'm going to think of more ways one can use this...

(It's a little harder in Australia, I think, because we don't have a "tipping culture" here... People don't usually tip...)

Best wishes!

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Old May 23, 2019, 11:22 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The shortcuts.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Thanks Glenn... I had read about BF Skinner's "uncertainty" experiment - but I had forgotten about it (until you mentioned it)!

This approach is ingenious!

Man, I love how your mind thinks...

I'm going to think of more ways one can use this...

(It's a little harder in Australia, I think, because we don't have a "tipping culture" here... People don't usually tip...)

Best wishes!


From Glenn's post:

Activating the Limbic Brain PLEASURE Center.

Arousing and Pumping Endorphins
into Your Waiters (And Watchers) Brains.

Surprise. The hypothalamus part of the limbic system is the home of the four F's, flee, freeze, fight or fornicate, although some have food/feed in their five.

We are wired to notice the different. The unusual. It causes a quick, momentary FREEZE of our stimuli process during the assessment, done in nano seconds...

Once the assessment has been made, FRIENDLY, fun, then it begins the brain pump. Distraction was one of the key elements used by hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. Frank Rudolph Young taught the technique of FDB, feeling divinely blissful while projecting the THOUGHT picture through the eyes directly into other people.

Put a big red nose on at night time and approach someone in a menacing position, you'll see quite the opposite effect. The prop needs context.

You can use it to surprise people, for instance, the band...with a sort of combination raggae/calypso and island type sound, is different from what one might think the band is...the PLEASANT surprise.

Watch the audition

And see the SURPRISE which set the groundwork for the winner.

In order to USE it, in everyday life, one has to bring conscious awareness of it, and a predetermined use.

I too, love how Glenn incorporates these things into his routines.

Great stuff.

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Old May 30, 2019, 11:58 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default How 2 Mentors Grossed 2 B*illion w/B.F.Skinner & J.K. Rowling

Thanks Gordon,

Thanks for the kind words.

Not my ideas.

I just put Proven B*illion D*ollar ideas Together.


Recognize others who have already done so.


A few years back a Client P*Aid for me to go to a Big MLM Event.


Never seen so many Greedy M*illionaires in one room before. Several 1000.

The Husband and Wife HOSTS Were DOING ALL of The
Munny Making work and S*ales and Closing FOR Their MLM Folks Who Signed up.

Let's Break it down.


They have Combined:

I - The B. F. Skinner UNCERTAINTY Principle - that Drives People CRAZY
with GREED in Casinos.

II - J. K. Rowling - DRUG WORD PICTURES - which she uses in 100's of Scenes
thru-out her Harry Potter books. (Did you know M*illions of People Suffered
from DRUG Withdrawal Symptoms when The Harry Potter books ended? Many
1000's of kids were taken to the Hospital. It even hit the papers.)

We've Adapted Their Dr To Dr Strategy
for use over the phone.

Here's how it works by Phone...

#1 - You Create Rapport.

#2 - You Credential Yourself. (Face to face. Your Manner, Dress, Jewelry Speaks
Louder than Words. Over the phone I Email a Credentials Page.)

#3 - You ask, "Do You Want to Make a Lot of Extra Munny without any Work?
Have me do the work for you?

#4 - If they say, "No" - You say "NEXT."

#5 - If they say, "YES" you say, "Great. Who do YOU Know Who Also Wants
to make Extra C*ash without doing any work?"

#6 - You get them to pull out their Phone and You Make a List of 10 or 20. Name and Ph #

#7 - You Call them together and Invite them on a F-r-e-e Conf Call.

#8 - AFTER that is done you say, "In Order for You to Get a %age of what
all the People on the Conf Call B*uy you have to Join XYZ. Please sign here.


***B. F. Skinner - It's UNCERTAIN How many of the 10 or 15 Conf Call Guests
will B*UY - But the Prospect SIGNS UP in order not to miss out on all that MOOLAH.

***J. K. Rowling - Has 100's of Word Picture Scenes that Follow a
Powerful Pattern. Harry wakes up in Bed. Mother knocks on door. Harry puts on
His Glasses. Step Mom UNLOCKS Bolted Door. StepBrother Jumps up and down
on the Steps over Harry's Head. Plaster and Dust fall on Harry.

Starting with a "Normal" SHARED EXPERIENCE that escalates to a SHOCKING Realization. Harry is Locked in a Closet under the Stairs!

2 B*illion
TRIAL (Invented by the Husband and Wife team)
CLOSE imitates what J. K. Rowling does...

1st - You ask a "Normal" Question. "Do you want more munny?

2nd - Normal Question - "Do You want Me to do all the work?

3rd - Shared Experience - Have heard it before Question: "Do you know
others who want more munny too?

4th - Normal Question- "Can you Help me make a list?

5th - Normal Q - "You Know these people. Have called them before. Can
You call they Again? Then hand ME the Phone?

6th - Normal Experience Question. "You have been on a Phone Conf Call
Before, right?

7th - MILD SHOCK QUESTION - (UNASKED But Loud Question) "You will LOOK BAD to Your Friends. And NOT make any munny TO BOOT - if you don't sign up for this Biz Opportunity.

Truly elegant.

We do this all the time
on behalf of Clients.

Glenn Osborn
M*illionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

P.S. - 99% of people are TOO SHY to contact me. So I'll make this offer. Knowing that Nobody will take me up on it.

Email me ([email protected]) and NO CHARGE - I'll help you Customize this idea for Your Situation. Your Business. Your Job. It works For MLM. And any other Situation too (Every Industry I've tried so far) - where You are asking others to P*ay you munny.
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Old June 1, 2019, 02:40 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,386
Default Thanks again, Glenn... Brilliant stuff! :)

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
***J. K. Rowling - Has 100's of Word Picture Scenes that Follow a
Powerful Pattern. Harry wakes up in Bed. Mother knocks on door. Harry puts on
His Glasses. Step Mom UNLOCKS Bolted Door. StepBrother Jumps up and down
on the Steps over Harry's Head. Plaster and Dust fall on Harry.

Starting with a "Normal" SHARED EXPERIENCE that escalates to a SHOCKING Realization. Harry is Locked in a Closet under the Stairs!

2 B*illion
TRIAL (Invented by the Husband and Wife team)
CLOSE imitates what J. K. Rowling does...

1st - You ask a "Normal" Question. "Do you want more munny?

2nd - Normal Question - "Do You want Me to do all the work?

3rd - Shared Experience - Have heard it before Question: "Do you know
others who want more munny too?

4th - Normal Question- "Can you Help me make a list?

5th - Normal Q - "You Know these people. Have called them before. Can
You call they Again? Then hand ME the Phone?

6th - Normal Experience Question. "You have been on a Phone Conf Call
Before, right?

7th - MILD SHOCK QUESTION - (UNASKED But Loud Question) "You will LOOK BAD to Your Friends. And NOT make any munny TO BOOT - if you don't sign up for this Biz Opportunity.

Truly elegant.

We do this all the time
on behalf of Clients.

Glenn Osborn
M*illionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

P.S. - 99% of people are TOO SHY to contact me. So I'll make this offer. Knowing that Nobody will take me up on it.

Email me ([email protected]) and NO CHARGE - I'll help you Customize this idea for Your Situation. Your Business. Your Job. It works For MLM. And any other Situation too (Every Industry I've tried so far) - where You are asking others to P*ay you munny.
Again, love the Harry Potter / J.K. Rowling example, and how to apply it!

(Gee, maybe I should finally read those Harry Potter books!)

There's gold in all your writings and teachings, Glenn!

I really should keep a big fat notebook of everything I learn from you... (I do have various notes I've jotted down, in an online file, that I read through when I need some stimulation!)

Thanks again for sharing!

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