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Old November 28, 2012, 07:47 PM
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Default Rest in Peace... Zig Ziglar! Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life!

Just in case the [Sad] news hasn't reached you just yet...

Endless [Zig Ziglar] Fans over [All] the years throughout the Good ol' SowPub Archives...

Rest in Peace... Zig Ziglar!

On a Positive note...

Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life

Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference

All the best,

Last edited by Phil : November 28, 2012 at 07:58 PM. Reason: additional info...
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Old November 30, 2012, 06:13 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Zig Ziglar's "golden rule" of selling...

Originally Posted by Phil View Post
Just in case the [Sad] news hasn't reached you just yet...

Endless [Zig Ziglar] Fans over [All] the years throughout the Good ol' SowPub Archives...

Rest in Peace... Zig Ziglar!
Phil - thanks for sharing that sad news...

I read "Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale" many years ago... I remember picking up some good tips from that book.

I learned a lot from his chapter 7, "The Critical Step in Selling"...

I'm going to type in a part of that book (perhaps some here will buy it as a result)...

Zig Ziglar wrote:

[Beginning of Zig Ziglar quote]
Years ago (1963), I was the number one cookware salesman in America for the Saladmaster Corporation of Dallas, Texas. We lived in Columbia, South Carolina, and business was fantastic. An associate of mine, selling the same product in the same town, was "starving to death." Once, while visiting in his home, we were in the kitchen having a cup of coffee, talking about his sales decline, when the following dialogue took place:

Zig: "Bill, I know exactly what your problem is." Bill: "What's my problem, Zig?" Zig: "Your problem is simple. You're attempting the psychologically impossible." Bill: "What are you talking about?" Zig: "You're trying to sell a product you don't enthusiastically believe in." Bill: "Zig, that's crazy! Man, we've got the greatest set of cookware on the American market! It's absolutely fantastic! As a matter of fact, Zig, I left the company I'd been with for four years and came with Saladmaster because of the superiority of the product. In addition to that, I was a manager with the other company and started here as a salesman because of my belief in this product."

Zig: "Aw, come on, Bill. Peddle that baloney to other people! I know you and I know you don't believe what you're saying." Bill (a little hot under the collar): "You can say what you want to, but I know I believe in our product." Zig: "Bill, I can prove beyond any doubt that you do not really believe in the product you sell," and with that, I nodded toward the stove.

Bill: "Awwwww, you mean the fact that I'm cooking in a competitive set of cookware?" Zig: "Bill, that's exactly right." Bill: "Zig, don't give it a thought. Man, that's got nothing to do with it. I'm going to buy a set of our cookware, but you know I've had my problems. We wrecked our car and for a couple of months we had to depend on borrowed transportation, buses, and taxis. Now Zig, you know you can't get the job done in the sales world unless you have transportation you can depend on twenty-four hours a day.

"On top of that, my wife spent a couple of weeks in the hospital and I lost a lot of time and spent a lot of money. Now add the worry and concern I've had and surely you can understand why it knocked us for a loop! And it's not over, because it looks like we're going to have to put the boys in the hospital to get their tonsils out and Zig, we don't even have any insurance! You're right when you say we should have a set of the cookware, and we are definitely going to get a set, but the timing is just not right!"

Selling Is a Transference of Feeling

Zig: "Bill, let me ask you a question. How long have you been with this company?" Bill: "Oh, about five years." Zig: "Bill, what was your excuse last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that? [Pause.] Let me tell you exactly what happens when you get down to the "short rows" (that's Southern for decision-making time), when you ask your prospect that obligating question and he's 'thinking it over.' The decision ball is up in the air; yes is full commission, no is no commission.

"I can see the scene now, Bill, so let me paint the picture for you. The customer is thinking out loud as he says, 'I don't know, Bill. Boy, we sure need a good set of pots. I don't know how my wife cooks in that stuff she has, but it just doesn't seem like the right time to get 'em now. My wife's been in hospital, we just wrecked the family car, it looks as if the boys are going to have their tonsils taken out, and we don't even have any insurance!'

"Now Bill, you and I both know they're not about to give you exactly the same excuses you've been giving me. But we also know they are going to give you the same excuses you've been giving yourself for the last five years. You are well trained, Bill, so I know exactly what you are going to do every time they give you an excuse for not buying. You're going to sit there with a forced grin on your face, saying to yourself, 'Think positive now, Bill, think positive, Bill!' But all the time, deeeeeep down inside, you're going to be thinking, 'Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. That's the reason I don't have a set of the stuff myself.'

"Let me tell you something, Bill. The smartest thing you'll ever do, even if you've got to mortgage your furniture, is to buy a set of your own cookware. Hear me on this, Bill [and I'm going to say to all my selling friends as you read this book, if you stop reading right here or don't believe or follow through on anything else I say in this book, if you will buy - without reservation - my next statement, you will immediately be more effective at selling whatever you sell].

Selling is essentially a transference of feeling.

If I (the salesman) can make you (the prospect) feel about my product the way I feel about my product, you are going to buy my product, if there is any way in the world you can come up with the money.

"Now in order to transfer a feeling, you've got to have that feeling. When you're trying to persuade somebody to do something you have not done yourself, that fact comes across to the prospect. Of course, all salesmen can occasionally con a person into buying something he doesn't really believe in, but if you're going to build an outstanding career, you've got to be committed to the product itself. You've got to believe because as Bernie Lofchick from Winnipeg, Canada, the greatest sales manager I know, says, 'Believers are closers.' "
[End of Zig Ziglar quote]

I think Zig Ziglar is right on the money here...

Feelings do transfer!

When you're around someone who is "excited" - you often tend to get a bit excited too!

However, when you're around someone whose mood is glum - you may tend to get a bit glum too.

If you don't feel genuine enthusiasm for your product, it's going to be hard to sell it. That means, you should either find out how to become enthusiastic about the product, or sell something else instead.

Of course, this is also relevant to entrepreneurs - because a lot of entrepreneurship is selling.

If you haven't read it, Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale is a good book! I read it many years ago... and when I did get a job selling (which I took specifically to get selling experience), I made sure that I picked a product I was enthusiastic about (for me, I loved stand up comedy, so I sold tickets for a comedy club via cold calling, selling them, believe it or not, by phone to a list straight from the phone book!).

As a result of knowing Zig Ziglar's "golden rule" (and other things I picked up from here on Sowpub and from reading various books), I often won the sales competitions while I was doing that job! (I would "psyche myself up" and remind myself how enthusiastic I was about comedy, before I would make my day's calls... So when I spoke to a prospect, I was genuinely enthusiastic. I think my results showed that the theory of "transference of feeling" is real!)

Zig's helped a lot of salespeople to not have skinny children (while selling in an honest way)... May he rest in peace.

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : November 30, 2012 at 01:31 PM. Reason: typo
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Old November 30, 2012, 10:38 AM
David Smith
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Default Re: Rest in Peace... Zig Ziglar! Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life!

What a great section from a real sales pro! Zig Ziglar was one of the greatest sales professionals who really understood the psychology of sales and how to communicate effectively to build real, lasting relationships.

The challenge with any sales person who does not believe in their product is that they believe the reason that they're not hitting their numbers is because the product isn't good enough or that people just don't want to buy it.

In reality, it's the feelings they have about the product and the feelings they have about the people that they're selling to which is holding them back.

However, when you try and explain this, they often become defensive and continue to assert that it's not them that's causing the lack of sales.

A great attitude and a positive mindset can be more effective for hitting targets then almost anything else.
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Old November 30, 2012, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: Zig Ziglar's "golden rule" of selling...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post

If you don't feel genuine enthusiasm for your product, it's going to be hard to sell it. That means, you should either find out how to become enthusiastic about the product, or sell something else instead.

I think this bit is particularly true - if you absolutely hate a product, your sales pitch is rarely ever going to be good enough to make you rich.

Thanks for posting that, Dien - I'll be on the lookout for some Zig Ziglar books now!

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Old November 30, 2012, 02:20 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Selling is a Transfer of Feeling - How This Saved a 1500.00 Sale

Thanks Dien,

I've never read any of Zig's books.

Because I felt I had a More Powerful Sales System from 426 million mentor
Walter Hailey. Walters invisible sales system allowed him to build 4 companies from scratch - take public - sell them - literally BILLIONS in sales.

But WOW.

"Selling is a Transfer of Feeling" may be 1 of the BEST Descriptions of What Happens
On an ***Invisible Energy*** Basis - behind every successful sale -
that I've ever heard.

ESPECIALLY Since I've got Walters 3 Emotional Energy Boosting Questions
as Proof that "Emotional Energy" SUCCESSFULLY SELLS.

BRIEFLY - 2 weeks ago a total stranger bought 1 of my Advanced NLP Copywriting Courses. Then NOT a Peep from him. Repeated emails and postcards from ME - asking, "Where do I send your Bonuses? - Ignored.

FINALLY - the Expected email saying, "I want my munny back." Arrived.



A - I sent bonuses
B - I Gave him my phone #
C - David called me

I only had 10 minutes before he had to pick up his daughter. (In fact - He answered while waiting in line for her at school in his car)

DAVID WANTS Hi-End Clients.

I asked him:

#1 - What do you LIKE BEST about the idea of having HI-END CLients

#2 - What's IMPORTANT about that?

#3 - What's EXCITING to you about that?

David answered:

#1 - Less Chasing
#2 - More time working FOR them
#3 - Doing what I enjoy - more FREEDOM

David's Chest Tingled (he said)

SUDDENLY David Understood NLP Copywriting Because we Transferred THE FEELING of his own EMOTION into his Physical Body.

David said, "I want to learn to do this in print, by phone, in person.

David cancelled - his request for a refund.



Test any one of these 3 EMOTIONAL ENERGY questions on family, friends,
cashiers or bartenders.

Then shut up and LISTEN.

You will have Successfully TRANSFERRED A FEELING to them.


Congratulations - You will know what it FEELS like to sell.

Happy Holidays,
Glenn Osborn

P.S. - HINT - It Helps to RAISE YOUR OWN Energy 1st - before You Transfer FEELINGS to others.

Here's a link to a 5000 yr old exercise I got from a famous Surgeon. He got
it from his Korean Energy Sensei.

You'll find a DOZEN Extra Energy Testimonials on top:
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Old February 11, 2013, 12:58 PM
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Post Re: Rest in Peace... Zig Ziglar! Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life!

Zig Ziglar was born in Coffee County in southeastern Alabama to parents John Silas Ziglar and Lila Wescott Ziglar. He was the tenth of twelve children.
In 1931, when Ziglar was five years old, his father took a management position at a Mississippi farm, and his family moved to Yazoo City, where he spent most of his early childhood. The next year, his father died of a stroke, and his younger sister died two days later.
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Old February 21, 2013, 09:44 PM
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Default zig...

he lived nearby at times... Columbia SC and Fayetteville NC... I lived in Florence which is about an hour away for each. Through the many sales courses I've been I remembered a few things about him... His red head (his wife Jean), sell the sizzle and not the steak, but most of all I remember.... if you help enough people get what they want in life, you will get what you want.

See you at the top...

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