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Old January 20, 2012, 02:55 PM
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Default 68 days abd 52 years later...from Judo Jay to the Student of the Masters

68 Days and 52 Years Later...Some Remarkable Discoveries

First, apologies for email, phone calls...I'll get caught up this weekend.

The last 68 days have been spent with me being immersed, up to 16 hours a day, in my past 52 years of life.

This may take several posts, some of it is OLD Gordon history some of you know, but, bear with me please.

I found out what Special Education was when I started school, because, I WAS one of those Special Ed Needs kids. A serious speech impediment brought the speech therapist to my school a few days a week.

She had me keep a journal, even before I could write and I did my speech lessons religously, even as my regular homework fell by the wayside. We didn't have ADD diagnoses back then, it took me about 40 years to get to that wonderful discovery.

I have every report card ever issued. I have kept the journals and scrapbooks, every picture ever taken of me, and hundreds of journals, notebooks and pieces of paper with important messages scribbled on them.

The last 68 days were used to go through this "story of a life" looking for pieces of gold, if only to me, which should be either used or discarded forever...and I've never discarded anything in my here we are.

For me, it was interesting to read those letters to home I sent while in the Navy. I also have my father's letters he sent home during WWII when he was in the Army in the South Pacific.

So as not to bore you to tears regarding my misfortunes with the Pinewood Derby and what some cute redhead said to me in the fourth grade...I'll cover some of this personal history, that may, or may not have some relevancy to the forum.

In particular, I want to tell you about my 52 years of copious note taking regarding PERSUASION, influence and selling. Maybe a gem or two will appear for you.

Hopefully, most if not all of you know my start at the age of 10 with selling flowers door to door and my discovery that WORDS have I've related in Spiders, Snakes and Mice, OH MY.

Then at 15 my introduction to the wonderful Fran Renner, a practicing hypno-therapist who got me started down the path of all things hypnotic.

At 20 I was studying at the Edgar Cayce center in Virginia Beach and during my voyages to Asia, I spent much time studying local folklore, as it regarded magik and rituals, ceremonies etc.

Well, here is the chase...

I've gotten scores of notes on hypnosis, projection, fascination, perusasion, salesmanship, pyschology etc, and etc.

What most of you don't know is that around 10 I also started wrestling and Judo. My childhood nickname was Judo Jay.

A man who had a profound influence on my life was named Rusty Sheehan, he was a professional photographer, and he worked with local police departments, back before CSI type investigations, they called Rusty in to take photos of the crime scene.

But he also taught a Street judo to the police forces.

I was a decent wrestler in junior high, but a lousy Judo student (ADD again??)...but I pestered Rusty to teach me the stuff he was teaching to the police. I didn't want another sport in my life, just some POWER to take care of the bullies. Well, he wouldn't do it, not until I turned 16.

In the meantime I was given boxing lesssons, and when I say boxing, I mean I got my ears boxed off and my first broken nose. See, I was a squaty little guy, the term was Husky, and most kids at my weight were 6 to 8 inches taller and had arms that stretched all the way across the ring.

I had a pretty good knockout punch, but no one every got close enough to me for me to use it...they won on points while punishing my face (think Rocky Balboa, my technique was about as good as his).

I considered this training for learning how to take a punch. And I took a lot of them. I got the reputation of a protector of the geeks, and anyone who one of the brusiers was bullying...more often then not, I got my azz kicked...but, the willingness to take a punch bode me well with the kids in school who were not on the sports teams or cheerleaders. I was a somewhat popular guy with the underdogs. Anyhow,

So, when I turned 16, with a promise to do no harm, Rusty Sheehan started to teach me Street he called it. In the real world, there are NO rules. Kicking, biting, gouging, fish hooking were all legitimate methods when your life is on the line. I took to Street Judo pretty quickly,although, I had to be careful none of that stuff crept in during a local alley fight across from the school.

It was around this time that a new word came to my attention. KETSUGO. Ketsugo was a Japanese word which apparently meant Combined, or something like that. Ketsugo as a martial art combined the best of the holds, throws, kicks and punches from a variety of martial arts. Kestugo was not a sport, you couldn't earn belts and win was as close to Street Judo as one could find written on the subject.

I was decent at close combat throws and once on the ground, I could always bite my way to victory if need be...

OK, so what does the martial art of Ketsugo have to do with anything remotely business like, or
how does that fit in with the forum? Be patient grasshopper, I'll tell you in the next thread...

Last edited by GordonJ : January 21, 2012 at 06:36 PM.
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Old January 20, 2012, 03:56 PM
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Default EPU Persuasion, the Ketsugo of Inflence...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

OK, so what does the martial art of Ketsugo have to do with anything remotely business like, or
how does that fit in with the forum? Be patient grasshopper, I'll tell you in the next thread...

52 years of selling, so far. 52 years of study on persuasion, influence, manipulation, propaganda, control of the masses, the hidden persuaders, the forbidden techniques...

I've literally read thousands of books on all things persuasion and spent tens of thousands of dollars on classes, courses, workshops on the subject of trying to get other people to do what you want them to do.

This study took me into the cults of San Francsisco in 1973-76. And I was recently startled to find how some of these cults are THRIVING today , albeit by another name.

How do people get persuaded to join a cult? Well, I could write another book on that subject to go along with my infamous, How to Start a Cult for Fun and Profit.

Short and sweet...people join cults (clubs, fraternities, etc.) to have a sense of belonging to something important, to them)...more complicated than that...but, I have to stay basic.
OK, it began with the Elmer's. Wheeler and Leterman

One said to sell the sizzle, not the steak. The other said the sale begins when the customer says no.

From Elmers to Bettger to Ziglar. I've read and studied them all.

From Dr. George Crane's Psychology Applied to the NLP gurus, to Cialdini...from Barnum to Bailey Road moments...

It has been a lifetime of learning (and I hope I'm not over it yet).

But what was useful?

See, there are just as many conflicting techniques and methods in selling and in copywriting and in persuasion as there are conflicting methods in the martial arts. A big difference between winning a Karate Kid type belt or trophy, than to face down someone on the stree who would take your life if you allowed it.

Conflict, in fact, seems to be a central theme throughout the notes.

Elmer says this, Bettger says that.
Bandler says one thing, Grinder something different.
Hitler shouldn't be considered a great persuader....OH, really?

Conflicts. Confusion. Counter measures.

But what the heck WORKS?

And in the 52 years of AR notekeeping (An8l Retentive) I've found a few answers.

But the answers aren't found in ONE discipline. Once saw a Judo expert get tossed around like a rag doll by a sumo wrestler...those guys are big.

Just as none of the martial arts have everything you need, like Ketsugo, you should pull from the very best of the best and tested and proven effective methods....which work...

that is,

which WORK...FOR YOU.

Just as I today wouldn't try a leg sweep, I have had to make adjustments to keep what works and discard the rest.

What works?

Ask a bunch of copywriters. If you visit any forums, you'll see a ho bunch of different answers, each guy CERTAIN his way is the right way...and it may be for HIM...but probably doesn't fit everyone.

Like martial artists, one has a tendency to fall in love with your mentor or sport and see the world view through those very myopic eyes.

A more global approach...a look at works across boundaries, borders and, in my opinion a more prudent approach.

So, I've coined a new term. EPU Persuasion.

E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, ONE. Like Ketsugo.

EPU Persuasion doesn't have a dogma, doesn't have a Grand Master who dictates the rules, EPU Persuasion is what works.

It takes the best of NLP. The best of hypnosis. The best of copywriting.

The best of salesmanship. The best of applied psychology. The best of scientific persuasion.

The very best of the Elmers, Cialdinis, Halberts and Kennedys, the best of seduction, the best of weird nlp, the best of rhetoric, the best of subliminal and subconscious persuasion.

It is a DIGEST of methods, techniques, strategies that have been tested and proven, in the trenches of real life, on the streets of the world stage...

and EPU Persuasion is, in my 52 years of study, research and application...the very best, fastest and easiest way there is to get people to do what you want them to do...within some self identified limits.

Adolph Hitler used powerful persuasion techniques and brought the world to the brink of destruction.

In the thousands of passages within my notebooks, journals and writings I found the distilled wisdom of the ages...NOT my wisdom, but from the thousands of books I've read, the hundreds of hours or courses, workshops and in-service trainings...

in the "story of a life" I found the essence.

The truth about persuasion.
The shortcuts.
What really works.
How to make it work.
Why so many of your attempts fail.

What you do wrong. What you do right. What you should do.

All the answers one can find after 52 years of intense study and application.

But now, a dilemma.

What to do with it?

To Be Continued.

Last edited by Dien Rice : January 20, 2012 at 06:56 PM. Reason: fixed formatting
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Old January 21, 2012, 06:04 PM
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Default The NEW sales formula which could change your life today.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

All the answers one can find after 52 years of intense study and application.

To Be Continued.

As a kid, I learned the following sales formula:

The ol AIDCAS formula. In the past 52 years, I've seen at least 1001 variations of this...with few exceptions, they ALL (or almost all) begin with Attention.

They use it in copywriting (salesmanship in print) and I've seen some copy formulas that have 32 or 44 different steps...

Now, forget about it...

There is a NEW formula, that if you take a little time to reflect on, and not have a knee jerk reaction...could radically change your thinking and make your sales come so much it is


Purpose (or Intention, use which ever one suits you)
Preparation (includes all the research you do into product and prospect)

My NEW forumla ENDs where the old formulas begin...because,

As I wrote in a notebook 24 years ago, while selling consumer electronics,

IF the sale begins when the customer says no, then it ENDS when you have lost their attention.

To me, everything in the old formulas which come after attention, are simply sub-sets of attention...

You simply must HOLD their ATTENTION.

And there you go, the big secret which could change your life today...
if you think about it.

See, all those NLP tricks of anchoring, framing, posturing and all the old salemanship of overcoming objections...and all that figuring out what kind of a woman you are trying to seduce...

ALL of those things are simply devices to HOLD ON to Attention once you get it.

Creating interest, desire and moving someone to a sale...impossible to do once their mind has refocused on something else...

Now I'll look at specific examples from today's world.

Bob Ross, or so he introduced himself at the Warrior Forum.

He executed the Perfect WF strategy to make a lot of money in a short period of time...maybe you can use Bob's strategy yourself.

Bob posted in a sub-forum (off line marketing) about how he was easily making 5,000 bux a month and being a hero to small businesses.

He told about his giant postcard with ads being sent via USPS EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail).

It was the perfect set-up. He answered question after question...and then they started to ask for a WSO...he at first balked, then reluctantly did a WSO, which was a smash hit. Some of his affiliates made a quick couple of grand in the first couple of days.

I did buy his product, it is very good and I know a few of you SowPubbers are actually putting his ideas to work.

The way that "Bob Ross" did it is worthy of study for anyone wishing to mile the cash cow known as the WF.

He captured ATTENTION and never let go of it.

Forget about interest, desire etc. etc. IF you kept reading his posts...he HELD your attention...

Friend of the forum, Glenn Osborn, drives some of you crazy, right?

Let me tell you it a big red nose, an exploding toy...or a kazoo (my big red nose back in the day before I knew a thing about NLP)... there is a method to his (and mine) madness...

And I can't or won't speak for Glenn, but, I'd argue the point...he knows what to do with your ATTENTION once he has it...


Similar thing

HE nda I Do...

is to use the ATTENTion TO GET rid of those NON potential customers...or at least

I think he does...

I KNOW I do.

NOT every reader is a customer or a prospect...get rid of them quickly...

NOT everyone who walks into your store is going to buy something.

Some of you salespeople are giving too much effort to try to get the attention of those people who will never be your customers and in fact, could eat your lunch if you let them...don't you let them.

Apply the new sales forumla where ATTENTION is the end game...the bottom line...the chase you want to cut too...

ATTENTION (and to paraphrase Richard Condon)...

Attention is the key to sales
Attention is the clue...
Attention is the drum and fife...
And any close will do.

Put time and energy into PURPOSE OR INTENT

Knowing the product inside out, upside down from feature to benefit to reasons why...

KNOW your prospect...and what your product will leave him with AFTER he buys it...

Get his ATTENTION and tell him what NOW is like, and then tell him what life will be much easier, greater, more thrilling...once he has the product in his hands.

Focus your sales time on doing the homework, so once you get your prospects ATTENTION, you'll be able to hold it.

It is now my opinion, having been a successful salesman...that I was going about it the wrong way...

And next up, I'm going to tell what the most important piece of psychology I've ever found is , and how it will make things much clearer and easier once you get it...are you ready to get it...

it is found in the work of ....

Last edited by GordonJ : January 21, 2012 at 06:44 PM.
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Old January 22, 2012, 01:43 AM
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Default Click Whirr...the Robert Cialdini piece from his book INFLUENCE...THE single most

important piece of psychology I've ever found is , and how it will make things much clearer and easier once you get it...are you ready to get it...

INFLUENCE. The book you must have. In it Cialdini discusses primal reactions, and calls them click-whirr.

We still have the remnants of our hard wired click-whirr...Flee, Fight or Freeze instincts...

My first lesson on street Judo as taught by Rusty Sheehan was about what he called the Risk Assessment Look or the Safety Glance...although today people walk down the sidewalk staring at their phones or mp3 players...most people will still take a quick look at someone coming the opposite about 10 feet away.

MOSTLY, they are just quick looks, sometimes exchange of pleasantries...good morning, good afternoon ... hello...

These glances are hard wired into us...the handshake is said to have come from when two strangers met on the road and they would grab each other's hands and turn each other around and then release so each could continue on his way...don't know how much truth there is to that...

but I do know, and my first lesson was all about this...ASSESSMENT of risk, and if the hair on the back of my neck stood up...then I assumed a very ready and defensive posture, letting my potential assailant I was ready.

A good book which discusses this primal instinct is FEAR, suggest you read it.

In street judo, you had to be ready.

You can conduct some tests, safely, just stare at someone coming toward you, especially if they are tuned into their phone...or walk on the same line as they are coming toward you on...just to see. But be aware of these little looks, slight glances which are left over from our days when we may of had to fight, flee and didn't want to freeze.

I tell you this because it is part of or Animal instincts, worn down by a century of industry and living in and ranchers are still able to call upon these instincts, when they hear a strange noise in the back 40. They go on alert.

These are part of our primal animal nature and if become aware of them, they are powerful weapons, I dare say, THE most powerful of all persuasion weapons...because we are unaware of their use on us.

We have Click Whirr built into us and those who know this and know how to bypass the RAS, which serves as a guard to our subconscious mind...and keeps out the unwanted thoughts...

IF you know and understand that we still have these automatic responses...then, you could craft a persuasion technique which shoots arrows of persuasion directly into the subconscious mind without the conscious mind having time to do a THREAT ASSESSMENT.

See, the Big Red nose and exploding toy that Glenn Osborn uses and my use of a kazoo and song...both are Click Whirr techniques...they bypass the conscious mind...they go deep...they are effective.

When it comes to persuasion and influence, the person that knows and masters these click whirr one to achieve a superior position over his adversary or competition.

Adolph Hitler used the click whirr of pride...the message of "we are better than what we are getting"... and that there were other forces to blame, other people other groups...which were keeping the status quo...

and in little more than a decade he was able to raise a generation fervent in their beliefs...although the majority of Germans were never in the Nazi party...when the tipping point came...they "went along" for great fear...

the FROZE in the headlight stare of a madman.

But you, as a business person, as a salesperson with a good product to sell, can increase your effectiveness, close more sales, make more money, improve your life and the lives of those you love and care about when you use the full force of all the persuasion techniques.

I argue YOU don't need to spend the next 52 years to find out what works and what doesn't. You don't need to read thousands of books or spend tens of thousands of dollars on YOUR education...

There are those of us who have done it for you.

The problem is....

There is just too much information out there, and as I stated, there are as many conflicting views from too many authorities...

it may take you decades to wade through the garbage.

There is a shortcut. YOU must find what works for you.

See, there is no off the rack solution to HOW you can be most must use the techniques and methods YOU are most comfortable with...your suit of armor must be custom fitted.

YOU can't fit into Elmer's, Zig's or Gordon's.

YOU can't wear the suits of knowledge of a Bandler, an Erickson or a Crane.

YOU can't fit into the ideas of Emerson, James and Thoreau.

But YOU can find out what fits you.
What works for you.

Which of the scores of methods, techniques and strategies are just right for you to use.

As a young man, with many many hours of falls under my belt wouldn't hesitate to do a leg sweep where we both go down...only with me in control...or a an absolute everything punch ala Hikuta Dok Lee style, I'd just have to bite his carotid artery and hope for the best...

the point is....

YOU could spend a lifetime, like me, to study it all...but...

with 20/20 hindsight I can state without doubt...there was just too much wasted time and effort...

IF I only knew then...

I would focus on understanding what ATTENTION is...and this online dictionary definition works for me:

1. Concentration of the mental powers upon an object; a close or careful observing or listening.

I call this state of mind TCA...Total Conscious Awareness.

YOU can't stay in it all day long, but you can enter TCA whenever you want.

It is a high alert of ALL your senses, including those subliminail and subconscious ones you have learned to ignore.

TCA takes in body language and correctly interprets what it means.
It takes in breathing, eye movement (long before NLP existed this was beign taught)...

It uses all the senses and is keenly aware of click whirr responses in both directions of the communications. It can put your sentry on guard with the least feeling of something not right.

In a sales presentation, it can pinpoint the exact moment you lose their ATTENTION (most objections are the click whirr for the buyer to leave, like, I have to go to the ATM, or do you have change for a hundred...for a two dollar service)...those objections are click whirrs...

built in.

And once you know and acknowledge them, defend against them, then you can regain their attention.

In the art of Aikido, you are taught about energies...and how advanced masters can feel the opponent's energy and use it against him...or more acurately let him use his own force against himself...just get out of his way and let him continue to go in the direction he was headed...

Sales Aikido is the take the person's energy and let him go with it...until he reaches his OWN conclusion....

And that is the most powerful weapon of all in the Persuasion Arts...when your target, reaches HIS own conclusions and they happen to be the same thing as you want him to do.

IF only you were to think and contemplate on this.

The old saying, a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still....

And may buy once from you...but never again.

IF your buyer reaches a position in his own mind, if he CONCLUDES your product or service is what he wants...

And if you can locate and concentrate your energy on the Click Whirr techniques which help him reach HIS conclusion much faster....your sales will increase and things just get easier and easier.

In the the next part of this series, I'll share some other nuggets I discovered from sifting through 52 years of collected ore, in the form of almost everything I've written.

May be some more gold...or may be just glitter.

Stay tuned.

Last edited by GordonJ : January 22, 2012 at 02:35 AM.
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Old January 24, 2012, 12:12 PM
Richard Dennis
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Default Re: Click Whirr...the Robert Cialdini piece from his book INFLUENCE...THE single most


I never got Cialdini's book ... but long ago, I found the transcript of an interview with him, and I've read and re-read it many times over the years ... and recommended it to others:

Cialdini interview

It's not the whole book, but I'll bet it hits and demos every important point.

Richard Dennis
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Old January 24, 2012, 12:42 PM
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Default Great Stuff Richard thanks.

Originally Posted by Richard Dennis View Post
Cialdini interview

It's not the whole book, but I'll bet it hits and demos every important point.

Richard Dennis

Thanks. Good stuff. His latest edition sort of brings one up to date on what his research has shown.

One thing to note about Cialdini, his core teachers were the persuaders already in the field...and mostly salesman or courses of instruction and training in salesmanship.

Highly suggest his book, 5th edtion is good, but the original is a great foundation too.

I'm posting more today on taught by Gary can relate to that...see post.

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Old January 22, 2012, 03:11 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: EPU Persuasion, the Ketsugo of Inflence...

Hi Gordon,

I'm enjoying things so far! Looking forward to reading more!

Regarding combining martial arts... I was recently reading about Bruce Lee. Specifically, about Jeet Kune Do. That's the martial arts Bruce Lee invented.

He invented it by taking a bit from here, a bit from there, as it would apply to realistic street fighting. Some from the initial martial art he learned - Wing Chun - and some from other fighting arts. No moves just to look "flashy" or "cool" - only what works. Perhaps like Ketsugo.

I like the analogy with marketing... I'm keen to find out more!

Best wishes,

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Old January 22, 2012, 02:33 PM
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Default Larry the cable guy gets er done.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

I'm enjoying things so far! Looking forward to reading more!

I'm keen to find out more!

Best wishes,


Dien, the physicist, wish I could just talk, this writing is eliminating a lot of the nuances going on in my head...but you want more?

You got more...but first, a sidebar, and a loving jab to your nose...

I'm sure we discussed the Office Depot discounts about 5 years ago, buried somewhere in these archives are all kinds of useful information...maybe some day, we'll have the best of SowPub and a little store on the side so people can stock up on the hidden wisdom that lies within...


Larry the Cable is click whirr in action. Click Whirr, as explained by Cialdini, is a short cut...and we all take them...but how many of us make use of them.

Dien Rice is much more than just a physicist, but that LABEL alone tells us are one smart cookie...maybe even the role model for one of the geeks on the Big Bang theory TV show...HA!

See, I know you as a friend, but you are a brother, a son, a we all wear many different hats...but...

In the business world, it is a good idea to keep it simple.

Boz, the headlight guy.
Marty, the pizza card guy.
Jason, the A frame sidewalk sign guy.
Tom, the giant postcard guy.

Give your clients and customers a Click Whirr is a shortcut to their subconscious minds.

After some time of being the GUY, you become automatically associated with the business. We must use these shortcuts throughout our day because we simply get bombarded with messages...and I don't care how INTRUSIVE they may be, they as often as not, get ignored.

We operate on sensory overload.

So, if you can help people to take a short cut to what you do, then it can help grow your business.

Hey, walk into the business and say, Hi I'm John, the Offline Internet Marketer, SEO specialist and Web Developer Guy...


The least amount of confusion you can provide, the faster you can get the the job done.

NOW, some businesses are ON DEMAND or as needed only. You don't call a plumber everyday, but if your drains back up, you call the Drain Guy. And if you are known as the drain probably have an edge over Josephine the Plumber, who can do it all.

But, Josephine can be the Drain Gal. The hot water heater Gal. The kitchen sink Gal. See?

It is PRESENTATION and Perception.

YOU get to tell your customers who you are...and rather than just having a standard card which says plumber, you can have several adjusted cards which feature ONE of your specialities.

If you are selling sidewalk signs, you could have an A Frame biz card, which shows what you do...and by the way, I'm building one from PVC pipe, for about 12 bux if anyone is interested...may even try to sell a few of them...around here, about one in 9 businesses have an a frame sidewalk sign...which means there are a lot of them...but a LOT more could be sold...anyhow...

I'm spending a lot of time on the subject of influence, and persuasion because I feel they are a solid foundation on which to understand LIFE and how things work.

We all, unless you choose to be a hermit...come in contact with people who could be customers or we want in some way to influence and/or persuade them.

And in this election, we're getting a first hand look at how some people are presenting themselves and how they are being perceived. Mitt Romney doesn't stand a chance in hades of being the is click whirr...can you figure out why?

So, in the body politic, arts and ENTERTAINMENt AND in business, there is a need for persuasion methods.

I recently sent a one page written TRAILER for a screenplay I am working on and asked for feedback, without telling anyone what it was...and I got some terrific feedback which will make the next rendition even better and tighter.

My knowledge, which is severely limited, about Hollywood, is they make a lot of decisions based on Click Whirr shortcuts...

So in describing a movie concept it is a lot of this meets that...

For example, a pitch might be, Seinfeld meets Cheers. or something like that, it provides a shortcut for the Hollywoodites to hook on to...and then there are the taglines...some of the best copy written...

Such as,
The longer you wait, the harder it gets. 40 Year Old Virgin.

Taglines and this meets that pitches are simply SHORTCUTS to get the point across, and it is enough information to see if one wants to continue or if it HOLDS THEIR ATTENTION ...

because in my NEW theory, attention is the END result of Intent and Preparation.

So, a knowledge of what people any given time...and a know how of how to break their pre-occupation...and instantly use a Click Whirr opportunity to implant a thought into their minds...

is what I'm getting at here. HOWEVER,

in the past 52 years, and in the mountain of papers I've accumulated, there are other hidden gems, which I've only begun to mine...

but almost all the other stuff (not all) has some form of influence attached to it, such as my 17 years in social work...but, even then, be it a client, consumer or customer...

the principles of influence and persuasion come into play...

so, it is important to spend some time and study to get a solid understanding and a firm grasp of what these weapons of influence are, the ones being used on us everyday by the media, politicians and other people who would raid our wallets if we let them.

Now, the very best of the best of Click Whirr/Instantaneous Communication is Non-Verbal...and direct mind to mind communication...

Did you hear an ice cream truck?

YOU have NO clue...but a handful of people who read this will have an INSTANTANEOUS nod of understanding...because of how it was used on them...and how it was used to describe a direct mind to mind broadcast which bypasses the RAS...

and implants a thought directly into one's mind...which can then be the anchor...the click whirr...which can be used throughout the communication...

The Seinfeld show was great at using these little hooks throughout the show and got to the big punch line at the all came together.

Hopefully, this thread will come together to make sense to a few of you too...

The new, less cryptic Gordon

Last edited by GordonJ : January 22, 2012 at 03:27 PM.
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