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Old January 20, 2007, 03:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

I know this may sound ridiculous coming from someone who's been on the internet for many years and tried many ideas, but what is the best idea to make money on the net ? And, what is the best book on this subject ?

I'm guessing use Google Adwords, build a squeeze page and send people there, give away a free ebook or ecourse and send them a follow up series every couple of days for a long time via and promote your main product or affiliate products which would be on another sales page of your own or on the merchant's site ... of course you could try and get traffic to your main site if you have one via regular search engine traffic over a long period of time ... and create articles and submit them to article directories and build reciprocal links via linkmetro or your own set up ... and maybe add Adsense to your main content site (seperate from your sales page sites) ...

I have tried that and other things with no real success, which means ...

1. It takes years to succeed
2. I'm picking the wrong niches
3. I'm picking the wrong affiliate programs
4. Just not enough free traffic
5. Can't figure out how to make Google Adwords work ... why do they keep raising there click prices on keywords you bid on .. my guess is that Adwords is like trying to solve Rubik's Cube ...
6. Not optimizing pages properly, or
7. I need a vacation (working for the Canadian Government during the day is not that easy, believe me).

For those that are seeing success, any tips for the rest of us ? What is the best book on starting or building an online business ... that that actually works with enough hard work of course ? It's tough when you have a day job and can't devote that much time, but that's no excuse either.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice weekend !
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Old January 21, 2007, 11:01 AM
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Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

the are four steps

1. Find a product
2. Find a big market
3. Find a way to sell it
4. Find Backups and backups products or services

You may have to use offline methods. See what the big companies do. Even the Guru on the net use offline but they usually don't tell you all the facts.
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Old January 21, 2007, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

Another way to make money online is simply to do what you love. Techniques and methods are fine, but when you have passion for what you are teaching or selling, it seems you have an extra edge.
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Old January 22, 2007, 03:13 AM
Don Alm
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Default Try This.....

There are many business and professional people who WANT (find a "Want" and Fill It!) let "New Residents" know about their business.

Why? Because "New Residents"....

....WANT to Make Contact with Many...Business & Professional people in their New Neighborhood. New Dentist....New Doctor....New Plumber.... Electrician...Pest Control c

So...why not provide a "Service" helping these New Residents find what they WANT?

Here's what you can do;

1) Find a "New Resident" Service to provide you with the NAMES & Addresses of the New Residents in your area....on a Monthly Basis.

2) Set up a Website with a Domain Name that "Says What You Do"....
"Tacoma Newcomers"...."Charleston Newcomers"...."Poughkeepsie New Residents"...etc

3) On this website (it can be a simple One Pager)....list the Categories in alphabetical order....with ONE sponsor in each Category (Include a Link to their website if they have one...or YOU could provide a site for them (for a Fee) There is also a Link to a Sales Page for Sponsors.

4) Send a Postcard with the following words on 3 businesses or professionals in each Category;


Thank You....Joe Blow"

For Doctors and Dentists;

Thank You....Joe Blow" can simply offer to provide the Names & Addresses of New Residents every month for a fee of $95....or....offer to send a Postcard with their Info and maybe an Incentive Discount for $175/Mo.

Just 100 sponsors....brings in a cool $7,500 a month!

Well Worth....looking into.

Don Alm
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Old January 22, 2007, 03:39 AM
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Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

Hello everyone,

Don - that's a great idea - as well as a useful service for others! Great job! :-)

keblack - I also agree with Saleem and Joe - Joe outlined the steps you need to consider, while Saleem mentioned the one element that would make your online journey easier; just like in the offline world, if you enjoy what you're doing, it will seem less like work. Even if something is more profitable, if you don't enjoy doing it, chances are, you'll lose interest in doing the daily activities needed to achieve success in that business, which will likely lead to you failing in it, so I would also suggest finding something you're passionate about, and preferably, know something about it, though you could do some research offline and online to further increase your knowledge of that field (and if you are interested in learning more about it, conducting the research won't feel like work. :-)

Hopefully, this is helpful! I wish you luck toward your online success!

Take care and have a great day!


Joe Chengery III
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Old January 22, 2007, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

I like this idea and have been checking around on how to find new residents.

My question is, if a business pays around $95 a month, how many names and addresses are they getting, per month, for that price in their area? Any info or experiences shared here will be greatly appriciated!

I can also see why businesses might payfor this because it seems to be a little difficult getting good list like this.

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Old January 22, 2007, 10:18 PM
Don Alm
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Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

The "number" in my post above should be "$75/Mo"! I made a typo. When I did a "test" fax to 300 local businesses, professionals and doctors and dentists I found that "$75/mo FOR 100 new Resident Name & Addys" was the "Magic Number".

Some months the number (in the zips I was working in) went to 128 or even 136 one month....but....I maintained the "agreed upon price of $75". "backend" was...."I" would dothe PostCard Mailing FOR THEM.... for...$175 a month....which most of them opted for.

I made up Samples of the Cards I was offering them.....AND....I included a "Frig Magnet" the package sent to the New Residents. They especially LIKED the "Frig Magnets".....which they felt would STAY on the New Resident's Frig for a long time.....getting them MANY MONTHS of "exposure".

I used the "Magnet Sheets" that can be run thru an inkjet printer. I bought the Magnetic Sheets wholesale and cut them to the size I wanted.

Makes for a

Go to Staples and get some of their "Magnetic Sheets" and experiment with them. They can NOT be run thru a Laser because the Laser gets toohot. I ran mine thru a cheapie HP Inkjet. Worked fine.

Put the "package" in a nice envelope with GOOD Graphics on the front and you will have a "winnah"!

Don Alm
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Old January 22, 2007, 09:12 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The BEST way? Here's the fastest way to a $1,000.00 and then from there...

Originally Posted by keblack View Post
It's tough when you have a day job and can't devote that much time, but that's no excuse either.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice weekend !

Hi Ken,

IF it does take "years", then it takes years from the time you start and focus...not years of piddling around, like so many netizens have done.

Take Mike McGroarty. He came online, saw opportunity, studied and learned, built a site, and in about 4-5 years he pushed his ONLINE yearly income to over $100,000.00 while working a full time job...and taking care of his family, attending his kid's games, taking care of ill parents...

so you are right about a full time job NOT being a good enough excuse.

Today Mike puts in about an hour a day to maintain his 100 thousand dollar plus INTERNET income while still holding on to his full time job...and he's documented his reasons here and elsewhere as to WHY he keeps the j-o-b.

OK then. Here's how to make the very fastest $1,000.00 online, then you can use that money to pursue other ventures...

Write, or hire someone to write, a little, funky 8-12 page report on the latest "buzz" word on Internet Marketing and feed it to the Warriors through the WSO (Warriors Special Offers) forum. Charge 10 bux for a "beer" and you'll get a 100 or more people in just a few hours...and VOILA, you've got your thousand bux.

Coregistration is hot, motivation always sells, PLR (Private Label Rights), viral marketing, making FAST money, or any of a dozen or so other hot subjects. Join the warriors, read through the WSO forum, start posting your questions, responses (can be "me too" type) and tap into a starving crowd.

Do one, then do another and you'll be off and running.

NOW you got the 1000 bux...then what?

Make sure your clickbank account is current, your PayPal account, possibly even your PayDotCom account...and pick a few products to tout, and create a sales page. You can register a domain and get a basic site for 54 bucks at GoDaddy. You don't need their software.

USE free software to create your website, upload through your browser, and in less than two days, you have a web site...NO traffic just yet...but you're a forum veteran...make the rounds, post some response to the hottest subjects and a link to your "review" site or to your affiliate programs.

You can use part of that 1000 dollars to hire writers at any one of a score of places to create more little reports to sell and soon you'll have a library of things to offer. Create an audio, use a place like to fulfill...and your information empire is on it's way.

NOW then. I'm going to stand behind something I wrote several years ago in Before You Buy Anything. Call it my OPINION if you want, but there are three keys to your success online (or off).


Using Mike McGroarty as just ONE example:

He built his original web site on his KNOWLEDGE of landscaping, he built upon a foundation of what he already knew and did in the real world.

He FOCUSED on this niche while building around the FRAMEWORK of tested and proven direct marketing principles. And Mike will be the first to tell you that he spent THOUSANDS of dollars learning from the New Masters.

I call them NEW, because they sat at the feet of the OLD guys. Jay Abraham was a Harvey Brody apprentice for a couple of years. Dan Kennedy worked at a Gary Halbert facility.

Mike learned MARKETING as he was building his business. Some people think that is all you have to know...and maybe they are right???

So then Ken, what are YOU FOCUSING on?

Are you buiding a FOUNDATION based upon your current knowledge, acquired wisdom along the way, and your interests?

What is the FRAMEWORK of your efforts? Mike McGroarty used the framework of Landscape Gardening and tapped into an incredibly hungry for KNOWLEDGE niche.

Another great example is Bill Myers. Who has created MORE products in the last 12 years than he has? I'd like to know.

He's been consistent in his approach, developed products in the direction of his interests and has a following. And he's done it with just about any type of product you can think of:

Printed Newsletters. Online newsletters. Subscription web sites. Software. Audio and Video. Books. Courses. Consulting. Seminars.

It is in my opinion the best 10 bux a month you can spend; go today and join and start going through the mammoth archives.

OK then Ken, you now KNOW how to make a quick 1000 dollars.

You KNOW a couple of real life successes you can learn from.

You KNOW how to post on forums. But the question I must ask is:

Do you KNOW what you want?

From your daily mundane efforts, what is it you want to happen? And is what you WANT a strong enough motivator to keep you focused on it until it manifests?

I don't know the BEST way to do anything...I do what works best for me.

Gordon Jay Alexander
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Old January 22, 2007, 05:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

sounds goot to me ....

and I too have the outline ...from a friend ...

open clickbank acct...
paypal acct
locate products to sell
write an article
submit to sites
collect moolah....

only problem I have had is the submission part....

after researching, writing a brief, keyword filled article in Word, ready to fire....

and dont know how to submit the article....heh heh ..I mean it is in Word..I havent even found a site that doesnt charge to submit..

maybe I should write an article..hotsheet.....on submitting articles !

anyway, picked up a couple of ideas, and also had a good weekend at the rodeo ....

seems lots of cowboys down there are not happy with the food service or the bobby was busy selling Pizzas to the cowboys...had a good time...

any help on submitting the articles to ezines or article compilation folks would be appreciated...


ps...yep ..I googled "article submission"...
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Old January 22, 2007, 08:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Net ?

Hi Bob, I write my articles in word or notepad and then just copy and paste them into:

I found to be the best single place to submit your articles to. After you get a few posted there just do a google search for free article submission services or will post your article to 123 article directories for just $14.

Steve Shulenski
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