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Old January 4, 2001, 03:21 PM
Taylor Trump
Posts: n/a
Default Re: PS. Here is what Emerson says in Self Reliance...

isn't Emerson and Thoreau intense and beautifying? Man these guys are outstanding.

I have several editions of their complete essays and everything on tape too.

Quite often, while listening, I notice a bit of guilt within myself for not striving as I know I CAN.

I am appreciative though of them both. I have often thought about developing some type of self-help product around their premises.

Have you ever read 'As A Man Thinketh' by James Allen?

As ever, thank you for sharing.


> This is one of my favorite passages from
> Self Reliance.
> ***********************************************
> There is a time in every man's education
> when he arrives at the conviction that envy
> is ignorance; that imitation is suicide;
> that he must take himself for better for
> worse as his portion; that though the wide
> universe is full of good, no kernel of
> nourishing corn can come to him but through
> his toil bestowed on that plot of ground
> which is given to him to till.

> The power which resides in him is new in
> nature, and none but he knows what that is
> which he can do, nor does he know until he
> has tried.
> *********************************************

> It was the seed of my youth that was planted
> in my young mind and led me to adventures I
> never dreamed possible.

> Send your freebie request a copy of that.

> Gordon Jay Alexander

> PS. As facile as today's youth may find
> Emerson or Thoreau, their truth resonates
> just as powerfully today as it did in their
> own time.

Search Engine Placement For Every Budget
Old January 4, 2001, 04:31 PM
Julie Jordan Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Hey Taylor....these Dead Guys are amazing thinkers.........

Hi Taylor, et al,

I adore Henry David Thoreau. Of the transcendendalists, he is my favorite. I even wrote an essay about it that I read at an "Open Mic night" here in Bakersfield recently. It went something like this....

It happened this weekend. I fell in love.

I did not mean it to happen! It hit me like a ton of bricks! Unexpected and powerful, sublime.

I met him in high school, but at that time, I was just not prepared for his message. It was this weekend that we got reacquainted. His words, his words touched me in an incredible way. What woman could NOT go ga-ga over a man who says things like he does?

There is just one problem.

He died one hundred years before I was born.

Henry David Thoreau. My very dead dream man.

(Yes, it got a big laugh! And lots of nods in recognition from the women in the audience!)

Click on the link below to learn more about my dream boat....

With Purpose and Passion,

Old January 4, 2001, 04:34 PM
Julie Jordan Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Here is the link!

The link to a lot of great Thoreau information for some reason did not make it into that post, so here it is again....possibly TWICE!

Meet Thoreau whose quotes include: "I went to the woods because I wished to
live deliberately, to front only the essential
facts of life, and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach, and not, when I
came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Henry David Thoreau (1817-62)

Thoreau Site
Old January 4, 2001, 04:57 PM
Bob Beckman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: PS. Here is what Emerson says in Self Reliance...

If you're ever around Boston, make the sidetrip to Walden Pond - it's a preserved park area, still pretty rustic and unspoiled, and (to me) bigger than I'd pictured it from Thoreau's writings.

I'm challenged by Emerson as well, Taylor. His stuff can be tough to get through, but the nuggets of gold in his writings are worth it.

And Julie, the environmentalist and activist in me always gets inspired by Thoreau. I always liked the exchange between Thoreau and Emerson when Thoreau was in jail for some protest and Emerson came to bail him out. Emerson said something like, "Henry, what are you doing in there?" and Thoreau relied, "Ralph, what are YOU doing OUT THERE!"

Excuse the loose quotes, but to me, quite motivating.

Old January 5, 2001, 09:31 AM
Taylor Trump
Posts: n/a
Default Yes, Julie They Are, But...

depending upon my circumstances at any time I find their information andd the way they present it to be emotionally draining.

I say this because what they are informing us, all, of is that our geniuse lies dormant within us all. It can be a saddening fact to come to grips with especially if you have been short-changing yourself for a long period of your life.

Does this make sense to anyone reading this?


> Hi Taylor, et al,

> I adore Henry David Thoreau. Of the
> transcendendalists, he is my favorite. I
> even wrote an essay about it that I read at
> an "Open Mic night" here in
> Bakersfield recently. It went something like
> this....

> It happened this weekend. I fell in love.

> I did not mean it to happen! It hit me like
> a ton of bricks! Unexpected and powerful,
> sublime.

> I met him in high school, but at that time,
> I was just not prepared for his message. It
> was this weekend that we got reacquainted.
> His words, his words touched me in an
> incredible way. What woman could NOT go
> ga-ga over a man who says things like he
> does?

> There is just one problem.

> He died one hundred years before I was born.

> Henry David Thoreau. My very dead dream man.

> (Yes, it got a big laugh! And lots of nods
> in recognition from the women in the
> audience!)

> Click on the link below to learn more about
> my dream boat....

> With Purpose and Passion,


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Old January 5, 2001, 09:46 AM
Bob Beckman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Yes, Julie They Are, But...

Taylor -

Your thought definitely makes sense to me. As I get older, I increasingly realize how time limits our potential actions and how we must make the best use of our talents NOW! Not to become a driven maniac, but to live life to the fullest and learn much, create much and love a lot!

Old January 5, 2001, 04:48 PM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Link to Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self Reliance"....

I hadn't read "Self Reliance" yet when this discussion came up.... So for everyone here who was like me and hasn't read it yet, here's a link so we can read it too.... :)

- Dien

Self Reliance....

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