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Old November 4, 2011, 06:22 PM
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Default Need some INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question...

If I go to a "public" place (+ that's another question), and I do "man on the street" type video clips, getting "regular" people's CANDID reactions to a new product (like you see on many infomercials + commercials) -- HOW DO I GET THEIR PERMISSION TO USE THEIR CLIP in any way I want, without paying them, etc.?

A model release, yes. But do I need to get a SPECIAL model release to cover my a** TOTALLY?!?! Do I need to go talk to a lawyer? If so, what TYPE of lawyer (intellectual property?).

I want to be able to do this, without WORRYING about the consequences -- I do NOT want to be open to being sued, or cease + desist, etc. There MUST be a way to do this get GENUINE CANDID reactions that I can then use in ANY WAY I WANT, WITHOUT paying the people I tape.

Anyone with any experience with this?

Please advise.


-- TW
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Old November 4, 2011, 07:14 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Re: Need some INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question...

Originally Posted by -TW View Post
If I go to a "public" place (+ that's another question), and I do "man on the street" type video clips, getting "regular" people's CANDID reactions to a new product (like you see on many infomercials + commercials) -- HOW DO I GET THEIR PERMISSION TO USE THEIR CLIP in any way I want, without paying them, etc.?

A model release, yes. But do I need to get a SPECIAL model release to cover my a** TOTALLY?!?! Do I need to go talk to a lawyer? If so, what TYPE of lawyer (intellectual property?).

I want to be able to do this, without WORRYING about the consequences -- I do NOT want to be open to being sued, or cease + desist, etc. There MUST be a way to do this get GENUINE CANDID reactions that I can then use in ANY WAY I WANT, WITHOUT paying the people I tape.

Anyone with any experience with this?

Please advise.

Hi TW,

I haven't done it... However, I did find these two possibly useful sample model release forms...

On the lawyer question, I'd probably get a model release form that you like (it could be one you find online, which you might modify further, if you want to). Then, once you've got the form the way you want it, get a lawyer and run it past him or her to make sure you're not missing anything important, that everything is above board, etc.

By the way, I know in the "common law" system (used in the UK, USA, Australia, and other nations where the laws were originally based on British laws), a contract is generally not valid unless there is an exchange of "value" (this is known as "consideration"). I don't know if this holds for model release contracts or not - though I don't see why it wouldn't apply there, as it does for other contracts. If it does, then you may have to give them something of "value" to make sure the contract is legally valid. (It could be as little as $1, or even a sample product.) I imagine, if nothing else, it would help to make the contract more "solid."

(I ain't no lawyer, and what I wrote above ain't no legal advice! To get legal advice, of course, you should see a legal professional...)

I would probably approach people, while having someone else film the interaction... Then, if the footage could be useful, ask them if they could "put your autograph on our standard release form"... or something like that...

Some people will be very happy to do it (especially if they feel they could get on TV, or get some minor degree of fame)!

You could also offer a free copy of your product, or whatever it is you're promoting, to help "encourage" them...

Now, I haven't done this before... So keep that in mind.

I have approached random strangers in the street before, to sell a product... (Many years ago, I was selling discounted comedy tickets - I did it for the sales experience!) If you're confident, with a friendly smile, and a "light-hearted" friendly attitude, most people are pretty nice! Some people may see you and avoid you... That's okay, too. If people do that, just find another person, who will be more comfortable with the whole experience. You soon learn to "recognize" the kind of people who are more happy to talk to you, and those who prefer to ignore you and walk on by...

In your case, I think it would be easier, as you're not even trying to get them to buy something - and you're even offering them a (small) shot at fame...

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : November 4, 2011 at 07:27 PM.
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Old November 4, 2011, 08:17 PM
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Default INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question, I'll send you to 1 of the Best!


Sign-up and Get-on To Atleast One of Brad Gosse's email lists! ...

{Awesome} Warrior who has [Lots] of Knowledge and Experience on very similar and related Business Models, Projects, Topics, Ideas... And (Out-Of-The-Box) Creativity and Super Smart WSO's and Endless Product Creation(s)...

Brad is Great at Sharing his Knowledge through Quick emails and through misc. internet marketing Webinar's where he Share's All Kinds of Golden Nuggets before he ''Kindly'' takes your Credit Card(s) in Exchange for One or More of his Innovative... Usually Cool and Fully ''Twistable'' ideas...

Definitely have a Quick little Chat with Brad... And I Bet you'll have All the info you Need and Require! ...

Brad Gosse... h=692

All the best...

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Old November 7, 2011, 10:12 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default 100s of Releases Signed Based on Advice from Bill Myers

Thanks TW,

Basically Bill Myers did this with me several times.

And I've been using the idea - successfully with 100's and 100's of
total strangers and customers and their Testimonials for 20+ years.

We rely on Human Nature. And the numbers game.

(HUMAN NATURE) Most people do the right thing.


You have some blank pieces of paper with you.

You get the video Interview done.

Then you say, "Please sign this Talent Release Form" so I can SHARE
your ideas with others."


You Write In front of them - on the blank page.

"Release Form

"TW allows me (Glenn Osborn) to share his face and voice with others
in perpetuity."

_____________________ Name

_____________________ Date

Glenn Osborn - Nov 6, 2011



Glenn Osborn

P.S. - (THE NUMBERS GAME) Maybe 1 in 100 is a SOB - calls you up and
demands munny or calls you and says, "YOU CAN'T USE my videotape
you no good bum."

You simply say, "Thank you very much sir. I'll DELETE You right now.

When you record enough content - you don't have to
Worry about the ONE ROTTEN APPLE.

But DO ERASE The Bastard's Video - Right Away, tho. TOO DANGEROUS Not

P.P.S. - I've worked behind the scenes at 25,000.00 bootcamps.

Watched the seminar owner TEAR UP a 25K check. Call for 2 Security Guards. FROG MARCH a guy out of the hotel!


All Because the Customer's ACTIONS Said, "I'm a TROUBLE MAKER and Will
Make Your Life a LIVING HELL."

By refusing to sign a Release Form - letting his voice and ideas be videotaped
at the event!

TW - I Systematically get lots of Testimonials ON-LINE with This "May I Have
Your Permission to SHARE your Testimonial with others" website...
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Old November 8, 2011, 01:00 AM
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Default Thanks Glenn! -- That one...

actually made sense to me!

Either I've changed, you've changed, or a little bit of both.


-- TW

PS: I'll post the results here. Won't be till Dec. though.
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Old November 8, 2011, 11:11 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Re: 100s of Releases Signed Based on Advice from Bill Myers

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Basically Bill Myers did this with me several times.
Thanks Glenn,

Terrific advice, as usual!

By the way, I've always loved Glenn's stuff (his websites and products)... Count me in as a fan...

Best wishes,

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Old November 10, 2011, 07:21 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default The 22 Million Man Who Can't Get His top 4500 Clients To Take His Calls

Thanks Dien - TW,

I Wouldn't want to DISAPPOINT you TW.

Here's how I'm helping a Client adapt the SAME Bill Myers Interview idea
for his top 4500 millionaire investors.

THE CHALLENGE - They won't talk to him or read his emails.

TW - You can walk up to total strangers - Hand them a cookie
Get them to talk.

But MICK - my client - has been Boring his top customers
with constant "BUY THIS" offers.

Mick is the Biz owner who Cried WOLF too often. NOBODY LISTENS.

What to do?

I consult with Affluent Entrepreneurs, investors, gurus all the time SO
I know - Just as Art Linkletter advises in his audiotape on "How to Give A Speech." -

You UP-SIDE-DOWN things. (Plan the end of your speech 1st)

Start at the end - with what you want to s ell. AND you put a bell on the
LEAD BULL - so as to lead the rest of the HERD
where you want them to go.

Here's How You Do that...


FIRST - The END GOAL - S ell the top 4500 the NEW Investment Service.


Carl Icahn - sold 840 million of his commercial real estate 6 months
before the real estate crash.

THE LESSON - Bil lionaires are 6 months to a Year ahead of the rest of us.



A - We mention what we've spotted a group of bil lionaires doing.

B - We use Interesting STORY - Investment Case Studies from a MYSTERY
INVESTOR - who is using the NEW SOFTWARE to imitate the bil lionaires.

C - Plus a few AVERAGE JOE investors - case study Results

Letter B & C - are our Bulls wearing Bells - GET IT?



EXCITEMENT among the 4500.


We Slam the door Shut and Explain:

1 - We can't handle 1000's at once

2 - The 4500 have to QUALIFY before they're allowed to b uy

3 - Send us a Case Study proving you know these 3 investing basics
And VOILA - you get the password to the NEW VIP ONLY Website.

4 - Then we use the NEW MUNNY Making Case Studies to ring more bells
and lead THE REST of the 4500 - to the new Promised Land.

LOTS of Psychological Manipulation Going on ABOVE - right?

But we have a 100% munny back Guarantee. WE KNOW if the 4500 TRY it they will Make a Bundle.



Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Hope this was more what you expect from me TW.


I use this EXACT process in my new Sales letter for my NEWEST
WEIRD - Info-Product...

"Headless - Zombie NLP"

Uses Ideas We tested from my mentor Dr McDoom!
Dr McDOOM is a real guy. But we have to keep his name TOP SECRET or
he'll get into Big Trouble.

You say FOUR WORDS (From Dr McDoom) - the person is Zombified.

You Replace Their Head with Yours - because WHATEVER you tell them to do
NEXT they will do.

My usual 365 day 100% munny back Guarantee applies.


Yes. (But it's 25 Chapters of Magical NLP)

And a Best S eller - right up there with some of my best.


***A client just called - he used the 4 ZOMBIE Words to get a 3000.00
Raise from his boss - who Hates him!

***Another man used it in bed with his

***A 3rd got his former wife's Therapist to QUIT drugging his son

P.P.P.S. - CURIOUS about how to Use QR CODES to Accept munny on any
iPhone, PDA or computer?

CHECK OUT our Zombie Letter Link Below -
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Old November 11, 2011, 05:10 PM
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Default annnnnnnnnd... ylostmeagain.

I'm just not good with foreign languages, I guess.
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Old November 21, 2011, 03:25 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Re: Need some INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question...

Thanks TW,

My Rentamentor Lingo is ONLY Understood by VIP Subscribers to my Ezine.

You know how when you speak to an Electrician he speaks about volts and amps, pulling wires.

Carpenter talks left handed doors and right handed doors, Inside jokes

Building Contractors - Angle of repose, stick-built, prefab vs site built?

A Six Month
College Course
to learn to SPEAK like these guys back 20 yrs ago when I had to manage
several hundred contractors.

So it makes sense that us Entrepreneurs would have a language of our own.


Gordons Pictograms - are packed with psychological selling ideas. Not
ideas that Non-Marketing folks can apply all at the same time.

In fact - I'm still practicing these ideas myself.

Glenn Osborn
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Old November 22, 2011, 05:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Need some INFO (not legal advice) on this interesting question...

Person A conveys message to Person B.

Where I come from, it is at least as important for Person A to use language that Person B will understand, as it is for Person B to have a wide enough range of languages he/she understands.

If the sendER wants to communicate effectively he/she must take on the responsibility (as communicatOR), of doing all that is necessary to make sure the desired message is delivered PROPERLY, in a way that the sendEE will understand.

By definition, the sendEE is standing in his/her own "country." The sendER is the "foreigner," who must be sure to learn the language the sendEE speaks + understands. That's how I look at it any way.

If you send a letter, it is the responsibility of the sendER to put the right postage on the envelope, so it reaches the addressEE. It is NOT the responsibility of the addressEE to put the postage on the envelope after it is received.

Cheers. (or should I say, "cHeErzz!")

-- TW

PS: Remember, on Steve Martin's classic "Let's Get Small" album about the "Plumber's Convention" joke. Has to do with this conversation, in a way!

UPDATE: Glenn -- I found this transcript, just in case you don't know the joke I'm talking about...

“Ok, I don’t like to gear my material to the audience but I’d like to make an exception because I was told that there is a convention of plumbers in San Francisco this week – I understand about 30 of them came down to the show tonight – so before I came out I worked-up a joke especially for the plumbers. Those of you who aren’t plumbers probably won’t get this and won’t think it’s funny, but I think those of you who are plumbers will really enjoy this…

This lawn supervisor was out on a sprinkler maintenance job, and he started working on a Finley sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7-inch gangley wrench. His apprentice laughed and said, “You can’t work on a Finley socket with a Langstrom 7-inch wrench!” Well, this infuriated the supervisor, so he went and got Volume 14 of the Kinsley Manual. He opened it to page 214 and read, “A 7-inch Langstrom wrench is compatible with a Finley sprocket”. Just then the little apprentice leaned over and said, “It says sprocket, not socket!”


Were those plumbers supposed to be here this evening?

Last edited by -TW : November 22, 2011 at 05:43 AM.
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