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Old April 25, 2012, 05:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Fantasizing... If/when you make $1,000,000+ will you...?...

Will you return to this forum?

If so, what will you say (from "the other side" of the "struggle")?

Will the journey be what you had imagined it would be? Or totally different?
Will you be the "same person" afterwards?

What will be your attitude toward the rest of us who are still on "this side of the glass?" aka: who you "used to be."

If the journey did transform you, how would you describe the transformation?

Basically, what will it be like when/if you "visit the old neighborhood?"

It's interesting to think about.

-- TW

Last edited by -TW : April 25, 2012 at 05:23 AM.
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Old April 25, 2012, 06:58 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,386
Default Millionaires? Here?

Originally Posted by -TW View Post
Will you return to this forum?

If so, what will you say (from "the other side" of the "struggle")?

Will the journey be what you had imagined it would be? Or totally different?
Will you be the "same person" afterwards?

What will be your attitude toward the rest of us who are still on "this side of the glass?" aka: who you "used to be."

If the journey did transform you, how would you describe the transformation?

Basically, what will it be like when/if you "visit the old neighborhood?"

It's interesting to think about.
Hi TW,

Thanks for raising this interesting question...

There definitely are millionaires who visit here and post here. (And I can think of some people who I know are multi-millionaires who have posted here, too.)

If you remember the book "The Millionaire Next Door" - not everyone who is a millionaire, "looks" like a millionaire.

Many of them live in normal suburban homes, drive normal cars, wear normal clothes, and so on. They look "middle class."

Many millionaires don't "flash" their money around in the clothes they wear, the car they drive, and so on. Instead, it may be "hidden away" in property they own, businesses they own, and other assets they own which you would not normally know about (unless you're their accountant).

I've known people who were/are "millionaire-next-door" types (including both living people, and those who have passed away), and unless you knew something "deeper" about their finances, or they admitted it to you, you would never know that they were millionaires.

What's it like?

I'm sure for many of them, things don't change too much. Maybe they worry a little bit less if they buy an expensive meal, or don't have to worry too much about whether they have enough money to pay the utility bills, or about being able to afford a holiday... So (if they are wise in handling money), they would have fewer of the common "money worries" that others often have...

Now, for some people, wealth can go to their head. They may become arrogant, pompous, self-important, and so on. (However, some "poor" people are like that, too.)

Others stay just the same, and stay rooted "down to earth" and are grateful for the blessings they have... (The people with this attitude are the ones who are more likely to have trouble-free lives.)

One more thing... Some people can make a lot of money. But they're not very "wise" with it... So even though they've "made" a lot, they may not end up with a lot.

One very prominent marketer who passed away a few years ago - I heard from one source (who knew him personally) that he died in debt. He was good at making money, but he was very terrible at managing it, and his monetary "ups and downs" was the story of his life (so I was told).

On the other hand, I also know people who did not earn above-average wages. However, they were great at managing money - and ended up millionaires because of that. (People who end up with a lot of money by using this route usually live frugally, and don't live beyond their means. As a result, even on an average income or less, they still have money left over to invest...)

Anyway, those are some thoughts on this interesting topic...

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : April 25, 2012 at 07:40 AM.
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Old April 25, 2012, 08:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Millionaires? Here? ... A Million Dollars is Nothing Today...


Said it Almost exactly...

Keep in Mind... Jim Straw periodically still Visits here...

I'm sure Dien and/Or Gordon can Get Jim to Give us another Quick Visit...

If Not... Just Google around A Little...

Study and Follow Jim's overall Suggestions and Advice...

That's if and For Those that Listen and Apply the information they Receive or Just File it on their Hard Drive(s)...

Too Many with that kinda Mindset these Days!

Also, Think about it This way...

Way back When, in the days of our Parents...

Real Estate for those That Could Afford it...

Cost and Sold for Barely Nothing in Comparison in Today's World...

Then Again... Unfortunately! ... Some Places today Real Estate is way Down! ...

Emailed with a Friend out in Oakland CA today about their son purchasing a house, just finalizing the deal!

Quick copy and paste from the email! A Quick Lesson in Real Estate and Something to Seriously Think about Too! ...

''not only getting married in July but just bought a house up the street from us (for $300,000 LESS than its last sale price, the upside of the mortgage meltdown)''

That Should Tell Smart investors a Thing or 2! Always the Positive for Some & The Negative for others... Fortunately and Unfortunately if you Know what's I'm Saying! ...

Bottom line...

Many Today still Have Real Estate worth Way More than A Million Dollars...

Even, Just Owning 2 to 4 misc. small properties, Condo's etc. in Some Nice Locations, preferably Up-And-Coming especially...

Should Still Make for a Fairly Reasonable retirement If Managed Well and Smartly Over-All...

Then Again... Some interesting Food For Thought throughout Worth Digging more into...

Just a Little! ...

These KeyWords and Lots More To Think about Too!

A Million Dollars is Nothing Today...

Million Dollar Experiment – $1000000 Manifested
18 Apr 2006 – After passing $500000 a few weeks ago, the Million Dollar Experiment has now surpassed $1000000 in what we have collectively manifested.
Want A Million Dollars? Just Ask For It - Forbes
19 Jan 2011 – As Rowin announced today via YouTube, he has reached an agreement; “He will give me one million dollars and I will owe him nothing in ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

Next! ...

All the Best...


Last edited by Phil : April 25, 2012 at 08:25 AM. Reason: additional info...
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