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Old September 26, 2003, 06:53 PM
Michael S. Winicki
Posts: n/a
Default The Death of Email Marketing?

Interesting quote out of Dan Kennedy's latest newsletter...

"I am more convinced than ever that the use of e-mail for marketing purposes is headed toward extinction, with the single and sole exceptions of communicating with core, loyal, responsive customers who have given specific permission and with whom you have a very strong relationship, or somehow being presented to such customers of another marketer, with his endorsement. The broad use of electronic media such as e-mail and broadcast fax is being taken away, bit by bit, piece by piece. If your business is overly dependent on it, you are in trouble. If you do not use it carefully, in very limited and controlled circumstances, you are headed for trouble."

Your first inclination might be "What does Dan Kennedy know, he's an off-line guy". Well, the fact is Corey Rudl is a student of Dan's and Dan has spent time with him investigating the various e-mail delivery systems that will allow you to get your e-mail through. In the final anaylsis you can get much of your e-mail through at this point but "it must be neutered of a great deal of effective sales copy in order to get through the filters."

By the way Dan's monthly newsletter is a gem and I recommend anyone that has any interest in marketing to subscribe...

Take care,

Mike Winicki

One of the best ways ever to grow a business...
Old September 27, 2003, 02:37 AM
Andy Frain
Posts: n/a
Default Death? We just missed the true potential...

In the information age any medium is sending out sales messages at warp factor speed.

Unfortunately it's where our culture is at the moment.

And because email is is faster, easier and cheaper than anything else it has been abused.(Same as web sites, pop ups, flying ads,banner ads, etc)

But there's no need to shoot the means of delivery. Email marketing itself is not dead... just the way people have used it *so far*.

Your excerpt hits the nail on the head when it says...

">>with the single and sole exceptions of communicating with core, loyal, responsive customers who have given specific permission and with whom you have a very strong relationship, or somehow being presented to such customers of another marketer, with his endorsement
Old September 27, 2003, 07:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Andy is Right!

Hello My Friends,

I totally agree with Andy. I have a very nice list of people in a niche market for one of my web-sites and if my weekly newsletter is late one day, I get 20 or 30 e-mails about when it's coming out.

These people want my information! I give them bits and pieces of good stuff, and eventually, they want to purchase one or all of my 5 products on the site.

It's simply the basics of good businesses...

#1 Find a niche that you have experience in
#2 Evaluate whether or not it's a viable market
#3 Discover a problem in that niche market
#4 Develop products and services to sole the problem

That's it in a nutshell!!! It doesn't matter if you're delivering your communication to this niche by e-mail, space ads, television, radio or snail mail, you'll be successful. (Smart entrepreneurs do a combination)

It's good to listen to and learn from great marketers, but we must also realize that marketing is a practice just like medicine, law, or teaching. The only way you'll get better is to do something!!!!'ll have the "Real" answer as it relates to your business.

Good Success!!!!

The "BIG BRAIN" Entrepreneur!!! (This is how I flip computers for PROFIT!) (This is how I lost over 100 pounds) (This is how to corner a niche market)

This business is not going anywhere!
Old September 27, 2003, 07:28 PM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Sending out too much email could shut down your business!

Here's what can happen...

You set up an opt-in email list or ezine. Various people sign up, and get your regular email.

However, let's say that there's a malicious fellow named Harry. Harry happens to hate his co-worker, Lucy. So he decides to "get her" - by adding her name to a lot of email lists!

Harry goes to various web pages where you can sign up to an email list or ezine. Yours is one of those he goes to. When he gets there, he signs up his co-worker Lucy.

Suddenly - Lucy is getting your ezine. Without her consent! After constantly deleting it, she looks at it and thinks, "I never asked for this. This must be a spammer!"

Lucy complains to her anti-spammer friends, who track down your ISP and your web host. They tell your ISP and web host that you are a spammer, and that they should shut down your internet connection and your web pages.

Of course, Lucy may not be the only one complaining. Harry may have a grudge against several people - not only Lucy - and may have signed them up too!

So, in response - your web host shuts down your web pages. Your ISP disconnects you from the internet. They think - one more spammer down.

You complain you are innocent. But they won't listen.

If your business is mainly online - it's dead. You didn't spam - but several people THOUGHT you did. They didn't know it was Harry who added Lucy to your list without her consent. They thought you added her yourself.

But there's a solution...

The solution is to use a double opt-in method to subscribe people to your ezine. I believe this is the way of the future.

Double opt-in means that after they sign up for your ezine, they will get an email, asking them to confirm their subscription.

It has advantages and drawbacks.

The main drawback is that people will subscribe at a slower rate, because you have added an extra step. Some will forget to confirm their subscription. Some people will change their mind. This will make your subscription rate go down.

But the advantage is you survive. You don't have to be paranoid, wondering if your web site will be shut down tomorrow due to false spam complaints!

Here's what happens if Harry tries to sign Lucy up to your ezine without her consent, if you use a double opt-in system.

Harry cruises the web, maliciously signing Lucy up to everything he can. He comes to your web site, and signs Lucy up to your ezine.

This means that Lucy will get an email asking her to confirm her subscription.

Lucy will see the email. Most likely, she will ignore it or delete it - since she doesn't remember signing up for anything.

And that's that. She won't be getting your unasked for email week after week, month after month - until she makes a spam complaint. You - and your business - are protected.

So while there's a downside - I think double opt-in is the way to go. It's what we use here on Sowpub. I use it to protect myself.

And even though we send out The Entrepreneur's Hotsheet twice a week - we've never had a single spam complaint.

- Dien Rice

Doing What This Report Says Could Be Important To The Survival Of Your Business!
Old September 28, 2003, 04:14 AM
John Glube
Posts: n/a
Default I would call it the death of bulk mail ...


Interesting comment indeed.

For a direct marketer, you buy a mailing list and mail to the list.

Due to filters, etc. it is now being suggested this is no longer a realistic option in the on- line world.

(Interesting to see what happens to e-zine advertising rates.)

Although I notice Microsoft and Yahoo want to carve out exceptions for themselves.

(I am referencing the exception created in the new California anti-spam legislation allowing providers of free e-mail boxes to send bulk mail to their subscribers without requiring proof of prior consent and a pre-existing commercial relationship.)

It also substantiates the approach of people like Frank Garon and others, who are advocates of permission based opt-in e-mail marketing, using relationship strategies to create customer loyalty.

Kind regards,

John Glube
Toronto, Canada

The Art of War, Internet Marketing And You

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