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Old May 6, 2015, 10:11 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Wow!

My "Computer Guy" has always gone above and beyond what I've paid him to do so......I thought I'd repay the favors by "Branding" a Video Commercial with his Name and.....Rank it for His Name ..... MD Partech Computer Repair and within 30 minutes there it was.....on Page One.

Take a Look. Scroll the page and tell me which Link YOU would click on!

He's also going to be running ads with his biz name highlighted.

I'm also going to be ranking the Video for some of his KeyWords.

Don Alm Tip; As soon as I "Publish" my videos I go to "Mass Pingler" and "Ping" it.

Last edited by Don Alm : May 6, 2015 at 10:27 PM.
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Old May 7, 2015, 11:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

Sup Don - good to see you're still plugging away at the video promotions.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not throwing darts here, I'm just stating some facts from my personal experience doing the video commercials. If it works for you and benefits your clients, that's wonderful and it's a win-win.

Here's my conflict though with all the hype about these videos getting on the first page of Big G...does anyone really pay a substantial fee to be placed on there?

To be on the first page of G for your company name is one thing.

But if I don't know the company name and just enter 'computer repair roseburg, oregon' I don't see your thumbnail on the first page, or even the 2nd page for those search keywords, and those are the keywords I'd most likely enter if I was looking for computer repair in Roseburg, or any city USA.

However, as of this writing I do see 2 different competing companies video commercial thumbnails on the 2nd page, since 2011 & 2012, but MD Partech Computer Repair is unseen thus far and that's out of only 38,000 results for those search terms.

Getting 'Joe-Don's Plumbing Services' video commercial on G's 1st page for their business name is fine and dandy, IF you do your search for that particular company name-plumbing. But if you do a search for 'emergency plumbing podunk-city' what are really the odds that Joe-Don's Plumbing Services video thumbnail actually shows up on the 1st page for those keywords? Slim.

I was dabbling in the video 'commercials' myself for awhile and eventually got 3 businesses video commercials listed on the 1st page of G for various search terms, however, as I kept track of the clicks on each video it surely wasn't worth even approaching the business owner for a $500+ monthly fee.

I still have 2 videos on the 1st page since Oct for one of the businesses (I've done nothing since that time with them) and neither video has reached 100 clicks to this date or brought in a significant sale to justify a big monthly fee to have those videos listed on there.

I've since moved on.

If you can get these companies to pay you a hefty fee every month for getting their company name video commercial on the 1st page, I applaud you. I personally haven't really seen the value though IMO to keep pounding sand and sell the idea to a business owner.

If I can't truly help a business owner in some shape or form, then I honestly don't feel I can ask them to pay me a fee unless I know with 100% certainty that they'll benefit from my efforts 110%.

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Old May 7, 2015, 11:53 AM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

Hey Glenn.....these "web commercial" videos are NOT "monthlies"! These kind of videos are "to get a foot in the door"!

These kind of videos are to be placed on websites or blogs to Improve the "Image" of the biz.

I usually charge a one-time fee of $295 although here lately I've been selling them for $495 (sending them the Branded video) AND.....if the biz wants me to "Rank for their Name"'s $795! Although a couple of my "Video" buddies are now charging $50/mo to keep the vid on Page 1.

Then.....after the One-Time Sale.....I take the same video and Rank it for "KeyWords" (Computer Repair Roseburg OR...etc) for which I then charge a Monthly of at least $97/mo up to $497/mo for Lawyers and Assisted Living and Home Remodeling and Roofing biznesses

Matt Bush (WhiteBoard Videos with the moving hand) , Dave Cisneros (Offline PLR Vault)and Nick Mann (Offline PLR Videos) produce many short, web commercial videos covering many niches which they suggest selling for $97.

I just couldn't bring myself to sell these so cheaply. Heck.....if you go online and find a Video biz that will make a Custom Video for you, with custom script and Voice're looking at $2,500 and up for a 60 sec vid.

Anyways......again....these short Branded Video commercials are one-timers to "get in the door". And.....the GREAT THING about taking these PLR (ready-made") videos and Branding them with a biznesses Logo and Contact Info then Ranking them for a Biz Name is......IT'S ALREADY DONE!

I can show PROOF of what I've done!....right in front of their eyeballs! NO wondering IF or WHEN I'll do what I say I'm gonna do.....IT'S ALREADY DONE! All the chosen biz has to do is Reject It or Pay!

So....for those who Pay....when I get the Video Ranked for their KeyWords, and they begin getting calls (which could sometimes take a week or two) when I see from my CallFire account that they've received X Calls (with the Whisper Effect announcing each call with "Here's another Lead from Advantage Marketing".....they have already done biz with me and....they KNOW they're getting Lead Calls so it's just a matter of them sending Monthly Payments.

Granted....not all who buy the initial vid continue on with the Monthly. This is why I CONTROL the Phone Numbers so that if a biz rejects....I just send the Lead Calls to a competitor....which rarely happens.

Don Alm.....Marketing & Sales Guy
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Old May 7, 2015, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

Hey Don- thanks for clarifying all that. I did the Callfire route as well and nobody's phone rang any more than usual. I tracked them for months.

Maybe I was targeting the wrong type of businesses but I did several of them for 'free' just to see if there was any noticeable increase in calls by having a thumbnail on the 1st page.

I did an interior design business, a towing company, a parking lot re-striping company, a window covering business, a shooting range that also gave classes on carrying a concealed weapon, and a local auto repair garage.

I didn't tell any of them except the interior design business. I wanted to be comfortable beforehand knowing I could get them on the first page using long-tail keyword searches for their business and if I noticed a increase in calls to those various businesses via CallFire I would then approach them.

I got them all on the 1st page with a 45-90 sec video thumbnail except for the towing company. The calls didn't stampede in by any stretch, not enough for me to approach them anyways. Nothing significant really. If I noticed 20-25 calls a month coming in I'd done the hula-hoop in a speedo at high noon in the town square.

Unfortunately for me it didn't happen and fortunately for everyone else within eyesight of the town square it didn't happen either.

So I just kinda cut my losses and quit spending as much time on the video stuff as I was before my 60 day test trial.

I personally need to see a quicker return from my efforts or I lose interest. It's an A.D.D. thing I guess good or bad. I'll give 100% for a couple months towards something and if it doesn't show me some promise by then, I fold up my table and go to another 'location' so-to-speak and try something else.

Using baseball analogy, sometimes I get some singles here and there to keep me interested. A double is even better and anything better than that is a bonus. If I hit a home run - woohoo - I can see the promised land so it motivates me even more to keep on trucking.

This video thing, for me anyways, just didn't pay off for me like I had hoped for the time I put into it because I really like messing with video but I really like getting paid even better.

Keep on keepin' on Don

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Old May 8, 2015, 06:28 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow! said you got the videos ranked for "Long Tail" Keywords!

If you use KeyWords like "best emergency auto repair in Toledo"'d probably get that video ranked within a few minutes BUT chances are very few, if any, people will be entering that KeyWord.

Using a KeyWord like; "auto repair toledo" would probably take longer to get on page 1 BUT.....that is a POPULAR KeyWord and would DRAW calls like flies!

Ryan McKinney has a WSO called "Offline Legion" where he provides a very good instruction on how to get Videos Ranked for GOOD, POPULAR KeyWords.

He also says to Pick a biz at random (preferably one that has a website and does some advertising around town).....upload and optimize the Video (preferably using a YouTube Channel with the name of the KeyWord (Auto Repair Toledo) ......then aim the CallFire number to that biz.

I've found that when I check CallFire there ARE Calls a few days after I ranked the "Popular" keyword.

Las Vegas is a big town.....Mark Helton (one of my Video Marketing consultants) ranked a Video for the keywords LAS VEGAS ROOFER in Jan of 2011 and.....the video is STILL THERE at the Top.

The biz also has a website AND, according to Mark, has been paying Mark $700 a month for over 4 years!

So.....there are ways to Rank Popular Keyword videos. You will probably need to do some Back linking and other techniques However.....once you get the "knack" sure is nice to get Monthly Payments without having to do much "work"!'s a Video Review of probably the best program I've used to sell individual videos. It's called "Video Cash Volcano" and Lee Cole is reviewing it;

Don Alm
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Old May 7, 2015, 04:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
Hey Glenn.....these "web commercial" videos are NOT "monthlies"! These kind of videos are "to get a foot in the door"!

These kind of videos are to be placed on websites or blogs to Improve the "Image" of the biz.

I usually charge a one-time fee of $295 although here lately I've been selling them for $495 (sending them the Branded video) AND.....if the biz wants me to "Rank for their Name"'s $795! Although a couple of my "Video" buddies are now charging $50/mo to keep the vid on Page 1.

Then.....after the One-Time Sale.....I take the same video and Rank it for "KeyWords" (Computer Repair Roseburg OR...etc) for which I then charge a Monthly of at least $97/mo up to $497/mo for Lawyers and Assisted Living and Home Remodeling and Roofing biznesses

Matt Bush (WhiteBoard Videos with the moving hand) , Dave Cisneros (Offline PLR Vault)and Nick Mann (Offline PLR Videos) produce many short, web commercial videos covering many niches which they suggest selling for $97.

I just couldn't bring myself to sell these so cheaply. Heck.....if you go online and find a Video biz that will make a Custom Video for you, with custom script and Voice're looking at $2,500 and up for a 60 sec vid.

Anyways......again....these short Branded Video commercials are one-timers to "get in the door". And.....the GREAT THING about taking these PLR (ready-made") videos and Branding them with a biznesses Logo and Contact Info then Ranking them for a Biz Name is......IT'S ALREADY DONE!

I can show PROOF of what I've done!....right in front of their eyeballs! NO wondering IF or WHEN I'll do what I say I'm gonna do.....IT'S ALREADY DONE! All the chosen biz has to do is Reject It or Pay!

So....for those who Pay....when I get the Video Ranked for their KeyWords, and they begin getting calls (which could sometimes take a week or two) when I see from my CallFire account that they've received X Calls (with the Whisper Effect announcing each call with "Here's another Lead from Advantage Marketing".....they have already done biz with me and....they KNOW they're getting Lead Calls so it's just a matter of them sending Monthly Payments.

Granted....not all who buy the initial vid continue on with the Monthly. This is why I CONTROL the Phone Numbers so that if a biz rejects....I just send the Lead Calls to a competitor....which rarely happens.

Don Alm.....Marketing & Sales Guy

Hey Don,

Nice post, i'm just a little confused...

Lets say today you edited 10 PLR videos each with the biz owner's business name and contact details etc...and ranked them on G's 1st page for the keywords ''biz owner's business name''

If you called up these 10 biz owners told them to search their biz name - they SEE the many of the 10 biz owners on average would buy?

AND is ya price point $295 for this 1 time foot in the door video deal ?

Thanks for ya response buddy

Last edited by OddBall : May 7, 2015 at 04:58 PM.
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Old May 12, 2015, 02:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
Hey Glenn.....these "web commercial" videos are NOT "monthlies"! These kind of videos are "to get a foot in the door"!

These kind of videos are to be placed on websites or blogs to Improve the "Image" of the biz.

I usually charge a one-time fee of $295 although here lately I've been selling them for $495 (sending them the Branded video) AND.....if the biz wants me to "Rank for their Name"'s $795! Although a couple of my "Video" buddies are now charging $50/mo to keep the vid on Page 1.

Then.....after the One-Time Sale.....I take the same video and Rank it for "KeyWords" (Computer Repair Roseburg OR...etc) for which I then charge a Monthly of at least $97/mo up to $497/mo for Lawyers and Assisted Living and Home Remodeling and Roofing biznesses

Matt Bush (WhiteBoard Videos with the moving hand) , Dave Cisneros (Offline PLR Vault)and Nick Mann (Offline PLR Videos) produce many short, web commercial videos covering many niches which they suggest selling for $97.

I just couldn't bring myself to sell these so cheaply. Heck.....if you go online and find a Video biz that will make a Custom Video for you, with custom script and Voice're looking at $2,500 and up for a 60 sec vid.

Anyways......again....these short Branded Video commercials are one-timers to "get in the door". And.....the GREAT THING about taking these PLR (ready-made") videos and Branding them with a biznesses Logo and Contact Info then Ranking them for a Biz Name is......IT'S ALREADY DONE!

I can show PROOF of what I've done!....right in front of their eyeballs! NO wondering IF or WHEN I'll do what I say I'm gonna do.....IT'S ALREADY DONE! All the chosen biz has to do is Reject It or Pay!

So....for those who Pay....when I get the Video Ranked for their KeyWords, and they begin getting calls (which could sometimes take a week or two) when I see from my CallFire account that they've received X Calls (with the Whisper Effect announcing each call with "Here's another Lead from Advantage Marketing".....they have already done biz with me and....they KNOW they're getting Lead Calls so it's just a matter of them sending Monthly Payments.

Granted....not all who buy the initial vid continue on with the Monthly. This is why I CONTROL the Phone Numbers so that if a biz rejects....I just send the Lead Calls to a competitor....which rarely happens.

Don Alm.....Marketing & Sales Guy

Originally Posted by OddBall View Post
Hey Don,

Nice post, i'm just a little confused...

Lets say today you edited 10 PLR videos each with the biz owner's business name and contact details etc...and ranked them on G's 1st page for the keywords ''biz owner's business name''

If you called up these 10 biz owners told them to search their biz name - they SEE the many of the 10 biz owners on average would buy?

AND is ya price point $295 for this 1 time foot in the door video deal ?

Thanks for ya response buddy

Hey...Don Alm.....Marketing & Sales Guy...still waiting for ya reply/answer
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Old May 12, 2015, 10:13 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!

PULEEZE! I stopped selling my "" type of stuff a few yrs ago!!!!

My ONLY reason for posting HERE....on SOWPUB, lately, is to......HELP GJ and DIEN git dis ting goin' agin!.....WHY?....because 15 yrs ago.....dis here Forum helped me make lots of moolah! I figured here's MY chance to.....GIVE BACK! I check in daily and see da "Viewer Count" rising......I tank da "power dat be" (GOD)....fer da response an da fact my later years I kin Still create stuff that HELPS others!

Hey! when I went thru a "Mental and Physical" devastation with my first marriage (38 yrs ago) and decided that ......"I NEEDED HELP! from someone Other than when I asked "GOD" to help me.....and.....HE came thru with ALL KINDS of Innovative thinking that PROPELLED little ol' ME.... into the stratosphere of "Possibility Thinking & Doing" help ME and OTHERS...have a better LIFE!

Don Alm......Loong Time Entroopeneer
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Old May 12, 2015, 10:46 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,400
Default Re: Wow!

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
Hey! when I went thru a "Mental and Physical" devastation with my first marriage (38 yrs ago) and decided that ......"I NEEDED HELP! from someone Other than when I asked "GOD" to help me.....and.....HE came thru with ALL KINDS of Innovative thinking that PROPELLED little ol' ME.... into the stratosphere of "Possibility Thinking & Doing" help ME and OTHERS...have a better LIFE!
Hi Don and everyone,

I know some people will read that and roll their eyes... But there's something to what Don said...

I know a very wealthy entrepreneur (I won't mention his name right now)... But prayers to God are part of his daily routine. Actually, many times a day...

He asks for help from God, but also tries to "help" God too (by trying to do good things in the world)...

I've asked for God's help many, many times myself...

There's something to it.

Now, I feel everyone should be free to have their own beliefs (or lack of them), so I don't want to ram anything down anyone's throat. But I just want to say, there's something to what Don's saying here...

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Old May 13, 2015, 01:22 AM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wow!'re right on Dien.....WE WILL run into "stuff"!....GUARANTEED! That's what LIFE is all about!

There's TWO FORCES in that wants the BEST for you and one that wants to "Hurt You"!

It's this "Hurtful" one that you NEED to be aware of and KNOW how to handle, so that YOU can not only can.... get thru it BUT..... come out Better than b4.

For one point in my life I found myself in a small town after losing EVERYTHING......I mean EVERYTHING......Business, Wife, House, Money....da whole enchilada. All I had, after spending my last few dollars for a train trip to a small town in Colorado (Glenwood Springs) where I knew 1 person...was the clothes on my body was September .....starting to get cold!

So.....after getting off the train and signing up to for a room for $15 for 7 days....I 'happened" to meet a guy who told me about "Trusting In God.

I'll never forget it. After about 3 hours, in his pickup, he gave me a Bible and told me to read "Malachi 3:10" (and other stuff) that says basically....."TEST ME ON THIS! Give ME ten percent of what you took in this week (my words) and let ME....reward your act with an INCREASE!

So..... the next morning I met him at his church and when the basket came around.....I tossed in every dollar I had in my pocket ($28) get ready.....what I'm about to tell you....some of you may think "Hogwash" !

So be it BUT.....when the Service was over.....we all went into the dining room for coffee and.....while there.....a guy came up to me and introduced himself as the New FIAT auto dealer in town and...he heard that I had some "sales experience" and if I would come to his new dealership in the morn.....he'd talk to me about working for him. morn at 8am, I walk into the dealership (after thumbing a ride the 2 miles outa town) The Dealer sees me coming in the front door.....comes over to greet me....guides me into his office....has me fill in some Forms....we Talk for a bit then.....tells me he wants to hire ME as a Sales Man for $280 a week AND the use of any Used Car on the lot!

YOU kiddin' ME! The day before, I toss in my LAST 28 Bux and the next day I receive $280 PLUS a vehicle to drive! Talk about "Testing God!" the years since, I've seen MANY wonderful things happen in my life from the WORD of God that says: ALL MY NEEDS ARE MET ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY!

So.....GJ....I'm sorry BUT.....I Am....WHO I am. If I'm too UN-Politically-Correct or too Conservative.....or too Anti-the be it!

Don Alm..... Husband, Capitalist, Entroopeneer, Father, Grandfather, BELIEVER and Spreader of God's Word
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