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Old August 12, 2013, 11:38 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default I'm Writing A Book for a Lady w/13,000 Customers & Can Use HELP


I just met a woman with 13,000 customers.

10,000+ spend 100.00 or more a month.

Let me get my calculator. I'll look like a jerk if I add it up wrong.

12 months times 100.00 a mo = 1200.00 smackers

1200 X 10,000 buyers = $12,000,000.00


So I woke up last night with an idea.

A Win-Win idea.

Why not use some of the 100's of Testimonials and Case Studies on Barbara's website to write a book? I ASKED PERMISSION and Barbara said, "YES."

The Basic Idea in Headline Form Reads Like This:

"How to Quickly Write & Sell Books
By Borrowing Headlines & Case Study
Stories That Already Gross 12 Million
Dollars a Year"

Book I Title Might Be...

"How to Write Testimonials and Case Studies That Sell For-You
So You Don't Have To."


Because I'm too close to this. One or two Chapters may STINK. Others
might be fantastic and should be moved to the front of the book.

And to be Truthful...

I've discovered during Tests that my Opinion of What Readers will LIKE
is Always WRONG. Always.

The WIN-Win-Win here works like this...

Barbara gets a book she can share with 13,000 current customers. If They
Give the book away and bring new folks back to her website...Barb and her
buyers all Make More munny.

You Benefit Because You Get to Watch The Process of Creating and Testing
a new book to Guarantee it sells.

I Get Feedback. Your Opinion of what You Like and Dislike. And plan to
SELL the dang book to my ezine readers. A Triple Win.

(EDITORS NOTE - Dien - if you don't like the idea you can DELETE me. But
Seth Godin writes his books Chapter by Chapter on his website. Then sells
the same DARN book to his ezine list. Sounds Up-side-Down/Backwards to me. So. I - gotta - Try - it.)

Sounds too STUPID to work. Doesn't it?


Here we go.

INTRODUCTION - How We Helped The Customer Who SleepWalked and Ate
Entire Cakes and Pies in his SLEEP...

I Swear this is true. I'm not making anything up.

IN FACT - I'm sitting here with one hand on a stack of Bibles.


Not one hand. One foot.

You get the idea. IF you doubt me Go Ahead and Google it. "SleepWalkers
Who Eat in their Sleep."

This poor Schmuck was on the phone with me week after week. He
discussed the Adkins diet, the lettuce diet, the water diet. All sorts of Diet
Torture plans.

Yet week after week he gained more and more weight!

I told Craig, "It's impossible to be eating as little as you claim and still gain
weight. You must not be counting all your meals."


Then his wife caught him raiding the refrigerator. He carried all the
ingredients for a HUGE Submarine sandwich to the table.

Built it.

Ate it.

But ignored her.


Next Day she told him what he'd done.

He Didn't remember! Told her she was crazy. Denied the whole Binge Eating episode.

So she did some on-line research.

Then made a plan.

First - She Tied a BELL to their bedroom door after hubby went to sleep.

2nd - She had her iPhone and her video camera ready and loaded in the
dining room.

3rd - She took photos and video of Craig eating an Entire Chocolate Cake. Then BUSTED him with her proof.

Since he didn't remember -- visits to various Doctors Followed.

Long Story Short...

NOTHING WORKED. Even hypnosis failed.



ONE THING did work. My research showed that Sleepwalkers Cannot solve
complex problems in their sleep.


Craig went out and bought a long piece of logging chain. Put a complicated
Big-Ass Padlock on it. Wrapped it around the Refrigerator and through the
door handles.

EVENTUALLY the wife got tired of getting up in the wee hours. Craig tended
to get noisy/frustrated and Wrassle the Frig around when he couldn't get it

So she took to feeding Craig large amounts of Vegetables and salads and
fruit just before bedtime.

THAT seemed to help a lot.

Why Am I telling you this?

Because You Probably Think Your Weight Situation is Bad.





It might not be quite as bad as you think.

So here's the plan.

I'm going to Share a bunch of Successful Testimonials and Case Studies Here.
Many of them are not so good. But they convinced folks to buy anyway.

We're going to show you how to do it better.

Write better Testimonials.

You have two jobs.

Job #1 - Laugh your way thru the book as we show and tell you Specific
ways to Improve Your Testimonial and Case Study writing in order to make
more munny.

Job #2 - Check and see whether any of the folks whose Wgt Loss Stories
we're sharing are a good "Fit" with you or a loved one.

When You Find an idea, strategy, tactic you like... Jump on it like a mother
robbin jumps on a june bug.

HINT - The underlying weight loss secret shared by all of these Testimonials
is a Natural source of Minerals and Nutrition SO Powerful that you don't feel
tired after work.

Your feet feel restless. You find yourself moving around. Without counting
calories or thinking about it you Lose Wgt. Much better than torturing yourself with diets that don't work.

I wouldn't be writing this book except for the fact that I haven't caught a cold or gotten a flu bug for 23 years. Due to one mineral that Barb sells. And Yup I'm sort of thin. Probably could lose 5 lbs though.

So I already DID my due diligence.


CHAPTER #1 is up next...

The Woman Who Slept 14 Hours a day and woke up Tired with a Mysterious Illness - Gained wgt - 24 Serious Symptoms the Doctors Could Not Diagnose.

Glenn Osborn
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Old August 13, 2013, 12:22 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I think the idea is BRILLIANT!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
So I woke up last night with an idea.

A Win-Win idea.

Why not use some of the 100's of Testimonials and Case Studies on Barbara's website to write a book? I ASKED PERMISSION and Barbara said, "YES."

The Basic Idea in Headline Form Reads Like This:

"How to Quickly Write & Sell Books
By Borrowing Headlines & Case Study
Stories That Already Gross 12 Million
Dollars a Year"

Book I Title Might Be...

"How to Write Testimonials and Case Studies That Sell For-You
So You Don't Have To."
Hi Glenn,

First, I think this idea is BRILLIANT! A book based on testimonials...

Many people (including me) love examples. We need the real stories and examples to be able to understand everything right.

I think it'd be a great read, too...

I love it!

- Dien

P.S. I'm a bit sick (again) with the flu, which is why I haven't posted much the past few days...
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Old August 13, 2013, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: I'm Writing A Book for a Lady w/13,000 Customers & Can Use HELP

Hi Glenn,
LindaC here.

Excellent idea.

Can't (weight) to learn more about the natural
nutrients, minerals, and food items that promote
weight loss and good health.

Did I miss exercise class?

My Best 2 U,
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Old August 13, 2013, 06:25 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default CHAPTER #1 - Be Specific-Focus Each Testimonial on 1 Benefit

Thanks Dien,



The Testimonial on Barbara's 12 mil lion dol lar website.


A Re-write.

All it takes is a little list writing. Then it's easy to Be Specific. And Focus on
one Benefit.

CHAPTER #1 - Be Specific-Focus Each Testimonial on 1 Benefit

I Dare You To Read This Testimonial
and Figure out Even ONE Action to Take.

As you read - Please notice there are no specific actions
to take. Zero products to ask about.


(Testimonial has No Title or Headline)

Imagine being full of energy. Imagine working full-time, taking evening
college classes and aerobics, getting three active children to their various
schools and activities and still never lacking the energy to plan or volunteer
for parties and community events. Imagine suddenly being unable to do any
of these things. This happened to me.

From 'supermom' to lifeless, I was attacked by "a mysterious illness." I would
sleep for fourteen hours only to wake up still feeling tired. Daily migraines
and endless nausea stalked every move. Armed with a list totaling 24
symptoms, I sought a diagnosis from doctors. After running a battery of
tests, they were unable to detect a cause for my misery.

Luckily, the symptoms eventually subsided. However, I was left ravaged by
the effects of the un-named illness. I had gained weight and still lacked the
energy that my demanding life required, when a chance encounter buoyed
my life in a new direction. Trading stories of lackluster energy, a lady
diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) told me about how she had
experienced a greater level of flexibility and movement ever since she began
consuming Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA) harvested from Oregon's Upper
Klamath Lake.

Returning home, I sought to incorporate SBGA into my routine. I conducted
research on the Internet and discovered Simplexity, just in time to attend
the annual company-sponsored gathering of enthusiastic Distributors. Making
the trek from my home in Elmira, Oregon to the event in Klamath Falls,
Oregon I found herself surrounded by upbeat and energetic people. I met
people who'd overcome medical challenges far more serious than mine. They
had enhanced their health and were an inspiration to me.

Since attending the New Earth August Celebration, I have incorporated SBGA
products into my recovery plan. Jumping back into my family life and a four-
day-a-week gym routine, I was making headway.

At a rapid pace, I have been able to regain the strength and vigor I had prior
to my illness and then some. People at my gym are amazed at how quickly I
have gotten back into shape and at all the weight I have lost. They want to
know my secret. I just smile and share my experience.

Cindy Foster
Elmira, Oregon



Here is one Way to Rewrite this Testimonial.
And add a specific Benefit/problem.

Step I - Lift a Headline out of the body copy.

"I Was Attacked By a Mysterious Illness & Gained Weight"


"My name is Cindy. I'm a full time mother of 3 kids, have a full time job
and Act as "Cab Driver" for all the kids school and sports activities. Plus
volunteer for community events and parties.

"I Was Attacked By a Mysterious Illness & Gained Weight because I suddenly
started sleeping 14 hours a day. And Waking up dead tired. Of my 24
symptoms the terrible migraines and endless nausea were the worst.

"Doctors couldn't help. Eventually the worst of my pain went away. But
I was still dead tired. And I had gained a lot of weight. Luckily I met a
MS patient who had gotten some help from SBGA - Super Blue Green Algae
products from Klamath Lake.

"I attended their August Celebration. Got advice from people who had had
even worse health challenges than me.

"At a rapid pace, I have been able to regain the strength and vigor I had prior
to my illness and then some. People at my gym are amazed at how quickly I
have gotten back into shape and at all the weight I have lost. They want to
know my secret. I just smile and share my experience.

Cindy Foster
Elmira, Oregon


Just Suppose You are writing your own Testimonial.

It helps to make a list.

List the problems you had.

Then list what problems have gotten better.

List how or why you feel better.

And Put Yourself in the place of a reader. Ask yourself, "What would readers
want to know if they had similar health problems?

Just between us...

Based on others I've spoken to. And clients with similar health issues.

It sounds as if Cindy was poisoned by something toxic in her environment.
Or something she ate or drank.

I have a friend who used to work as a CameraMan at Football and Baseball
games all over the USA.

Now he is in constant Pain.

His father is very rich. So he's been all over the world. Been examined by
the top doctors in many countries. NOTHING Has Helped.

Here's something Odd.

Bill says he gets 45 minutes without PAIN in both arms After he does a
Chi Energy Exercise I got from a World Famous Surgeon. Who, in turn, learned it from his Korean Energy Healing Sensai teacher.

If you wanna' Try it yourself.

Here's the link:

"How to Shoot Chi Energy Heat Out of Your Hands" - 365 day 100% munny
Back Guarantee.

CHAPTER #2 - "How My Friend Randy Used Peanut Butter to help his 250 lb
Iraqi Attack Dog *Sister* Lose Weight to Better Survive 120 Degree Texas
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Old August 13, 2013, 10:38 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Randy Said, "My Head Fits in My Dog's Mouth, That's How Big She Is"

CHAPTER #2 - "How We Got Randy's 250 Pound War Dog "Sister" to Lose
Weight So She Didn't Suffer So Much in The 120 Degree Texas Heat"

Randy was flat on his back in a Veteran's Hospital when we first met.

Randy bought a copy of my "How to Fight PAIN and Win" book off E-bay.
Then told me he'd get me the munny as soon as he pawned a Kruggerand at
a nearby pawn shop.

When I found out he was in the Critical Care Unit of the military hospital and
just back from his 2nd tour in Iraq. And Wanted to get back to his teenage son and his dog at home...

I said, "Forget about it."

And sent him his "Pain Relief" book.

I also Federal Expressed Randy a couple Bottles of my personal Supply of
Super Spinach. And called his cell to walk him through my QUICK Results
Directions. Learned the hard way as I coached dozens of my customers to
better health.

Randy explained that he and his Black Opps group had been sprayed with
Agent Orange.

In Vietnam Agent Orange was used to strip leaves off trees. In Iraq Agent
Orange is mixed with an Excellerant and dropped from airplanes and drones
so as to burn enemy tanks from the air.

So now he had all kinds of serious Untreatable health problems.

But after a couple weeks of popping Acidophilus to cleanse his colon. And
eating 10 or 20 Super Blue Green Algae OMEGA a day... Randy climbed out
of bed. Got a cab. Went home.

And Then Randy told me about his dog "Sister."

I asked, "What kind of dog is it?"

Randy didn't know.

"How Big is Sister?"

Randy said, "Well. my head fits in her mouth with room to spare. She was
specially trained to rescue soldiers in War."

I asked, "How does a Dog "Rescue" a soldier after he's been shot?"

Sister is Trained to
Run out into GunFire
And Rescue Injured men

"Sister is trained to run out into gunfire. Drag injured soldiers to safety.
Ignore pain. So she still has bullet fragments in her body they couldn't
get out."

I'm thinking, "Wow. That is not an average dog to have inside your house."

Next I asked Randy, "So why do you want Sister to lose weight? Iraq is hot

Randy explained that in Iraq they went out on patrols. But came back to
a very cold air-conditioned compound at night. At Randy's house it was
120 degrees outside. In the 80's inside.

Sister had to pant all the time. Was hot. And at 250 pounds needed to lose
some weight.

I said, "Yikes. Now I understand how Sister could grab a man by the arm or
leg and drag him to shelter. She's a monster."

Randy laughed.

The Mail Woman Wants to Pet
Sister but I Can't Tell her
She is Trained to Rip The
Arms off of Strangers

"The lady who brings the mail sees Sister propped up against the front door.
Wants to pet her. But she's been trained to take the arm off of a stranger.
Only eats raw meat twice a day. Won't take food or orders from anyone
but me."

"Aha!" I said, "That's why you got her. Nobody but you can control her."

Randy agreed. "I was getting on the armored personnel carrier when they
told me they'd have to shoot her if I didn't take her with me. So I hitched a
ride on a gooney bird transport. The rest of the guys took a passenger jet

I was incredulous. "What?" I was speechless. "I've heard about those
planes. 22 hours or more on a plane. No seats. Not beds. You're strapped
to the side of a wall. Incredibly cold. Noisy.

Randy held Sister in his lap the whole way.

So Randy is asking difficult questions now.

"So You got me Energized enough to get out of that hospital. Will it help "Sister"?

HOW DO YOU Get Super Spinach
Into a 250 Lb Dog Trained to
Never Eat Btwn Meals?

I;m thinking outloud now - over the phone....

"Well, yeah. If You Get Enough of it into her she won't lie around. She'll
trot and run everywhere. I've got customers who suddenly find themselves
with restless - "Happy Feet" and start going on walks with the wife or playing
with the kids instead of TV."

They lose the belly and love handles and don't change anything.

Randy and I couldn't think of a way to Get Capsules
Of Super Spinach down Sisters Throat without
Randy Getting Bitten


I emailed my "Big Red Nose New Ideas Testing Ezine" List.

And Voila!

A man in colorado had the answer.

So Randy got big jars of Peanut butter. Grabbed a handful out of the jar.
And Stuck 10 or 20 Super Spinach Capsules into the peanut gunk.

Told Sister, "Open your mouth."

Then scraped a huge wad of peanut butter off his hand
behind her front teeth.

And for the next 30 minutes Sister worked at the peanut butter with her
tongue. Little by little she licked it all away.

Never realizing that she was swallowing Massive Natural Minerals and
vitamins in the process.

Randy reported back.

"Glenn You will never Believe it. Sister is galloping all over the place.
Her big ears flop in the breeze. And her front and hind legs and feet
stick out in all directions when she runs. It looks Awesome."

And Yes. Sister lost a lot of Weight.

One Final note.

An odd side effect of mega-boosting Sisters Immune System was... Bullet
fragments began to get pushed out of her body. Randy said he kept finding
Sister licking a sore bump on her leg or side.

And had to give Sister the Command word to "STAY STILL" while he cut
each bullet out. Sewed up the skin.

CHAPTER #3 - How to Chop Up a Long Case Study like the
WAR DOG Story into Shorter Testimonials.

Last edited by Glenn : August 13, 2013 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Cuz I goofed
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Old August 13, 2013, 11:26 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default CHAPTER #3 - How to Chop The WAR DOG Wgt Loss Story into Chunks

CHAPTER #3 - How to Chop Up a Long WAR DOG Wgt Loss Story
into a Short Weight Loss Testimonial.


What do we remember most from the WAR DOG Wgt Loss Story in Chapter #2?

Let's make a short list:

I - Randy is patriotic. 2 tours in Iraq is a lot.

II - Randy loves his dog.

III - Sister has a HUGE GAPING Maw of a mouth.

IV - The Military must have a huge stockpile of Agent Orange lying around.

V - There are breeds of dogs out there
scarier than we knew about!

VI - We Tested Several Different Mother-Nature-Natural Weight Loss Products
on People BEFORE We Gave Them to a Dog!


That's a Great Testimonial Headline.

How We Tested A Natural Wgt Loss Mineral
on A Dozen People Before We Gave it to
*Sister* The War Dog

My friend Randy came back from Iraq
with a problem named "Sister."

Sister is a 250 pound War Dog
trained to rescue Wounded Soldiers.

But Sister Only Took Directions from Randy
so he was told, "Take her home or we'll
have to shoot her."

So Randy has a 250 lb monster Dog
living in his house.

Eating Raw Steak two times a day.
A War Machines used to Frigid air
conditioned compounds at night.

Sister is not doing well in 120 degree
Texas heat. So Plan A is to get her
to lose some weight.

Her mouth is big enough. Randy says
his head fits in there easy. But Sister
has been trained to avoid poisons.

Won't eat anything outside her food

Based on my previous Experience
feeding Super Spinach Minerals
to people Who Promptly
Feel so much Extra Energy they
start walking and exercising...

I suggested to Randy that he get
Some Super Spinach vitamins into
Sister too.

How to Slip Nutrition down Sister's
Suspicious throat. A problem.

I asked some friends how they
sneak vitamins down their dog/cat
pets throats.

One man said, "Peanut butter!

So Randy wrapped whole handfuls
of peanut butter around 20 capsules
of Acidophilus and Super Omega Algae.

Stuck fistfuls of Peanut Butter
to the roof of Sister's mouth.
While she was busy licking it off
she swallowed the vitamins.

BINGO. Soon instead of lying around
panting... Sister is running and playing
outside. Night time mostly.

Randy didn't want to scare the neighbors
cuz a giant 250 Lb War Dog Covered
with bullet scars Gamboling around
the yard is not a happy sight.

Result? Sister's Extra Energy PLAY-TIME
Shed the Extra pounds and she is breathing a lot

As told by
Randy Collins
Dallas, TX

Last edited by Glenn : August 14, 2013 at 01:37 PM. Reason: forgot to tie headline to body copy
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Old August 14, 2013, 05:18 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default CHAPTER #4 - 15 Lb Weight Loss Testimonial

CHAPTER #4 - 15 Pound Weight Loss Testimonial

Writing a simple, organized Testimonial is easy
IF you do a little planning.

"Be Specific" - is good advice.

But what does that mean?

Write out your testimonial then apply these questions. And go back
and fill in the details you missed.

Did you cite the time? Fall, summer?

Did you mention a location, city, state, country?

What about the elapsed time?

Did you explain what you did to gain weight?

Did you say how you lost the weight?

Were specific foods or people involved?

How long did it take you to lose 15 lbs? (This example doesn't say)

ORIGINAL Testimonial Follows -

At the time of my before picture I was working in a resturant and eating
anything I wanted. Cream sauce here, dessert there. I was indulging in fatty
foods too often and not eating enough fruits and veggies.

I moved to a new town and met someone who introduced me to New Earth's
Super Blue Green Algae products. I was going to Graduate School and
money was tight. Keith worked with me to fit the foundational products into
my budget.

I began taking Enzymes, Probiotics, Alpha Sun and Omega Sun. I also
obtained a job in the school system and began playing the kids during gym
for 20-30 minutes a day.

Within a short amount of time I lost over 15 pounds. The pounds seemed to
just melt away. I noticed that when I'm consistant with my algae products, I
crave healthier foods. My skin and hair look and feel better and I have the
energy the stay fit.

I now use the full line of products and know that I will never return to an
unhealthy way of life.

Heather Findlay
Paradise, CA



Let's try a shorter version of the above Testimonial.

I Suddenly Crave Healthier Foods
& Lost 15 Pounds

I used to work in a Restaurant. Cream sauce here, dessert there. I was
indulging in fatty foods too often and not eating enough fruits and veggies.

I met someone and began taking Enzymes, Probiotics, Alpha Sun and Omega
Sun. I also obtained a job in the school system and began playing the kids
during gym for 20-30 minutes a day.

Within a short amount of time I lost over 15 pounds. The pounds seemed to
just melt away. I noticed that when I'm consistant with my algae products, I
crave healthier foods. My skin and hair look and feel better and I have the
energy the stay fit.

Heather Findlay
Paradise, CA

A Problem.

People read stories. Our brains are wired for stories.

But the above Testimonial is not a story.

No beginning, middle or end.

Nothing to get curious about either.

Can we fix it?


We don't have enough data.


Just Suppose you mix short and long testimonials together?

And pop a Case Study in there too.

And drop a Fun Story into the mix.

Include a Table of Contents at the top so people Know there are stories
Up ahead...


We might be describing THIS BOOK.

This is exactly what does to get folks to read more stories
on their Kindle. They give away the Table of Contents, a short story
summary And a Chapter or two of the book.

Just enough to hook the reader.

I should know.

I've been a victim of this tactic often enough. Some writers write a good
cliffhanger for the first Chapter or two but tail off afterwards. But the Story
Got you to buy the book!

CHAPTER #5 - Why Our Our 34 Lb Cat *Flip* Suddenly Started Chasing Chipmunks Up The Brick Walls of The House
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Old August 14, 2013, 06:15 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Why FLIP-the-Cat Started Chasing Chipmunks Up The Wall

CHAPTER #5 - Why Our Our 34 Lb Cat *Flip* Suddenly Started Chasing Chipmunks Up The Brick Walls of The House

At our house we are surrounded by farms.

There is a dairy down the road. And a butcher in a nearby town.

Cats everywhere. As a kid a local farmer showed me how to spray milk
directly from a cow into a cats mouth. Comical. The cat's face gets covered
in milk. But they love it.

So we have a cat.

Not just any cat, however.

Our Cat Is
A Little Bit CRAZY

Our cat is a Rapscalian. A card. A real Character. A little bit crazy. We
picked him out because of all the cats lounging around the barn. One cat
was doing FLIPS off of boards, out of windows. Chasing his tail and anything
that moved.

But after a few years FLIP got old and fat.

We had some cans of condensed milk in the cupboard. So I mixed a few
pinches of Omega Super Spinach into a saucer of milk.

Didn't pay much attention.

Our Bored, FatCat
Flip Suddenly
Jumped on a Dog

But a few days later there was a BIG RUCKUS outside. Flip had jumped off
the woodpile onto the back of a 150 pound labrador retriever. The dog
had been coming onto our porch to clean up any leftover cat food left in the

That dog Howled and yipped and screamed bloody murder with four sets
of claws in his hide.

Ran like the dickens. FLIP hanging on for dear life. And we never saw that dog again.

I thought, "I wonder what suddenly got into that crazy cat."

But soon I had other things on my mind.

Started Showing

Dead birds and mice started showing up on the porch. And a flying squirrel.
FLIP was showing off for us.

But the LIVE Chipmunk entertainment was the worst.

FLIP suddenly had lots of energy. And when he gets bored things get Crazy.

So Flip began to bring perfectly healthy chipmunks onto the porch. It was
kinda' cute the way FLIP would bat the chipmunk around like an old sock.

But Chipmunks don't enjoy being played with. They jump up and down
on their hind legs. Try to bite and squeak.

And when I walked too close one of the little rascals ran up my pants leg.

ONE GUESS what happened next?

You got it. Flip chased his pet chipmunk up my leg. I had claw marks
all the way up my body for a week.

Here's a little known fact for you:

Did you know chipmunks can run up a brick wall?

Yes, it's true.

But even stranger is this next fact. Our 30 pound NUTSO Cat Flip can run
up brick walls too.

Someday You'll Need
To Know How to
Keep Your Cat
From Climbing
Your Walls Too.

So picture this...

The cat is chasing his live action toy up the brick wall. I'm trying to knock
the chipmunk off the wall. A brother and a parent yelling in the background.

Nobody wants chipmunks on the roof, after all.


Nobody ever asked me, "Glenn, why are you bored by hockey and baseball
and lacrosse?"

I have a very good reason. The hockey ball or baseball or lacrosse ball
is not Alive. It doesn't move.

It was my job to stand with a broom between the latest chipmunk and the
house. Grass, sidewalk, concrete porch. It didn't matter.

When the chipmunk made a dash for a window or door or tried to run
up the brick wall - WHOOSH with the broom. I swept his brown striped
little body back between FLIP'S paws.

So if your pet doesn't have a hobby I say, "You don't know what you're missing."

ACTION SUMMARY - Before and After Result...


There is no Easy way to turn my Weight Loss Story about Flip-the-cat into a
short Case Study.


Let's take a stab at it.

And focus on the BEFORE and AFTER effects or results.

Before and After are good effects to shoot for when writing a Case Study.
Or a Testimonial. Or any story.

WHY Our Cat Suddenly Chases
Chipmunks Up The Wall

Because Flip had gotten old and fat I mixed some of my personal supply
of Super Spinach in his condensed milk.

Suddenly he was acting like Snoopy the Red Baron. Jumping on big dogs
who invaded his porch inner sanctum. Bringing all kinds of varmints home.

Dead moles, birds, mice all neatly lined up by the back door.

But the Chipmunks were still ALIVE. And that's how I know for a fact
that both chipmunks and cats have claws enough to run up a brick wall.

They'll run up your pants leg too. But that only happened one time. I was
on high alert after that.

Why tell you this?

So You are Warned not to feed your cat or dog or hamster too much
of your supply of Super Spinach Omega minerals.

Your sleepy little ball of fur may suddenly behave like Superman or WondorWoman or some Super villain.

At least NOW you are Prepared.

That came out better than expected.

Up Next...

CHAPTER #6 - A Good Looking Testimonial That SUCKS Because it Chases
People Away. This is a Very Common But Deadly Mistake.

Last edited by Glenn : August 14, 2013 at 08:27 PM. Reason: forgot the P.S.
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Old August 14, 2013, 09:14 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default CH #6 - A Great Looking Testimonial Which People HATE Unconsciously

CHAPTER #6 - A Good Looking Testimonial That SUCKS Because it Chases
People Away. This is a Very Common But Deadly Mistake.

Why Do People HATE this Testimonial on an UnConscious,
Emotional Level?

Let's count the ways.

And what to avoid.

I collect 100's and 100's of success stories and case studies and Testimonials
a year for my F-r-e-e Ezine archive.

And this is the most Common Mistake people make when writing
up their Stories.


The Original Testimonial...

From a Couch Potato to World-Class Athlete

At 36, Jim Pearson was an over weight, beer-guzzling, "good ol' boy" with
back problems. He hadn't run since his college days 15 years before but
started jogging in the hopes that his back pain would ease up. Jogging
became running, and running became racing. He dropped 40 pounds and just
kept getting faster and faster.

He accomplished his transformation from couch potato to world-class athlete
with no professional coach, no big sponsor, no backing, just sheer guts and
determination-and help from Super Blue Green Algae, while holding down a
9-t0-5 job, six days a week. Certainly Super Blue Green Algae is an essential
ingredient to his success.

Jim Pearson
Clearwater, FL


Let's Rip it apart bit by bit.


I've got to admit to FEELING JEALOUS of ole Jim. And that ain't a good thing.


Because people don't listen to or imitate folks they don't like.


"From a Couch Potato to World-Class Athlete"

A question for you.

Just how many World Class Athletes are there running around in the world?



So unless You - Dear Reader - are a fellow World Class Athlete you will
SHUT DOWN after reading the headline.


Because it doesn't pertain to you.

You have no hope of reaching Jim's amazing pinnacle of success.

So our goose is cooked Right
At the Headline!

ONE WAY to deal with this Kind of Headline
is to down-play His Amazing Transformation.


"From Couch Potato to Athlete"


"How I Lost Wgt And Started Running Again"



Jim seems like a good guy.

But READ sentence #1 & #2 again.

Sounds like a LIE, doesn't it?


ASK YOURSELF. "Would I start jogging when I'm over-weight and my back hurts?"


NOBODY Else Starts running in hope that jogging is going to FIX UP their Bad

Even a doctor will tell you that is LUDICROUS.


So Your Unconscious mental antennae are already smelling
something rotten. Even if this is all true.

It FEELS Not quite right.

At 36, Jim Pearson was an over weight, beer-guzzling, "good ol' boy" with
back problems. He hadn't run since his college days 15 years before but
started jogging in the hopes that his back pain would ease up.


I'm a runner.

In fact, in college I joined a running club. And ran 100 miles per week.

Why am I bragging about my running Magnificence?

IF you
are in

WALK - yes.

Run - no.

So again - this Testimonial is off-key.

I doubt Jim wrote it.

So a non-runner - non-athlete wrote the whole thing and that is why
it doesn't RING TRUE.

UNconsciously -
other readers besides me -
will smell a rat.

IF the headline and the first few sentences are LIES. They stop reading.

"Jogging became running, and running became racing. He dropped 40 pounds
and just kept getting faster and faster.

He accomplished his transformation from couch potato to world-class athlete
with no professional coach, no big sponsor, no backing, just sheer guts and
determination-and help from Super Blue Green Algae, while holding down a
9-t0-5 job, six days a week. Certainly Super Blue Green Algae is an essential
ingredient to his success.

Jim Pearson
Clearwater, FL



What do I need to do to re-write the above FALSE Testimonial?

No help for it.

I'd have to interview Jim.

Or somebody close to Jim. A family member or running friend who knew
the TRUE Details.

I see many many Testimonials like this that are
totally unusable.

One Last Point.

It's Important.

A Good Testimonial or Case Study or Story is NOT A Hard Sell Professional
Piece of Copywriting.

DID You Feel it?

Go back and look at it again.

Kinda' polished and pushy don't you agree?

Off-putting - isn't it?

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Old August 15, 2013, 11:07 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Posts: 1,264
Default CHAPTER #7 - Apartment Manager Memorizes 250 Employee Names

CHAPTER #7 - How an Apartment Manager Memorized 250 Temp
Employee Names with One Handshake Intro Each

Here's the Case Study:

Please notice that depending on what usage
you plan for some Case Studies/Testimonials
By changing the Title you can shift
the emphasis around.

In This Case We're focusing around
Wgt Loss using Mother Natures nutrition.


"I Ate Like a Horse But Still Pulled My Belt
In a Notch"

Dear Glenn,

On my second day at a new job as Apartment Manager my boss
handed me a clipboard. Pointed to a huge truck outside.

Said, "You're just in time. We bought all new furniture for 400 apartments
so I called The ManPower Temp Agency and they're sending a few 100
manual laborers over to help you install it."

I never had that good a memory before. But somehow I memorized
everybodies name. The Super Sprouts, Spectrabiotic digestive Algae
and the Omega mineral algae were like magic.

Funny. I didn't realize anything was different. But the big boss showed
up during a morning meeting with the men. And I went around the room
and reeled off the names like clockwork.

Everybody was looking at me. "How did you DO that?"

So Thanks for making me look good. I just got a glowing EVAL Report
and a Raise.

A funny thing. Even though I wasn't used to heavy labor. And was older
and heavier than many of the TEMP guys. I was able to keep going until
5pm every day. 7 am to 5pm is a long day.

I was both helping unpack. Lift beds and living room and dining furniture
off trucks for two weeks. But I was able to keep track of what went where.

And Inspite of eating like a horse I pulled my belt in a notch.

Very nice.

Alan Baer
Baltimore, MD



As you see the above is a story based Testimonial.

It talks about Before and After.

Explains several Benefits:

A - Better memory

B - Looking good to the boss

C - Great Evaluation at work and a raise

D - More stamina and No-Thinking-Wgt Loss

What You Can't see is the way I wrote
the Headline for the Testimonial.

I read thru it.

Then lifted Alan's Words from the end of his story. Stuck
it up top.

Often when I'm writing something I'll start with
a working Title. FIRST DRAFT.

Then find a better Headline Buried in the

You should do this too.


Up next.

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