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Old September 29, 2003, 05:27 PM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default The problem with online business, is all that sitting can cause back strain! Is this the solution?

I sit in front of my computer an awful lot. I'm sure many here do the same!

And all that sitting not only doesn't help you get fit at all, but it can also be a strain on your back....

So, I thought, I'd look around for one of those ergonomic chairs. I was even thinking of getting one of those "kneel sit" chairs that are meant to be good for your back...

Then I saw a program on TV. A lady was talking about how good a Swiss ball (also known as an exercise ball) is for exercising with! I thought to myself - Self, you have to get one of those Swiss balls!

To cut to the chase, I ended up buying one at K-Mart. Somewhere along the line, I had read that Swiss balls can even make good ergonomic chairs!

Apparently, if you use the ball as a chair, you are constantly adjusting your muscles to keep balancing on the ball. This means you are working your leg, abdominal, and back muscles - even while you're just sitting there.

Unlike a normal chair, where you end up slouching after a short time, with the Swiss ball you're constantly "working out" - even though they are simple muscle micro-adjustments. Everything is sub-conscious - you're not even fully aware of it while you're sitting down.

However, when you stand up - then you feel the effect! I sat down on my Swiss ball for part of the day yesterday... When I stood up, it FELT like I just had a workout!

I'm going to try it more (I've only had my Swiss ball for just over a day now). It seems like a good idea - keep exercising while you work on your computer.

Also, Swiss balls are quite a lot cheaper than ergonomic chairs. You can afford to buy several of them if you wanted to.

Has anyone else tried this, or do you know of others who have tried this?

I'll keep at it, and report on the effect of using a Swiss ball as a chair after I've tried it a little while longer... :)

- Dien Rice

Here's an article, about sitting on a Swiss ball while working/studying...
Old September 29, 2003, 08:13 PM
Ankesh Kothari
Posts: n/a
Default It looks like fun

The swiss ball looks like fun - but aren't you slouching your back while sitting on the ball?

Will be too hard to sit on a seat without backrest for a long time - you wont sit erect.

Even the girl in the photo is slouched back...
Old October 1, 2003, 10:30 AM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Re: It looks like fun

Hi Ankesh,

> The swiss ball looks like fun - but aren't
> you slouching your back while sitting on the
> ball?

I've found that you can kind of roll the Swiss Ball underneath you. That means that whether you are slouching or not depends on where underneath you that you've rolled the ball.

If you kind of roll your hips forward, you slouch less, but if you roll your hips back, you slouch more...

> Will be too hard to sit on a seat without
> backrest for a long time - you wont sit
> erect.

I probably haven't tried it long enough to know. However, Adam seems to find it alright. I'll have to try it a bit longer to check it out for myself.... :)

At the moment, I'm still building my muscles! Because you have to "balance" yourself on the ball, subconsciously you're constantly working your leg and torso muscles. I'm sure it must be having some kind of beneficial effect. :)

- Dien
Old September 30, 2003, 07:56 AM
Adam Bradley
Posts: n/a
Default Sure do.....

Hi Dien,

I use one of those (and am using one right now as I type this) - I've been using it for about 6 months now and I reckon that they are great!

I also checked with my local Chiropractor and he recommended this over and above a normal chair.


> I sit in front of my computer an awful lot.
> I'm sure many here do the same!

> And all that sitting not only doesn't help
> you get fit at all, but it can also be a
> strain on your back....

> So, I thought, I'd look around for one of
> those ergonomic chairs. I was even thinking
> of getting one of those "kneel
> sit" chairs that are meant to be good
> for your back...

> Then I saw a program on TV. A lady was
> talking about how good a Swiss ball (also
> known as an exercise ball) is for exercising
> with! I thought to myself - Self, you have
> to get one of those Swiss balls!

> To cut to the chase, I ended up buying one
> at K-Mart. Somewhere along the line, I had
> read that Swiss balls can even make good
> ergonomic chairs!

> Apparently, if you use the ball as a chair,
> you are constantly adjusting your muscles to
> keep balancing on the ball. This means you
> are working your leg, abdominal, and back
> muscles - even while you're just sitting
> there.

> Unlike a normal chair, where you end up
> slouching after a short time, with the Swiss
> ball you're constantly "working
> out" - even though they are simple
> muscle micro-adjustments. Everything is
> sub-conscious - you're not even fully aware
> of it while you're sitting down.

> However, when you stand up - then you feel
> the effect! I sat down on my Swiss ball for
> part of the day yesterday... When I stood
> up, it FELT like I just had a workout!

> I'm going to try it more (I've only had my
> Swiss ball for just over a day now). It
> seems like a good idea - keep exercising
> while you work on your computer.

> Also, Swiss balls are quite a lot cheaper
> than ergonomic chairs. You can afford to buy
> several of them if you wanted to.
> Has anyone else tried this, or do you know
> of others who have tried this?

> I'll keep at it, and report on the effect of
> using a Swiss ball as a chair after I've
> tried it a little while longer... :)

> - Dien Rice
Old October 1, 2003, 10:25 AM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Adam, Thanks for sharing your experience with the Swiss ball !

I currently use two computers - I have a desktop and a laptop. I've set things up so I've got the Swiss ball situated in front of my laptop, and my normal office chair with my desktop. So, whenever I use my laptop computer, I'm trying out the Swiss ball.

I do feel like you get a bit of a workout while you're sitting on the Swiss ball.... It seems all subconscious. You don't feel it while you're sitting down, but when you stand up, you feel like your muscles have been working!

I have no doubt it's strengthening my leg, back, and abdominal muscles - all while I'm just sitting down. Given my lack of sufficient exercise, I'm sure that must be a good thing. ;)

Thanks for sharing Adam!

- Dien
Old September 30, 2003, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The problem with online business, is all that sitting can cause back strain! Is this the solutio

> So, I thought, I'd look around for one of
> those ergonomic chairs. I was even thinking
> of getting one of those "kneel
> sit" chairs that are meant to be good
> for your back...

Dien, I've tried those kneel sit chairs and never found them very comfortable. And have fun with the swiss ball. I never heard of using them as chairs before. Great (and potentially very tiring) idea!

Old October 1, 2003, 10:27 AM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Kneel-sit style chairs...

Hi Erik,

I've never tried the kneel-sit style of chairs, except for short periods. I guess you're kind of stuck in one position - maybe that's why it's a bit uncomfortable? I think naturally, we like to move around and shift postures while we're sitting...

Anyhow, I'll steer clear of the kneel-sit chairs. All the ones I've seen are quite pricey anyhow!

- Dien
Old September 30, 2003, 11:15 PM
Robert Campbell
Posts: n/a
Default Why sit at all?


I raised all my working surfaces to a height of 38 inches so that I could stand (not sit) while working 4 to 6 hours per day at my computers.

You would not believe how beneficial this is for your body and mind! Do this and you will see that your energy level will double. In addition, because standing burns at least double the calories as sitting, it's a fabulous way to keep your weight down.

I have to admit that I am a fitness addict. But anyone who tries this will find that it is physically and mentally transforming.

Robert Campbell
Old October 1, 2003, 09:20 AM
Erik Lukas
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Why sit at all?

Hi Robert,

How did you first decide to test out a standing desk? Did you have someone recommend it to you?

I might just have to give that a try.

Standing, but slightly awkwardly in front of a computer on a 29 inch desk,

Erik Lukas
Old October 1, 2003, 09:44 AM
Tim Spencer
Posts: n/a
Default Donald Rumsfeld has a standing desk-

I saw it on a DOD documentary. He works 10-12 hours a day and he's what, 70 years old? Amazing!


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