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Old December 8, 2022, 01:35 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default A chat-GPT story... Gordon Alexander in the city of neon lights...

Gordon Alexander sat in his luxurious office, staring out at the bustling city below. The neon lights of the skyscrapers flickered and danced, casting a neon glow over the dark streets. As he pondered his next move, a cloud of cigar smoke swirled around his head like a halo.

He was a man of many talents - a successful writer, a shrewd entrepreneur, and a man of action when the situation called for it. But tonight, he felt like a chess player staring at a game that was already lost.

He had made a mistake, a costly mistake, and now he had to find a way out before it was too late. As he weighed his options, the sound of the city - the honking of horns, the screech of tires, the low murmur of voices - faded into the background.

Gordon took a long drag on his cigar and let the smoke fill his lungs. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander, searching for a solution to his problem.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, it came to him - a plan so bold, so daring, that it just might work.

With a new sense of purpose, Gordon stood up and strode towards the door. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter how difficult or dangerous.

As he stepped out into the night, he knew that he was like a knight on a quest - a knight with a sword of words and a shield of wit, ready to fight for what was right.

And in that moment, as he marched into the unknown, Gordon Alexander became the hero of his own story.

Gordon marched down the bustling streets, his mind racing with the details of his plan. He had to act fast, before it was too late.

As he walked, he couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. The world of the city - the bright lights, the loud noises, the constant hustle and bustle - was so different from the quiet solitude of his office. But he was determined to see this through, no matter what.

As he approached his destination, Gordon's nerves began to get the better of him. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, reminding himself of the importance of his mission.

He arrived at the building and made his way inside, dodging past the throngs of people in the lobby. He took the elevator up to the top floor, where he knew his target was waiting.

When the doors opened, Gordon stepped out into a plush office lined with expensive artwork and luxurious furnishings. And there, behind a massive mahogany desk, sat the man he had come to confront - his former business partner, the man who had betrayed him and left him with nothing.

Gordon strode forward, his eyes blazing with determination. He was ready to face the man who had wronged him, and to fight for what was rightfully his.

"You think you can just waltz in here and take what's mine?" the man sneered, his eyes narrowed with anger.

"I'm not here to take anything," Gordon replied coolly. "I'm here to offer you a deal - one that you won't be able to refuse."

And with that, he launched into his plan, outlining every detail with precision and confidence. The man listened, his expression shifting from disbelief to skepticism to grudging respect.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the man nodded. "Fine," he said gruffly. "I'll agree to your terms. But this is the last time, Gordon. We're done after this."

Gordon nodded, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "I couldn't agree more," he said.

And with that, the deal was struck, and Gordon left the office feeling like a conqueror. He had outwitted his enemy, and come out on top.

As he walked back out into the night, the city seemed to shimmer and sparkle with new possibilities. Gordon was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way, knowing that he was a man of action, a man of words, and a true hero in the city of neon lights.

Gordon walked back to his office with a spring in his step, feeling triumphant and alive. He had faced his enemy and come out on top, and now he was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

As he entered his office, he was greeted by his loyal secretary, who had been waiting anxiously for his return. "Mr. Alexander, are you alright?" she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

"I'm better than alright," Gordon replied with a smile. "I just made a deal that's going to change everything. We're back in business, my dear."

The secretary's face broke into a relieved smile. "That's wonderful news, Mr. Alexander. I'm so happy for you."

Gordon nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction and pride. He had overcome a great challenge, and now he was ready to move forward and continue building his empire.

But as he sat down at his desk and gazed out at the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. He had come a long way from the struggling writer he once was, but the city still held a special place in his heart.

It was a place of endless possibilities, a place where a man like him could make his mark. And as he sat there, the neon lights of the city shimmering and sparkling in the distance, Gordon knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be - a writer, an entrepreneur, and a hero in the city of neon lights.
(Original instruction: "write a story about writer and entrepreneur Gordon Alexander in the style of Raymond Chandler, add metaphors" then a couple of "that's great, continue story"...)

This was written completely by Chat-GPT artificial intelligence!

It's free to use (for now)... Go to - you'll have to get a free account...
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Old December 8, 2022, 01:48 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default The "risk" with AI-generated text is...

The danger with using AI-writers (at least at the moment) is that it can often be detected...

If you put the above story into the AI-detector at

It detects the writing as being "99.98% fake"... (That is, written by AI, and not a real person...)

I don't know how it does it!

I have a feeling, though, as artificial intelligence gets better and better, it will be harder and harder to detect...

The other thing is that AI often gets its facts wrong - if you're trying to write a factual article! It "makes up" facts, which can also be a problem...!

- Dien
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Old December 8, 2022, 05:53 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Re: The "risk" with AI-generated text is...

I see, you too, get the MJ DiMarco newsletter. So, I signed up, spent all of 15 minutes there, and left. Nothing there for me.

I'm so happy that I won't be around when HAL tells Dave (2001 A Space Odyssey) "don't touch that Dave".

We're not far from AI to AI, and then, what's the point. My bot will answer your bot...I want to set up my old answering machine, cause the robot calls I'm getting are ridic...and since I gave up may phone number at this site, I can't wait to start getting their messages telling me how great their AI is.

My creative writing
high school teacher would certainly have given me a D- for that story. And that just for turning it in on time.

I don't know how MJ used it, but more power to him.

Thanks for sharing, but now, what was the big secret?

Was it...."at least with AI, there is some proof there might be a little intelligence on the Internet" A very little.

Mr. (Exhales noxious Cohiba smoke into the air) Alexandre

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
The danger with using AI-writers (at least at the moment) is that it can often be detected...

If you put the above story into the AI-detector at

It detects the writing as being "99.98% fake"... (That is, written by AI, and not a real person...)

I don't know how it does it!

I have a feeling, though, as artificial intelligence gets better and better, it will be harder and harder to detect...

The other thing is that AI often gets its facts wrong - if you're trying to write a factual article! It "makes up" facts, which can also be a problem...!

- Dien

Last edited by Dien Rice : December 8, 2022 at 10:05 PM. Reason: fixed formatting
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Old December 9, 2022, 06:10 AM
trevord92 trevord92 is online now
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Default Re: A chat-GPT story... Gordon Alexander in the city of neon lights...

AI bots and chat bots definitely aren't as good as the authors claim and chat bots seem determined not to let you easily speak or chat to a real person (sp they've worked out that part of the programming)

AI images - at least to a layman like me - seem better.
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Old December 17, 2022, 10:51 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Creepy AI "robot"...

Hi Trevor,

I saw a video of a guy who used a combination of ChatGTP and also Synthesia (an AI "humanlike" video generator) to create an interview with an AI "robot"...

The effect, to me, is kind of creepy... See what you think!

Here's the video... The full-length actual AI "robot" appears about 52 seconds in...

(The first 52 seconds are the guy explaining what he did...)

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by trevord92 View Post
AI bots and chat bots definitely aren't as good as the authors claim and chat bots seem determined not to let you easily speak or chat to a real person (sp they've worked out that part of the programming)

AI images - at least to a layman like me - seem better.
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Old December 16, 2022, 10:43 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default There are a lot of things that can be done with D- writing...

Hi Gordon,

I don't get MJ DiMarco's newsletter (perhaps I should?)!

I've been following this whole AI thing for a while... It's clear it's gonna be revolutionary...

Exactly how, we're still finding out!

As far as writing is concerned, right now, it just seems it can write in a basic yet kind of mediocre way... Shakespeare it ain't...

However, there are useful jobs it can do.

For example, one guy got it to write a letter to fight his parking ticket (it got the ticket cancelled)...

ChatGPT can also write computer programs!

A lot of the jobs lawyers do is to write "boilerplate" type of letters... I reckon AI will take up a lot of the "boilerplate"-type of lawyer work. (It probably won't take over arguing cases in court, though... Not in front of a jury, anyway, where a person-to-person connection is still important!)

I'm watching it, eagle-eyed...

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I see, you too, get the MJ DiMarco newsletter. So, I signed up, spent all of 15 minutes there, and left. Nothing there for me.

I'm so happy that I won't be around when HAL tells Dave (2001 A Space Odyssey) "don't touch that Dave".

We're not far from AI to AI, and then, what's the point. My bot will answer your bot...I want to set up my old answering machine, cause the robot calls I'm getting are ridic...and since I gave up may phone number at this site, I can't wait to start getting their messages telling me how great their AI is.

My creative writing
high school teacher would certainly have given me a D- for that story. And that just for turning it in on time.

I don't know how MJ used it, but more power to him.

Thanks for sharing, but now, what was the big secret?

Was it...."at least with AI, there is some proof there might be a little intelligence on the Internet" A very little.

Mr. (Exhales noxious Cohiba smoke into the air) Alexandre
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Old December 16, 2022, 07:01 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default I Dare You To Find a Robot that Can Make You 1000's LIKE THIS.

Thanks Dien, Gordon,

In Our "Billionaire Watching Club" We've Discovered 27 self made Billionaires ALL using the SAME Exact Secret Psychology to Sell --Post-Pandemic.

ONE OF THESE Invisible Secret Psychology Systems is.

Dr Milton Erickson's -
"Get 1 Person EXCITED About Money and You Excite Everyone In Ear and Eye Shot & They Pay You Money."

My retired CIA Friend - CIA-SAM
is Spying on a Beverly Hills CLUB that Charges 100K a year.

He Reports Each 100K member of the NightClub Gets a Bucket of Money Dumped
on their Table to use As TIPS for The Cocktail Waitresses.


Which I call "The $ FAN." PHOTO BELOW -

Here is How We Adapted This Billion Dollar Idea
to The REST of us Can Make Munny with it.

STEP I - Bring a Prospect or Co-Worker to Lunch.
STEP II - Collect 10 -- 1.00 Bills.
STEP III - Buy 6 or 8 1.00 Size Instant Scratch off LOTTO Tickets

SPREAD them out on the table.
Hold them Up at Drive Thru Or Food {pickup Windows)

(INSIDE a Restaurant at a Table You - HOLD UP a Buck And a Lotto Ticket.
(Before the food Arrives You Say, "Is it ok with You If I Start Tipping You Before The Meal. (DUH YES)


"Which One do You Want as a Tip. $1 Bill or LOTTO ticket.

Yup - This is a CRAZY WAY to MAKE MONEY.

The More Excited The Waiter or Waitress Gets The Better.


***Because a Giggling, Laughing Waitress Is Giving You Great Service.
***Extra Food..
***Visits from 5 Pretty Girls Who Have GAMBLING FEVER.
***ALL gathered around your Table. BECUZ NOBODY Else is Tipping with LOTTO tickets ALL Thru The Meal.

(5 or 6 Lotto Tickets Often Gets You 15 or 20.00 of Extra Food.)
The Waiter is trying his Best to THANK YOU!

YOUR GUEST notices patrons from Nearby Tables Come over to Chat - Like Long Lost Friends.

AND your Guests Start ASKING You Permission to Hand You Money.
Buy Lunch.

***Lunch is on me. Teach me how to Do this.

***You Got 2X More Food than Me And I Paid 3X as Much.

***How Come You Got a Free Dessert?

***I had to Pay for Soup and Salad. But the Waiter is Bringing You Free Soup
Every time I get another Bowl.

CLIENTS REPORT that Customers and Prospects they Bring to Lunch And
Use the "MONEY FAN" in front of - ASK to Eat Lunch with them again. AND Sign Up or Buy their MLM Program or New Widget.

NO Robot Ai is Ready to do this.


SPITTING MAD - HORROR STORY about Robot Answering Machines in USA.

I Just Bought New Glasses from a National Brand Company
because The 1st National Brand Company's AI or Robot.

MADE ME Screaming MAD.

No kidding. I was Yelling at the phone.

The Robot Could Not Understand (Is your name spelled Glen - "NO" and is this The correct Phone # - "YES" and When I Did Get thru to MY Question. "IS my appointment Still The On Schedule?"

Alice the Robot says, "Sorry. Couldn't Find that Information.


I Just Wasted 15 Minutes of my Life!

I googled. Made a Phone call to a Competitor who answered the phone with a LIVE PERSON. Made an appointment and spent 300 bucks.

I Hope Company #1 ROTS.


P.S. - Speaking about The Value of Robotic Copywriting. No robot Could Have Written This Post!
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Old December 17, 2022, 10:36 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default You're right... no robot or "AI" could have written what you wrote!

What I love about this...

1. Emotion is what sells people...

2. Your "$ Fan" (and the original "Greed Bucket") is super-emotional!

3. Ramping up the excitement can't help but create more sales, and more "I wanna do something with that guy"-feelings...

People sometimes "buy" because they want to interact with a person more... In a way, they're "buying" a relationship with you...

People love to have fun, they want to be emotional...

Absolutely awesome, story and ideas, thanks Glenn!

How can you ramp up the excitement in your own business and interactions with others!

Best wishes,


P.S. You're right... No "robot" could have written what you wrote!

AI is great at writing "generic" stuff... But stuff that's "unique"... with "insights" you'll find nowhere else?

It can't do that!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Dien, Gordon,

In Our "Billionaire Watching Club" We've Discovered 27 self made Billionaires ALL using the SAME Exact Secret Psychology to Sell --Post-Pandemic.

ONE OF THESE Invisible Secret Psychology Systems is.

Dr Milton Erickson's -
"Get 1 Person EXCITED About Money and You Excite Everyone In Ear and Eye Shot & They Pay You Money."

My retired CIA Friend - CIA-SAM
is Spying on a Beverly Hills CLUB that Charges 100K a year.

He Reports Each 100K member of the NightClub Gets a Bucket of Money Dumped
on their Table to use As TIPS for The Cocktail Waitresses.


Which I call "The $ FAN." PHOTO BELOW -

Here is How We Adapted This Billion Dollar Idea
to The REST of us Can Make Munny with it.

STEP I - Bring a Prospect or Co-Worker to Lunch.
STEP II - Collect 10 -- 1.00 Bills.
STEP III - Buy 6 or 8 1.00 Size Instant Scratch off LOTTO Tickets

SPREAD them out on the table.
Hold them Up at Drive Thru Or Food {pickup Windows)

(INSIDE a Restaurant at a Table You - HOLD UP a Buck And a Lotto Ticket.
(Before the food Arrives You Say, "Is it ok with You If I Start Tipping You Before The Meal. (DUH YES)


"Which One do You Want as a Tip. $1 Bill or LOTTO ticket.

Yup - This is a CRAZY WAY to MAKE MONEY.

The More Excited The Waiter or Waitress Gets The Better.


***Because a Giggling, Laughing Waitress Is Giving You Great Service.
***Extra Food..
***Visits from 5 Pretty Girls Who Have GAMBLING FEVER.
***ALL gathered around your Table. BECUZ NOBODY Else is Tipping with LOTTO tickets ALL Thru The Meal.

(5 or 6 Lotto Tickets Often Gets You 15 or 20.00 of Extra Food.)
The Waiter is trying his Best to THANK YOU!

YOUR GUEST notices patrons from Nearby Tables Come over to Chat - Like Long Lost Friends.

AND your Guests Start ASKING You Permission to Hand You Money.
Buy Lunch.

***Lunch is on me. Teach me how to Do this.

***You Got 2X More Food than Me And I Paid 3X as Much.

***How Come You Got a Free Dessert?

***I had to Pay for Soup and Salad. But the Waiter is Bringing You Free Soup
Every time I get another Bowl.

CLIENTS REPORT that Customers and Prospects they Bring to Lunch And
Use the "MONEY FAN" in front of - ASK to Eat Lunch with them again. AND Sign Up or Buy their MLM Program or New Widget.

NO Robot Ai is Ready to do this.


SPITTING MAD - HORROR STORY about Robot Answering Machines in USA.

I Just Bought New Glasses from a National Brand Company
because The 1st National Brand Company's AI or Robot.

MADE ME Screaming MAD.

No kidding. I was Yelling at the phone.

The Robot Could Not Understand (Is your name spelled Glen - "NO" and is this The correct Phone # - "YES" and When I Did Get thru to MY Question. "IS my appointment Still The On Schedule?"

Alice the Robot says, "Sorry. Couldn't Find that Information.


I Just Wasted 15 Minutes of my Life!

I googled. Made a Phone call to a Competitor who answered the phone with a LIVE PERSON. Made an appointment and spent 300 bucks.

I Hope Company #1 ROTS.


P.S. - Speaking about The Value of Robotic Copywriting. No robot Could Have Written This Post!
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Old December 20, 2022, 10:58 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Waiter Excitement


I enjoyed your discussion about getting a waiter excited along with waitresses and others.

You often discuss the reaction of a prospect once you go into tipping mode. I can easily see how a prospect wants to buy your meal, pay for your gas, et al.

Have you ever gotten a client as a result of all this "tipping frenzy" when you did not have a prospect with you? Someone just walked over because of the excitement, began talking and you sold them on using you for their business?


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Old December 24, 2022, 05:41 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default How I got Thrown Out of 3 NetWorking Events Then Met a MaryK Client

Merry Christmas Millard,

A Former Partner of mine, Mother of The FuzzBuster Radar Detector, Serial Entrepreneur has a Strategy I Like.

Judy Says, "When I Enter a Room I Try to SCARE the Hell out Folks. The One
who DOES NOT SCARE and Comes over GRINNING to Shake my Hand. THAT is The Prospect I'm lookin for."

Here is how I got THROWN OUT of A Chamber of a Commerce Group, a Lions Club and a Toastmasters Group.


Each Networking Host Came up to me at the Back of the Room. And "Politely" ASKED Me not to Come Back.

Here is how/why I Try to SCARE Folks at Networking Events.

FIRST THING At These Things - You Go around the room. Introduce Yourself.

So when It's my turn.

I stand Up - Blue Suit. Red CHAINMAIL TIE. Run my Metal Pen Up and Down The
Tie. And Say LOUDLY. "Howdy. My name is Glenn Osborn. What I do is
Interview Self Made Millionaires All over The World. Adapt and Combine Proven
7 Figure Ideas FOR YOU. If You Wanna Make a Bunch of Money without Any Work
- Becuz I DO IT all FOR You. Come See Me."

AFTER The Meeting.


The Host TipToes over and says, "I Started this "Chamber, Lions Club Etc to Find
Clients for My Business. NOT YOURS. Please don't come Back."

***THE GUY WHO RAN The Toastmasters Club
In Maryland was a Stickler for Following TOASTMASTER CLUB RULES.

So He Says, "Ok. Everybody Gets 3 Minutes to Talk About President Obama's
Policy on _________."

(In My Opinion - VERY STUPID to Talk Politics or Religion.)

So my turn Came.

I Stood up and Said, "Instead of Talking about Politics I want to Talk about This
HUGE BLACK Spider I Found on My Window This Morning. And the Tiny Spider
Behind My Soap Dish in The Bathroom...

Nervous the room.

The skinny little Host Came over and Asked me to Not Come Back.

100% Ok with me.

Because I Didn't Find A Single ENTREPRENEUR in The Above Groups.

I DID Like The looks of a Lady
Running a BNI Group - However.

Janets BNI Group Met in a Restaurant Banquet Room.

I Used the "$-Fan, Lotto Tickets & Wgt Loss SunGlasses" (The Most Incredible TIP Strategy I have EVER Discovered) to tip the Waitress all thru The Lunch meeting.


This ATTRACTED the Attention of the Band Box Attractive MARY K meeting Host. We met later. Found out her #1 Distributor was a Lady Minister. And She Was Doing Free "Dress for Success" Workshops at a local School.

We Did Some Business.

I Introduced her to a Photographer who was Taking Class Photos for Local
Schools. And She Was Able to Get Into a TON More Schools.

Girls PANIC right Before the Class and Yearbook Photos.

The PHOTOG was Happy Happy Happy for the Help.

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