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Old February 22, 2023, 02:10 PM
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Default Riding upon the AI trail. The RAS in copywriting.

From our friendly (so far) robots at Chatgpt: (Emphasis MINE)
The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a part of the brain that is responsible for filtering information from our environment and selecting which information to pay attention to. In copywriting, understanding how the RAS works can be a powerful tool to increase sales.

The RAS acts as a gatekeeper, filtering the vast amount of information we are bombarded with every day and selecting only the most important information for us to focus on. This is why, for example, we might suddenly notice a particular make and model of car everywhere we go, after we've decided to buy that car. Our RAS is now tuned to pay attention to that information because it is relevant to us.

In copywriting, the goal is to create messaging that will bypass the RAS and capture the attention of the reader or viewer. This can be accomplished by creating headlines, taglines, and other key messaging that speaks directly to the needs, desires, and interests of the target audience. When this messaging resonates with the reader, their RAS will be triggered and they will be more likely to pay attention to the rest of the copy.

Copywriters can also use storytelling and other techniques to engage the RAS and create a more immersive experience for the reader. By building a narrative that captures the reader's imagination, the copywriter can increase the likelihood that the reader will continue reading and ultimately take the desired action, whether that is making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Overall, by understanding how the RAS works and how to engage it, copywriters can create more effective messaging that is more likely to resonate with their target audience and ultimately lead to increased sales.


So, I will continue to ask and see what it comes up with.

I think (believe) the RAS is the secret weapon of all influence, but I could be wrong, we'll see what AI has to say. Fair Enough?

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Old February 22, 2023, 02:18 PM
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Default GJ: How to create messaging that will bypass the RAS and capture attention?

Creating messaging that bypasses the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and captures attention requires a deep understanding of your target audience and the factors that influence their decision-making. Here are some strategies that copywriters can use to create effective messaging that captures attention and drives action:

Use powerful headlines: Headlines are the first thing that readers see, and they are critical to capturing their attention. A powerful headline should be specific, benefit-driven, and provoke an emotional response. It should also be relevant to the reader's interests and desires.

Tell stories: Storytelling is a powerful tool to engage the RAS and create a more immersive experience for the reader. Use stories to connect with your audience on an emotional level, and make your product or service relatable.

Use persuasive language: The words you choose can have a big impact on how your message is received. Use persuasive language that focuses on benefits and outcomes, rather than features. Use strong verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to create a sense of urgency and drive action.

Appeal to emotions: Emotions play a key role in decision-making. Use emotional appeals that connect with your audience's desires and fears. Appeal to their sense of identity, and show how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

Use visuals: Visuals are a powerful tool to capture attention and engage the RAS. Use images, graphics, and videos to support your messaging and make it more memorable.

Be concise: In today's fast-paced world, attention spans are short. Keep your messaging concise and to the point. Use short sentences and paragraphs, and break up your copy with subheadings and bullet points.

Overall, creating messaging that bypasses the RAS and captures attention requires a deep understanding of your target audience and the factors that influence their decision-making. By using powerful headlines, storytelling, persuasive language, emotional appeals, visuals, and concise messaging, you can create messaging that resonates with your audience and drives action.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:23 PM
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Default GJ: How do I appeal to their sense of identity to evoke emotional responses?

To appeal to your audience's sense of identity and evoke emotional responses, you need to understand their beliefs, values, and aspirations. Here are some strategies that can help you achieve this:

Use inclusive language: Use language that shows you understand your audience's perspective and experiences. Use words like "we" and "us" to create a sense of shared identity.

Address their pain points: Identify the problems or challenges your audience faces and show how your product or service can help them overcome these challenges. This can create a sense of empathy and build trust.

Show how you can help them achieve their goals: Your audience is likely motivated by specific goals or desires. Show them how your product or service can help them achieve these goals, and how it can make their lives better.

Use testimonials or case studies: Social proof is a powerful tool to build trust and credibility. Use testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers to show how your product or service has helped people like them achieve their goals.

Create a sense of community: People are social creatures, and they often look to others for validation and support. Create a sense of community around your brand by encouraging user-generated content, hosting events, or creating a forum where your audience can connect with each other.

Use aspirational language: Use language that inspires your audience and speaks to their aspirations. Show how your product or service can help them achieve the lifestyle they want, or become the person they aspire to be.

By appealing to your audience's sense of identity and using emotional triggers, you can create messaging that resonates with your audience and drives action. Remember to always focus on the benefits and outcomes that matter most to your audience, and be authentic in your messaging.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:25 PM
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Default GJ: What are some examples of inclusive language and for those wanting to make more

Inclusive language is language that aims to avoid marginalizing or excluding particular groups of people. When it comes to using inclusive language for those wanting to make more money, here are some examples:

Use gender-neutral language: Avoid using language that assumes all of your readers are male. Instead of "he" or "his," use "they" or "their." For example, "Anyone who wants to make more money can improve their skills."

Use language that is relevant to all income levels: Avoid using language that assumes your readers already have a certain level of income or education. For example, avoid using technical jargon that may not be familiar to everyone. Instead, use language that is accessible and easy to understand.

Avoid ageist language: Avoid making assumptions about your readers' age. For example, instead of saying "young people can make more money," you can say "people of all ages can increase their income."

Avoid ableist language: Avoid using language that is derogatory or offensive to people with disabilities. For example, instead of using the phrase "wheelchair-bound," you can say "a person who uses a wheelchair."

Use language that emphasizes inclusion: Use language that emphasizes that everyone has the potential to make more money, regardless of their background. For example, you can say "Everyone has the ability to increase their income with the right tools and strategies."

Use language that acknowledges diversity: Use language that acknowledges and respects the diversity of your audience. For example, you can say "People from all backgrounds can increase their income with the right mindset and approach."

Overall, the key to using inclusive language is to be aware of your assumptions and biases, and to be intentional in your language choices. By using inclusive language, you can create messaging that resonates with a wider range of people and helps to build a more inclusive and diverse community.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:28 PM
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Default GJ: My target market is over 50, what are the best money making opportunities for th

The best money making opportunities for people over 50 will depend on their skills, experience, and interests. Here are a few ideas to consider:

Consulting or coaching: If you have expertise in a particular area, such as marketing, finance, or management, you can offer consulting or coaching services to businesses or individuals. You can work as an independent consultant or coach, or you can work for a consulting firm.

Freelance work: Freelance work can be a great option for people over 50 who want to work from home or set their own schedule. Some popular freelance opportunities include writing, editing, graphic design, web development, and accounting.

Starting a business: If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, starting a business can be a great way to generate income. Some ideas to consider include starting an online store, offering a service such as house cleaning or lawn care, or creating and selling a digital product such as an e-book or online course.

Investing: If you have savings or retirement funds, you can invest in stocks, bonds, or real estate to generate passive income. It's important to do your research and seek the advice of a financial advisor before investing.

Part-time work: Part-time work can be a good option for people who want to work fewer hours or take a break from a full-time career. Some popular part-time jobs for people over 50 include teaching, customer service, and administrative work.

Renting out a property: If you own a property, you can rent it out to generate passive income. You can rent out a spare room on Airbnb, or you can rent out a property on a long-term basis.

Remember that the best money making opportunities for people over 50 will depend on their individual circumstances and goals. It's important to consider your skills, experience, and interests, as well as any financial or personal obligations you may have. With the right mindset and approach, people over 50 can find many opportunities to generate income and build a fulfilling career or retirement.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:32 PM
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Default GJ: How does one acquire a toll position on a specialty product and make money with

Look out Harvey Brody, AI is coming your way. HA!

Acquiring a toll position on a specialty product means that you are paid to manufacture or process a product on behalf of a client. This can be a lucrative opportunity for businesses with specialized equipment or expertise in a particular area. Here are the steps to acquire a toll position and make money with it:

Identify your expertise: Determine your core competencies and capabilities in manufacturing or processing a particular product. Consider your existing equipment, workforce, and technical expertise.

Identify potential clients: Research potential clients who need your expertise to manufacture or process their product. You can search for companies that have complementary capabilities or products to yours, or you can look for companies that have a need for a specialized process or manufacturing expertise.

Negotiate terms: Once you have identified a potential client, you need to negotiate the terms of the toll position. This includes the price you will charge for manufacturing or processing the product, the volume of product to be produced, the delivery schedule, and any other terms and conditions.

Deliver the product: Once you have agreed to the terms, you can begin manufacturing or processing the product on behalf of the client. It's important to meet the quality standards and delivery schedules agreed upon with the client to maintain a good relationship and ensure future business opportunities.

Manage costs: To make money with a toll position, it's important to manage your costs effectively. This includes optimizing your manufacturing or processing processes to minimize waste, reducing labor costs, and maximizing the use of your equipment.

Look for new opportunities: Once you have established a toll position with one client, you can look for new opportunities to expand your business. You can reach out to new clients in similar industries, or you can look for opportunities to expand your manufacturing or processing capabilities to offer more services to your existing clients.

In summary, acquiring a toll position on a specialty product can be a great way to make money by using your expertise to manufacture or process products for clients. By identifying your strengths, negotiating favorable terms, delivering high-quality products, managing costs, and seeking new opportunities, you can build a successful toll processing business.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:35 PM
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Default GJ: What is a hotsheet and how big is the market for this kind of information produc

Look out Gordon

A hotsheet is a type of information product that provides timely and up-to-date information on a specific topic or industry. Typically, hotsheets are distributed via email, subscription-based websites, or social media and may include news articles, analysis, opinion pieces, and other relevant information.

The size of the market for hotsheets can vary depending on the topic or industry in question. Some hotsheets may have a relatively small market, while others may have a much larger audience. For example, hotsheets related to finance, real estate, and technology tend to be quite popular and have a large market.

Overall, the market for hotsheets has grown in recent years due to the increasing demand for timely and relevant information. Many people rely on hotsheets to stay informed about the latest news and trends in their industry or area of interest. As a result, there are many companies and individuals that create and distribute hotsheets on a wide range of topics.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:38 PM
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Default GJ: Who are the top experts on hotsheets creation and marketing of hotsheets?

There are many experts on hotsheet creation and marketing, and the field is constantly evolving. Here are a few individuals and organizations that are recognized as experts in the field:

John Reese: John Reese is a well-known marketer who has created several successful hotsheets in various niches, including finance and technology. He is known for his innovative marketing strategies and has been instrumental in popularizing the hotsheet model.

Dave Jackson: Dave Jackson is an expert in podcasting and has created several successful hotsheets related to podcasting and online content creation. He is known for his practical approach to hotsheet creation and marketing.

Mequoda: Mequoda is a company that specializes in digital publishing and hotsheet creation. They offer a range of services, including consulting, design, and marketing, to help businesses create and distribute hotsheets that engage their audience.

Tim Ferriss: Tim Ferriss is a well-known author and entrepreneur who has created several successful hotsheets related to productivity, health, and lifestyle. He is known for his ability to distill complex information into actionable insights.

Amy Porterfield: Amy Porterfield is an expert in online marketing and has created several successful hotsheets related to social media marketing and online courses. She is known for her engaging and informative content and her ability to build a loyal audience.

These are just a few of the many experts in the field of hotsheet creation and marketing. It's worth noting that the field is constantly evolving, and new experts are emerging all the time.
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:41 PM
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Default GJ: Who are the best infopreneurs who offer courses in creating information marketin

There are many successful infopreneurs who offer courses on creating information marketing empires. Here are a few experts who are highly regarded in the field:

Frank Kern: Frank Kern is a well-known infopreneur who has created several successful information marketing empires. He is known for his ability to create highly engaging and persuasive content, and his courses are highly regarded in the industry.

Brendon Burchard: Brendon Burchard is an expert in personal development and has created several successful information marketing empires related to this niche. He is known for his engaging and motivational teaching style, and his courses are highly regarded for their practical and actionable content.

Russell Brunson: Russell Brunson is the founder of ClickFunnels, a software platform that helps entrepreneurs create and sell digital products. He is known for his expertise in sales funnels and has created several successful information marketing empires related to this niche.

Pat Flynn: Pat Flynn is an expert in online business and has created several successful information marketing empires related to this niche. He is known for his practical and actionable teaching style, and his courses are highly regarded for their focus on building sustainable businesses.

Jeff Walker: Jeff Walker is an expert in product launches and has created several successful information marketing empires related to this niche. He is known for his innovative and effective product launch strategies, and his courses are highly regarded in the industry.

These are just a few of the many successful infopreneurs who offer courses on creating information marketing empires. It's worth noting that the field is constantly evolving, and new experts are emerging all the time
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Old February 22, 2023, 02:48 PM
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Default GJ: What is the best niche for highest profits with how to information products?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the profitability of a niche for how-to information products will depend on a variety of factors, including the demand for the niche, the level of competition, and the quality and uniqueness of the information products you offer. However, here are a few niche ideas that could be potentially profitable for how-to information products:

Health and wellness: Health and wellness is a broad niche that encompasses everything from fitness and nutrition to stress management and self-care. With more and more people interested in living healthy and active lifestyles, this niche has the potential to be very profitable.

Personal finance: Personal finance is another niche that is always in demand, as people are always looking for ways to save money, invest, and improve their financial situation. Topics in this niche can range from basic budgeting and saving to advanced investing strategies.

Digital marketing: As more and more businesses move online, the demand for information on digital marketing is growing. This niche includes topics like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing.

Home improvement: DIY and home improvement projects are popular among homeowners, and there is always a need for information on how to tackle these projects. This niche includes topics like home repairs, landscaping, and interior design.

Remember, these are just a few potential niches, and the key to success in any niche is to offer high-quality, valuable information products that meet the needs of your target audience.

Thus ends my today's convo with chatgpt. More to come.

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