December 15, 2017, 09:27 AM
This will be of interest to only two out of 100.
It could be the only thing you need to cross the bridge to achieve your personal success, as you know it could be.
See, I believe too many people over complicate things.
In fact, I know there are TWO of you reading this now, who I'm pointing the finger at. Aren't you tired of the merry go round, wheel spinning, always getting ready to, about to get around to it...
The two page pdf could be your answer. IF you apply the CREED, you will succeed.
First feedback from THE CREED. So far, all agree with the philosophy of the creed, no one has said NO, wrong Gordy-O. But it is wayyyy too early to get real about it, UNLESS, someone really sinks into it and they experience the OVERNIGHT changes I talk about in the promotion.
Is OVERNIGHT change even possible? I believe so because I've experienced it. A few examples, one day I was a non-qualified "puke" on a nuclear powered submarine, the next I had my dolphins and was a submariner.
Any fellow bubblehead will tell you it IS a difference, and it happens overnight. Sure, a lot of sleepless nights went into it, a lot of work and study, but the CHANGE happened overnight.
Another example: I was on TV on St. Patrick's day a long time ago, delivering a singing telegram to an on air personality...was doing a few telegrams a day at the time...
OVERNIGHT, we went to over $1 ,000.00 a day of business. From a hundred bux a day to a thousand overnight, well, that is what you should experience in your life too.
On Thanksgiving in 1991, a half page ad ran in local weekly papers, the next day, I had over 12,000 dollars in my bank account, from an ad that cost just a couple of hundred of dollars to run.
So, I believe in OVERNIGHT possibility, but the most important thing is the MINDSET, the going from knowing to DOING. From agreeing with the philosophy to actually APPLYING the philosophy.
That is my hope with the CREED, you don't just "get" it, or agree with it, or say you understand it...
My hope is, you USE IT, and apply it, and you too get OVERNIGHT changes in your life. I believe you will.
It could be the only thing you need to cross the bridge to achieve your personal success, as you know it could be.
See, I believe too many people over complicate things.
In fact, I know there are TWO of you reading this now, who I'm pointing the finger at. Aren't you tired of the merry go round, wheel spinning, always getting ready to, about to get around to it...
The two page pdf could be your answer. IF you apply the CREED, you will succeed.
First feedback from THE CREED. So far, all agree with the philosophy of the creed, no one has said NO, wrong Gordy-O. But it is wayyyy too early to get real about it, UNLESS, someone really sinks into it and they experience the OVERNIGHT changes I talk about in the promotion.
Is OVERNIGHT change even possible? I believe so because I've experienced it. A few examples, one day I was a non-qualified "puke" on a nuclear powered submarine, the next I had my dolphins and was a submariner.
Any fellow bubblehead will tell you it IS a difference, and it happens overnight. Sure, a lot of sleepless nights went into it, a lot of work and study, but the CHANGE happened overnight.
Another example: I was on TV on St. Patrick's day a long time ago, delivering a singing telegram to an on air personality...was doing a few telegrams a day at the time...
OVERNIGHT, we went to over $1 ,000.00 a day of business. From a hundred bux a day to a thousand overnight, well, that is what you should experience in your life too.
On Thanksgiving in 1991, a half page ad ran in local weekly papers, the next day, I had over 12,000 dollars in my bank account, from an ad that cost just a couple of hundred of dollars to run.
So, I believe in OVERNIGHT possibility, but the most important thing is the MINDSET, the going from knowing to DOING. From agreeing with the philosophy to actually APPLYING the philosophy.
That is my hope with the CREED, you don't just "get" it, or agree with it, or say you understand it...
My hope is, you USE IT, and apply it, and you too get OVERNIGHT changes in your life. I believe you will.