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If you can't sell FREE, maybe you shouldn't be selling? [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 17, 2018, 09:18 AM
The 2 realtors, seemed excited but I couldn't convince them to call on the spot and when I followed up after a few days they said they hadn't found interest yet but would keep trying. I only have one sample and will get more so that I am able to leave them behind with potential sponsors when cold calling. It seems 3/4 businesses in my city are franchises or have a corporate office. Just a thought but Do you believe I'd have better luck in a small town with less than 5k total addresses? There are a few around and they seem to be more local businesses than franchises.

Franchises vary greatly, but safe to say, ALL, have say in the advertising. I personally wouldn't waste time UNLESS they already are using DR ads, in the weekly coupons or newspapers or other media. Mom and Pop, single owner businesses are best, but some chains have franchise owners who CAN run their own ads. Don't know of any list which distinguishes them, however.

If you don't have more samples, create a sales sheet to leave behind. BUT at the time you meet the owner, you must put the card into her hand. Feeling it and seeing it make a lot of difference.

Create a list, a checklist, and when you find a Realtor interested (or any host) you whip out the check list and let them fill it out, say it only takes two minutes. You ask those questions, like who they would call if:

Their home was in a tornado and the roof came off, who would you call to repair it? Do you know this person?

Who is the plumber you would call? etc. etc. When it is right in front of them, and all they have to do is check mark and fill in a blank, you have a "referral" sheet. Maybe even have them initial it.

If they can't call or say they will, DON'T BELIEVE them, they won't do it, besides it isn't their job. Do your job. Get a list of referrals and go SELL them.

What REASONS are you giving the advertisers? Why would it be a good idea to ride along on a Realtor's card? What is the benefit? How is it cost effective?

Keep in mind, you are SELLING. And that isn't easy for most people, in fact, 90%+ of the population would never ever do it, and even in the % of people who do, most suck at it and don't last very long, it is a churn and burn profession, especially with an industry like advertising and promotion.

Make it EASY on the host to fill out a form, a simple list of who would be used if HE/SHE, had to get work done...those are your referrals. I wouldn't waste time with a host who wouldn't take 2 mins to go over the list with you.

You will find, if you don't quit, that it comes down to confidence and numbers and numbers= a grind. No matter how you slice it, but whatever that grind is, it is going to be one.

Also, just FYI, I wouldn't work Mondays. T, Wed, Th and F AM, and even then 2 days done by 3 in the aft. 1 day for evening work.

But no matter how you set your time up, just doing it, and to sustain it, requires an acknowledgement of a grind mindset. You are never DONE. The wheel must keep on turning.

One reason Information products are popular, once you have them, you are done on that part. The 7 Step Hotsheet I'm currently discussing could be used for years, probably will be a giveaway, as an opt in thank you or just to be able to send them something else.

SELLING, can be very lucrative to those who master it, get disciplines in place, use systems and Keep It Simple, but if it were EASY, 98% of the population wouldn't fear it, would they?

Good luck,


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