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Do you have a "brainery" in your neck of the woods? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Do you have a "brainery" in your neck of the woods?

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September 19, 2019, 08:48 AM
Do you have something like these:




The first has anything, the second more Arts Focused. Still, do you have sometrhing?

We have something similar in the Falls, with both our Art Center, Library and Quirk Cultural Center. The PROBLEM for using the library and muni owned Quirk, is you can't do FOR profit PROGRAMS.

Which is why I think the Brooklyn Brainery may be the ideal model for my new SQ1 Workshops type place.

So next question, anyone a WordPress person, and I'm looking for a good CALENDAR theme/plug-in. Look at those courses at Brooklyn, and I would like a theme which could sort of replicate that.



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