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The power of one-to-one cold email marketing and sales... [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 13, 2022, 10:20 AM
My toddler is a joyful bundle of energy, which has tired me out.

Dear Dien, we've never met, yet we share the joys of having a toddler in our homes, as fun and joyrul as they are, mine can be exhausting.

ETC, etc.

A fast way to RESONATE with your target, is to know as much as you can about their business, and focus your opening on common problems.

Is the business young, a start-up, established, how many employees and how long has it existed...all information mostly available with a few clicks these days.

The CONNECTION, or brick though the bubble, is probably the most important thing, to get as quick rapport as you can.

The shotgun approach you mention can be effective in general markets, but if your proposal is personal, SEEMINGLY customized for that business, you get a much higher chance of making a mutually beneficial connection.




We haven't covered it too much on this forum, but...

Writing one-to-one cold emails can be a very powerful tool...

(It's called a "cold" email because the person receiving the email has never heard of you before...)

I've found it a little different from writing your standard ad copy, which is designed to be seen by a lot of people...

Firstly, your one-to-one cold email works better the more personalized it is... You can tailor the email specifically to the individual who will receive it...

The more you know about him or her, the more successful you can be...

You can specifically talk about the things you have in common. You can use very specific comments and compliments...

All these are usually not possible when you're writing a sales letter, sales email, or an ad designed to be read by hundreds or thousands of people... At least not to the same degree of specific detail, specific to that individual...

Writing such emails successfully is definitely a skill...

I think Glenn has a great approach... You just have to translate what he does in person, to doing it in email...!

He wins people over, and they want to interact with him...

Other people have a different approach to cold email. Their approach is, to put it bluntly, to annoy as many people as possible, as some small percentage will respond...

I don't like that way. I prefer to use a dose of charm instead... :)

(Also, the more charming you are, the less likely your email is to be reported as spam, as well as be more likely to get a positive result... If it's a true one-to-one email to a business person, it's not spam, as these kind of one-to-one business emails are permitted, and when you think about it, they happen all the time...)

Just thought I'd write a few words about it here...

I've made a few sales using cold emails now, and have gotten much more comfortable with it...

I'll definitely be doing more from here on forward, because it's potentially very powerful...!

Best wishes,


P.S. In general, it's not recommended to send such emails to your average consumer though... Focus only on other business people, with business-related win/win proposals... I personally only promote to consumers by email via my opt-in email lists, and I always give value in every email... I only send cold emails to other business people, and only when I believe I have a win/win proposition for them...!

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