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Dien Rice
February 4, 2023, 01:48 PM
Hi Glenn,

I'll let you know, I decided to turn down the "opportunity"... It did not seem like "low hanging fruit," at least not for me... There'd be quite a learning curve, I figured.

I pointed out to him my research on the apparently average asking price I found for the sheep... He said his are worth more due to the pedigree, and that "we'd need to educate the buyers on the differences"...

Maybe it's true... It's a lot of "set up" work, for a relatively small number of sheep...!

And not an easy job, I figured, "educating" people on the differences (assuming it's true, which I wouldn't accept without being convinced of it first myself)...

The sheep are black headed dorpers... :)

From my reading, they are mainly raised for meat. Though hobby farmers may also want them, as they are kind of cute... :)

Best wishes!


Thanks Dien,

The Reason I ask.

I have a Girl Friend in California
who raises Sheep and Rabbits.


Doubled Sales in a Deli - for Turkey and Beef Sub Sandwiches.

STAPLED a Funny Story about BUBBA
the Guy who Takes Care of The Turkeys on the farm - to a SIGN on The Deli Door.

A - Are These SHOW SHEEP? Collectible - ish

B - Sold to Slaughter House for Meat

C - Or some Special Taste or Low Fat Meat which raises the Price?


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