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AI... versus a real human connection... [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 4, 2023, 01:51 AM
Thanks Dien,

After Laughing Out Loud when I spotted this Movie Title.

*Naked Nuns w/Big Guns*

I Realized it's a Double Decker Copywriting HEADLINE Template.

Naked Nuns - Two Words That Don't belong together


"Nuns w/Guns" - Two More Words You Don't SEE together.

J. K. Rowling put 1000's of kids in The Hospital with DRUG LIKE Symptoms.
Using - layer after layer of Word Pictures.

I never THUNK to Put two Word Pictures

"Naked Nuns w/Big Guns"



What Wacky Story can We TELL in a way a ROBOT cannot?

"Naked Plastic Blocks Instead of Rocks"

"Naked Plastic Bricks Done in 2 Clicks

"Naked See Thru Bricks for Kicks"

"Naked Plastic Bricks Done in 2 Clicks

One of my Realtor Clients called EXCITED.

"Elon Musk Has sold all his Houses. Moved into a tiny 50K Home in Boca
near his Rocket Company."

I watched a few Videos.

Read some articles.

Elon is down-playing what he DID. But ACTIONS Speak Louder than Words.

So I started looking for ways to Down-size too.

Self Made Billionaires ALWAYS
ACT a Year or Two Ahead of MAJOR CHANGES.

So Watch What they DO. Not what they Say. Not what You SEE in The News.

THEN - I stumbled across two kids playing with Foot long Plastic Building Blocks. They Built a fort. And a wall. Then knocked it down.

But I noticed the Large Plastic Blocks Fit Together Like L**GO blocks.

No Brand name.

Looked on Amazon.com - Nothing.

Googled until I Finally found this bald Buy on you tube. In his Interview on Youtube.com - he said he had sold a biz.

Watched his twin boys playing with blocks. And they asked him for something BIGGER. So he Created a New Company.

I Watched a couple Dozen Different Videos.


Then Tracked the Company that BOUGHT his Startup down to Minneapolis Minnesota.

Bought a DO-IT-YOURSELF Plastic Brick WALL.

My Plan?

Build a Temporary Wall. Separate the Small area I Live in from The Rest of The House. (SAVE a Bundle on Heat and AC) Kitchen & Family room.

I - Burn Less Wood. Use The Fireplace as BackUp Heat for when We Lose Electric Power. (We lost power out here in BORING, Maryland for 9 Hours Last week. 2 Neighbors pipes froze. Not me. I Burned wood like Crazy in Negative 4 Wind-chill temps.)

II - Use Cheap Heat Panels (No moving Parts) to Heat a tiny area of the house.

III - Close the Door to Laundry room. Close the door To Dining room and Living Room. Wall off the Hallway leading to 4 Bedrooms and 2 Baths.

IV - Turn off The Furnace. Stop Buying Fuel Oil.

Pocket Thousands.

That's my plan.

I'll Let You Know when I get my Wall Built.


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