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September 14, 2006, 05:09 PM
It could. But I am not following something Jim Straw told me. Use one product and test and test that and see if it sells. Then try another.

Right now I am doing the best book I know about business and it sells for the price of a date and it is in pdf file so you can download quickly the book is "Tested Sentences" I been reading my copy all day and learning. It is a great book. It is by Elmer Wheeler. He is the man who coined the phase "Don't sell the steak-Sell the sizzle" Wow that is something. I heard first in undergraduate school in the 1960's Did not know about Wheeler then. He wrote so many books that I don't have all of them but a lot of them. I only sell two, the other one is "Sizzle: New Tested Sentences"

They are the best in my humble opinion. If you want hard copies for more money amazon.com and other books companies sell hard copies on the net.

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