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Andy Frain
February 23, 2003, 04:47 AM
John, you are right...we are all getting 'innoculated' against sales pitches.

We are bombarded with them. We have read (sorry skimmed)soooo many.

OK, I understand that being a student of selling its my job to recognise the 'tactic's that most use. In fact most of the time I am embarrasingly so far ahead of them 'cos its all the SAME.

It's the same offline too.Local businesss owners see another cold call sales pitch coming and have worked out more ploys for saying 'no' politely than the salesman can ever cope with. They are ahead of them and can see everything coming!

The same goes online. So if you are using exactly the same tactics as everyone else you are more likely to insipre a yawn than a sale. You KNOW what I mean...


So we skim. We learn how to avoid the 'formula'. I want to know if I am interested in the problem then I go to the benefits and then to the bottom of the page...studiously ignoring the bonuses.

If it represents value I buy...if it doesnt I dont.

I wince as I see the 'herd' using yesterdays tactics in the information age. ie as it gets tougher to sell anything because of the sheer number of 'pitches' the 'herd' use MORE hype as an attempt to sell more...

Not realising all they are doing is adding to the problem by using the same old tired ploys... and of course not selling much in the process :o)

Its advesarial selling that went out in the...well decades ago anyway

You have to be different and have NEW tools for the job because the territory has changed *forever*

Great thread again


Avoid the herd (http://www.sellmoresites.com/newrealityinvitation)

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