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February 22, 2007, 04:25 PM
I'm also VERY close to leaving my full time (graphic design) job for good. I make a few bucks a month with Fearless Graphics - mostly designing/printing business cards, I got my Real Estate license last year which has almost given me the freedom to leave that full time mess behind, and I've been trying various other income ideas for years. Right now, have a joint venture with parking/selling domains for my broker. I tried a Don Alm inspired idea of selling ads on hotel maps, had samples, permission from all 3 area hotels, but couldn't get sales to make it worthwhile (yet).

My wife gives me a hard time for always trying some new "hairbrained scheme", but so far, I've made a couple of these crazy things work well enough to come out ahead, and all I need are a few good ones for steady income!

I understand the management issue though, I have a tendency to really focus on whatever is working well at the time (right now Real Estate). My plan is to get some things automated enough that my wife can take some of the workload - chattelling for instance (she can list stuff online - and boy can she shop!). And I'm trying to get her to help me with filing and accounting so I can focus on keeping everything else going.

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