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March 22, 2007, 10:10 AM
Best to avoid buying business opportunities since chances are they are over hyped and not making any money or the person selling it would be doing the business not selling the so called opportunity.


Hi Mark, As you know I bought reprint rights to Don's Midas report several years ago and I still sell several each month at $97 each on ebay alone. I also sell several photography information products on ebay each month for $197 each.

If all my wife and I did was to shoot just one little 1 hour photo shoot per day 5 days per week at our present sales average of just over $500 per session we would earn $135,000 a year. Even if we averaged 3 shoots a day that still leaves us a lot of time to write and market our know how for others to benefit from so why not do that in addition to doing the business itself?

Last week I had an ebay member purchase a $197 Pet Photography Auction and a $97 Midas Report Auction from me. Since then I have spoken with him on the phone several times. The interesting thing about this guy is that he lives in a very rural little town in North Carolina with a population of only 1800 and he doesn't feel the population base is big enough to go full time into photography but he just bought an RV and plans on traveling to other areas and figures he can shoot portraits on location.

I asked him what he does now for a living and he told me that just one year ago this week he was sitting in a restaurant drinking coffee and looking at the ads on the placematts when he suddenly had a bright idea! He talked to the owner about it who was impressed with the idea and the next day he found 3 other restaurants who liked his new idea and all agreed to give it a try. Within 30 days he made just over $25,000 in profits and has been going strong ever since. His idea is something I never heard Don mention before but I would not be surprised if Don receives a phone call from him as he has put together an operations manual and only bought the Midas report from me to network with others who are selling both online and off line.

His idea is a very good one and because he can't do this in every town across the Nation he would like to sell his operations manual and asked me what I thought he should charge for it.

Now some here could take one quick look at his idea and they would run with it on their own because they are the "take charge get it done action types". But his simple idea is so great and such an easy thing to sell that most people would be far better off purchasing his Operations Manuals for $495 - $995 because it would cost you that much or more just to have an attorney draw up all of the legal agreements you would need to duplicate the business on your own and you wouldn't have the benefit of being able to talk with someone who is actually working the business. You'd be on your own trying to figure everything out on your own and thats called learning the hard way.

Why not hire yourself a coach who can show you exactly what to do and how to do it? If you had a successful business I'm sure you would want to capitalize on it even more by teaching it to others.

This guy is smart and he will do things like Don does... Set it up... put it on autopilot so all he has to do is renew the ads and then he will offer to sell you his system for a price.

Would you take advantage of what he can do for you or would you prefer to find fault and throw stones at those who are actually running several successful ventures?

You have my phone number. Give me a call sometime if you think you might like to talk to this guy and I'll see if I can connect the two of you together. Thats what Networking is all about my friend!


A Business Opportunity You Can Be Proud Of! (http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r85/PetPhotoBiz/PetPhotos/?action=view&current=1174562309.pbw)

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