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The inside secrets of the SRDS, it is the ultimate niche finder. Would you want to [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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April 5, 2007, 12:30 PM
The older SRDS Book of Direct Marketing List Source, the great big guy you'll find at libraries...

had all the data card info. YES, this they've done away with, sort of. The new slimmed down version only contains what is called the "top line" of the list. Here's an example:

Say I'm looking of lists to send an offer for a new Chatteling Product...and I'd probably select Opportunity types.

And this is just example...maybe I would see Neo Tech Repsonders.

"They inquire by responding to a forty page sales piece before inquiring for more information." Feb 07 46,804

That would be top line info in the Trim-Spa version...and they want you to go ONLINE to get the full data card, and online they have daily updates. So you get the very freshest data available.

Using this example, there could be only 2237 BUYERS of NeoTech info in Feb. 07. Then there could be various "segments" of the list.

IF I wanted to test the responsiveness of the inquiry...probably a Magalog type thing...then I'd have 46000+ to test.

Anyhow, YES, the way to go is ONLINE for most of their products. BUT, with the newer print versions, you can gallop through the different arenas,
where as online, I don't think you'd do as much general browsing.

Some libraries have all SRDS publications, or an assortment. But online or off...

You have know how to interpret the data. I guess that is where I'd realign my report with.

Just thinking out loud here...kind of popped into my head...where would a person go to TEST their product or idea out? I mean, say you have a product, like the Chatteling Concept. And I wanted to have a professional copywriter and a professional marketing company DO IT for me...YIKES, that would cost a small fortune...but is there one that would do a test for a reasonable cost of say, 5 grand?????? I don't know of any.
And WHAT IF, after they tested your product, they offered you JV? WOW. IF you know of anyone doing that, let us all know, OK?

Jay Alexander

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