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I wonder if anybody in Australia could help me with this [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : I wonder if anybody in Australia could help me with this

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May 2, 2007, 01:05 PM
Thanks for asking Bob.

You've found a great place to hang out - right here.


* If you state your skills and things you like - we could also help you with something more specific.

* If you have a toastmasters or any other public speaking group near you - join it. Public speaking is one of the most important skills you can have.

* Another very important skill is marketing and persuasion. You can start by reading books on remote and direct marketing and copywriting in your spare time.

* You may want to read this book. I find it to be one of the best self improvement books out there:
Success Is Just One Wish Away - by Jon Spoelstra

Money Management

* Another book that I recommend you read is
The Richest Man in Babylon.
But I don't think thats available for free. You may want to try your library or buy it from amazon.com

* Even if you earn $14000 a year - make a habit of saving 5-10% of it. Open a new account in the same bank and make an arrangement so that 5 or 10% of all your deposits are automatically routed to that other a/c.

* After 2-3 years - that savings can be put to a much better use.

* Start keeping track of your income and expenses to the last penny. "Everything that is watched improves."

* The main idea is spending less than you earn. And then parlaying your savings.

* Risk management is the key to parlaying. Don't give in to temptations. Go for the lower risk but more secure opportunities in the beginning. Once you have enough to diversify (or have some kind of a safety net) - then go for the risky ventures.

Time Management

* I'm a big fan of writing down goals. Because it helps me focus. Write down just 3 things you will focus on - on any given month.

* Create a "list dump" - a notebook - and write down all the ideas that you come by besides the 3 you are focusing on - in that notebook. When one of the 3 is done, open that notebook and replace it with another idea.

* Create a Do-Not-Do list. And add all the distractions and time wasters to that list. This could be doing something or even people. Don't call so-and-so unless the work for the day is done. Don't check emails more than twice a day. Things like that.

* Watch less TV.


* If your local newspaper has an affordable classified section, maybe you can place an ad and start a mastermind group. Or maybe you could post it on craigslist or some other local website.

Just say you are starting a local mastermind group - and if people are interested, they can call you. You can meet at a quite coffee place or a room in the library or something - once a week.

* Start writing 1 thank you letter a day and post it to one new person. Its not an easy habit to form - writing 1 thank you letter a day. But it is well worth it. Maybe this could be one of the goals for your mastermind group - where everyone keeps track and makes sure that they write 1 thank you letter a day.

Theoretically, its not that hard. Time. Money. People. Skills. Thats all you have to master.

But being consistent and persistent is the main thing.

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