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TWO sites you inventors in the crowd need to know about, as for my inventions... [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : TWO sites you inventors in the crowd need to know about, as for my inventions...

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August 21, 2007, 11:41 PM
Some more free patent search sites listed in this article:



Let us know when you re-launched/ re-invent that “OFF KEY” SINGING TELEGRAM service and Demo those other inventions... :)

Yes... The Amazing Power of FREE PUBLICITY... ;)

There's a Ton of Money to be made from this one idea in Gordon's post... And you'll have Lots of Fun Doing it!

(There are TONS of great inventions that have patents, (and these include ALL types of patents)...that don't know squat about MARKETING.)

Here you go...

Some Good reading on inventions...

In case some missed the following...

I Gotta Go for #2... The Sweet Smell of Success... Find a Problem & Solve it!


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