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What angle would you take on this...? [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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January 16, 2008, 12:09 AM

Thanks for the links.

I agree there is great potential for selling leads to local business that are generated online. I'm surprised more people aren't jumping on this.

But, I am still wondering how to actually track if a potential customer takes a coupon, and uses it to purchase an item from the business. Unless it's not something I should be concerned about and just have the business pay for any clicks generated on my sites?

Any ideas anyone could share would be great.


Put a "cgi Form" on your page where, when they click on the Coupon they are interested in...a Box comes up where they have to "sign in" their Name and Email addy...then...when they hit "submit" the Coupon comes up which they can print out.

Don Alm
50 Ways to Make Money from Home

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