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Isn't this so simple....easy easy money [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 28, 2008, 01:40 AM

My yes and no comment meant many business ideas can work very well...

But Unfortunately so many never apply and actually develop & work their ideas...

As long as you get into a business that works well with your interests, abilities and fits into your cup of tea...

It's Definitely worth considering...

The previous links I posted have a few people that have worked similar type of businesses... Might be a good idea to contact them to get a few more ideas on putting things together...

I've included a few other resources related to Church Marketing for a little more food for thought...

Best of luck as you get things going... And Don't forget the SowPub archives...

Great for Brainstorming...


Should keep you busy for awhile... :)


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