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General: LESSON #1 SQ1: How to Make $100,000.00 (or Extra 100) this year. [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Gordon Alexander
July 31, 2000, 11:08 AM
> You DON’T need to believe you can do it to
> be successful.


You've REVEALED the secret. I have to fold up my tent and go home. There is nothing left to say.

Within us all is a secret.

It is a small box. Locked.

Within that box is our MISSION.

Given to us at birth. What is the mission?

What is locked inside that box?

It is our purpose. Our mission. Our passion.

All these things locked inside that little box.

It is our JOY.

But Richard, you are one of the lucky ones.

You finally "stumbled" upon the key to the box.

I wonder aloud if you could have found that key sooner. Quicker.

You were looking for it. You were a seeker.
You tried. You made effort.

But until that discovery, the discovery that writing was a joy, you struggled.

But the joy was always there, within that box.

The DEMONSTRATION of your BELIEF was in your persistance.

You kept looking. Trying. FAILING.

But you didn't QUIT the pursuit. You did not leave the POA on one of the 7 exits.


But here is the part of your post I'm going to take issue with...

Just find something that’s a joy for you – and do it

My friend.

I have counseled thousands of people and the most difficult thing in the world is to have people


You didn't JUST FIND your joy. You DISCOVERED it. And it took years of effort and searching.

Most are not so persistant. They DON'T EVER find their joy.

Sure, activity that may make them feel good. For awhile. But most NEVER make that discovery.

Most NEVER find what it is that gives them joy.

They never unlock the box and get to passion. Or mission.

HOW will I help these people?

See, you reached the TOP of the DOL, the peak, which is the SPIRITUAL place. When I post the other pictogrigms, you'll see instantly what I mean.

But Richard, you are NOT normal. In that you have that spiritual side, the spiritual seeker.

Most people don't discover that part of themselves, if they ever do, until much later in life.

YOU started on a higher plane than most.

I start on the bottom. The brown and gold, what is within the EARTH. What MOST people THINK they seek.

The gold. The diamonds. The transformed iron ore.

Because that is what they see. What they know. What they are surrounded by.

So as they WORK to pay the bills and buy the THINGS they need in life, they seldom look up (or within) and worry about joy.

I've got to take the masses from the material, the physical world, step-by-step.

Through the KNOWLEDGE of how to FOCUS, how to use their systems, including belief, to OBTAIN the material. Only then can they have a chance of discovering the KEY.

If I started out and told everyone the TRUTH of your post.

And said it was as simple as


Most would leave, cause they are clueless as to how to do that.

Joy has the vibration of eternity as opposed to happiness, with the shorter vibration of defined times.

I was happy when Richard found his cassette tape worked OK.

I am joyful I've found my purpose.

I think you know what I mean.

I don't disagree with you. YOU ARE 100% RIGHT.

But it is that itty bitty word JUST....

that makes it so difficult for so many.

Just Do It.

Just get a job.

Just find your JOY. OK. HOW?

That is the treasure hunt I'm taking people on. You have already found it.

Now, follow the divine mandate that comes with your discovery,


And you are doing that here, aren't you?

Thanks for your insight.

Gordon Alexander

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