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Any success stories with buying traffic? [Archive] - Page 15 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 9, 2008, 12:17 PM

I agree that buying cheap traffic or "HITS" is always a bad idea.
There are some cheap traffic services that supply you with bogus traffic
some may use "fake" traffic generators others may use "get paid to surf the web" clubs to send traffic to your site.
You have to make sure that you are getting quality targeted website visitors that's the only traffic that will convert. There are a few traffic services that have excellent service and can really help increase your profits
by sending you targeted traffic... these visitors are searching for the same products or services that you offer.
So just be sure that the company offers these benfits with any services

Can you contact the company when you need to?

Does the company guarantee performance?

Does the company certify its visitors to be genuine?

Can the company prove or verify the source of its visitors to your site?

Does the company offer a full range of services and techniques to serve your needs?

Does the company have the capacity to meet your time, volume and targeting requirements?

Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions

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