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Interesting? Way To Advertise [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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September 5, 2008, 11:38 PM
Came across these two Sub-Ads which were part of a Main Ad for a firearm / firearm supply store. They mainly advertise reloading gear - projectiles, unprimed cases and factory ammo. Here are the two sub ads....

Sub Ad # 1:

Rebel does buy and trade
secondhand firearms, so bring
your old guns in. The worst we
can do is insult ya!

Sub Ad # 2:

Rebel is looking for a young staff member
- must have shooters license, be honest,
responsible & intelligent, be impervious to
listening to thousands of B-S hunting stories,
interested in a career in a sunset industry,
strong as an ox, arms like a gorilla & prepared
to work for peanuts - apply within!

I think they take this approach because...

1: People who want to sell or trade a firearm are like those wanting to sell or trade a car... they want top dollar for it so as to leave no room for the retail buyer to make any profit.

2: To stop people thinking that working in a Gun Shop would be the bee's knees, the duck's nuts and just darn right Cool and who would end up inviting all their unemployed looser mates to just hang around and scare off customers.

Whatever their reason, I got a chuckle out of the ads.

Michael Ross

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