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September 11, 2008, 08:17 PM
Another minor point...

The benefits, etc. on the right -- you could make them easier to read by making them 'flush left' (and still in the right hand column) instead of centered, as they are now.

Also, to get the most out of your ad, see if the mag can do a a/b split-test for you so you can test 2 different headlines. -- You'd need another phone number though -- and maybe another url to make the test valid.

The mag probably can't do a test (or, more accurately, they CAN do it but don't know what it is, and/or it's too much trouble for them to think about). It would take you an hour to explain it to them, and they'd think you were crazy -- but still, it IS a great marketing move (the split test).

-- TW

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