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why only have 2 category? [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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October 30, 2008, 10:52 AM
hey guys! i have just became a member on this forum. and i would like to know more about here! and it sounds like different from other forums.

You might want to read the HOME page and Dien Rice's bio.

We set this up to be DIFFERENT. We allow discussions on just about anything, but prefer it have a business slant. We even allow political discussion as long as it is civilized.

When we switched to the Vbulletin software, we experimented with different forums, still have a couple of private and hidden ones...but what we found is that most of the forums get little use and that our readers preferred ONE forum to discuss everything.

One of the best features of this site is our ARCHIVES, and although they aren't the easiest to navigate (being worked on)...there is a wealth of information buried in there.

Welcome and feel free to ask questions or post your own experiences and share your "Wisdom" with the rest of the visitors. Follow the rules, which are pretty simple and basic, be respectful and no blatant ads without permission.

Other than that, you'll find a very eclectic group of people visit and every once in a while you'll even get a keeper of a post.

Gordon Jay Alexander

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