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December 12, 2008, 12:54 PM

I've used MagicJack since May of 2008. I love it!!!

Only ran into a couple glitches since I've had it. Glitches ocurred when they were doing an update.

They have a live chat if you have problems of which I've really had none to speak of other than every once and a while I had to unplug it from the USB port for 40 seconds or so and plug it back in and all worked fine.

I use a Plantronics DSP 500 USB headset for talking ... great for totally hands-free chatting while doing other stuff on the PC. At night I plug in a regular phone line which runs to the phone beside my bed.

It has call waiting, caller ID, 3 way calling and voice mail.

Actually, before I ordered it I found tons of negatives about MJ but tried it anyway and am sure glad I did.

Oh yeah ... since they don't have area codes available for every state yet (like mine ... I have a Coloradro number even though I'm in Wisconsin).

So if someone in my hometown wants to call it's a long distance call for them ... but I figured out a system where I enter them into my MJ Phone Contacts and when they call their name and number pops up on the screen so I know who it is. I told these people to just let it ring twice and hang up and then I call them back.

Another thing ... I can call ANYWHERE in the USA or Canada and it still only costs me $19.95 per year (not per month, per YEAR!). Of course the initial cost is $39.95 plus shipping but after your first year it's just $19.95 "per year" for endless basically free talking.

And yet another thing ... you can take the MJ with you anywhere you go and plug it into any PC and use it as long as the PC has a High Speed Internet connection.

AND ... if you have relatives living outside the US or Canada ... all you do is send them an MJ and then they can call you or you them and there's no charges.

Of course, MJ also offers the option of paying a very small fee for calling people outside of the US or Canada if those people don't also have an MJ.

MJ is one of the BEST investments I ever made.

Not sure about the problem with the 911 that Phil stated.

I save about $150 to $200 a month by not having a regular landline (regular fees plus long distance charges etc.).

Downside? Well ... if your PC is shut off you can't get or make calls ... but anyone calling you can leave a message in you MJ voice mail.

Also ... I have a cell phone ( a non-contract kind by Virgin Mobile) just in case of emergencies.

Hope this helped you Sandy.


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