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May 21, 2009, 09:02 PM
Forget about "Talent"! Forget about "Experience"!

Are YOU "Ready and Willing" to do some "No-Talent, Physical WORK?....that could lead to $500 to $1,000 PER NIGHT?"

If so...here's what HAS been done and what YOU can do...with a little guidance;

This evening Go take a look and some local Strip Malls...Grocery, Video Rental, Movie House and other "Parking Lots" in front of stores!

See if there is any "Litter" in these parking lots (Don't bother with the big malls, they are already under contract with BIG lot cleaning cos) The "Big Outfits" don't want to bothert with the "Small" jobs.

THIS is where YOU come in.

Since the 1st of the year...I've helped 6 guys "SAVE their homes"!

How? By showing them 2 things;

1) HOW to get the jobs that pay $35 per evening....$245 per week, $490 every 14 days.....just for CLEANING THE LITTER IN THEIR PARKING LOTS!

2) HOW to clean these parking lots with a "Special Tool" that lets you clean a lot in a fraction of the time.

Now...3 of these guys I helped get set up are collecting $490 every 2 weeks from over TEN....I repeat....OVER 10 Locations ($4,900+ every 2 weeks)

The other 2 are still getting started BUT...they both have 5 accounts. paying them $490 every 2 weeks....$2,450 every 2 wks = over $5,000 A MONTH! CLEANING PARKING LOTS!

Granted...this isn't "Internet Marketing" stuff...SEO Stuff...NO Computer Stuff. THIS is NOT "Glamourous", BUT...it sure comes in handy to pay your bills....and....it's NOT "Day" work. Your hours are after the public leaves the area...with their slovenly habbits of tossing trash.

AND...what I've discovered is that MANY businesses with parking lots WANT their lost cleaned of trash and...again....the "Big" boys charge too much.

So...this leaves an "Opening" for "Individuals"...who are willing to put in some "Physical Labor" (Not much though, with the device I suggest)

The "Big Boys" wouldn't think of charging $35 a night. That would just cover their "Overhead" or "Gas" BUT....you....as an individual...have NO expenses and NO overhead....so...$35 for about 20 min of "Work"....is "Fair and Reasonable" to the smaller lot owners.

Thus....you can "service" 2 to 3 lots per hour. 10 Lots would take 5 hours or less.

Would YOU be willing to "work" 5 hours a night...starting around 8pm till 1am... to have $4,900 put into your pockets every 2 weeks?

Actually...you wouldn't have to do the actual "WorK". You could have others do the "work" for you.

Anyway...if you're interested in this....send me an email with any questions.

NOTE: I am NOT "selling" any "Ebooks" or "Reports" on this program. I'm simply offering my "knowledge" to someone who appears to be in need of some "help".

Don Alm

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